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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Here we go again with this scumbag. https://nypost.com/2019/07/18/singers-2b-deal-for-qep-on-shaky-ground-after-bid-reduced/
  2. Slowly wading back into MSB now that the small distribution announcement is out of the way. Such an easy seasonal trade.
  3. Bingo. The tri-state area is not the same "NY" as Flatbush Ave. Yes, hence the: Except they already determined it was a blown transformer. They could be lying and it could be something more devious they are trying to keep under wraps, but most likely it isn't. So who is there to "hold accountable"? More likely just another politically motivation investigation, where they'll rail on the big bad corporation and utilize the talking points for political highlight reel material.
  4. Example number 1 of criminal justice system being totally fu**ed? https://www.yahoo.com/news/teacher-jailed-20-years-having-144000464.html Chick who has a clean record, along with likely some mental issues and a sex addiction gets 20 years for doinking a 13 year old who supposedly was obsessed with her and pursued her relentlessly. Not to mention, is it not a fantasy of pretty much every teenage boy to screw the hot teacher at school? Epstein got what, 12 months for trafficking and rapings galore of teenagers around the same age? Hopefully he gets 20 per kid going forward.
  5. So my first post was kind of mocking this and being facetious, but in a more serious manner, if this is the case, and such a short period without power could cause mass harm, shouldn't there be contingency plans, back up power sources, etc? Like it really wouldn't take much for a foreign terrorist organization to knock out power for a day or two and cause something really, really bad, no? Like yesterdays event seemed like a normal course of business event. A shit happens and that's to be expected situation. Transformers go all the time in most areas. NYC, from an infrastructural standpoint, needs to get its shit together.
  6. Are New Yorkers.... https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/14/con-edison-apologizes-for-manhattan-blackout-as-governor-orders-investigation.html I lose power occasionally during storms for a short period of time; maybe 1-2 a year. Have had a few 12+ hour outages during incredibly bad weather spurts over the past decade. Shit happens, this sort of stuff is part of life and expected. These tools lose power for 4 hours and now want an "investigation", to "hold all parties accountable", because losing power for a few hours is "unacceptable"? So glad I moved from that area. And clueless De Blasio, out campaigning rather than doing his job despite having less than 1% of the lefties, blamed a manhole fire LOL
  7. Pretty interesting theories out there. This is guy is said to be a billionaire, but has no known clients and has never traded with anyone. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/hedge-funders-have-some-thoughts-on-what-epstein-was-doing.html
  8. SPACs are great. I dont know why people invest money in CDs and Treasuries. SPACs more or less give you a worst case treasury type return, with upside on a good deal announcement. Plus warrants/rights. This should pop, but holy he heck, 2.5x 2023 revenue! Talk about a margin of safety. LOL. Good trade though here with a floor on the stock.
  9. Definitely recommend Montreal. Great restaurants, reasonable on the cost side compared to big cities, so clean it blows your mind, especially if coming from a shit hole like NYC, people are welcoming and friendly, hardly any homeless people, and everyone loves hockey. Oh yea, world class strip clubs too. I remember seeing someone rush across the street to pick up and throw out a soda can and thinking, we need more of these people in US cities. People bump into you on the sidewalk? "I'm so sorry" is often the response. Not the "what are you looking at" stuff you get from the savages in NYC/Chicago/etc.
  10. Started BUR.L Also added AVM last night
  11. I'm sure the British thought the Patriots/Rebels were lefties when they sought independence...thank goodness for lefties! Cheers! No one is stopping them from leaving and colonizing somewhere else!
  12. Indeed, happy 4th and Happy Birthday! Proud to be an American, although not everyone is. Notice, not surprisingly, lefties are just fair-weather/bandwagon Americans... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/07/02/american-pride-falls-45-gallup-poll-all-time-low/1636428001/
  13. Gregmal - between BX and HHC you're killing it. Sold FPF and bought back TLT puts. Thanks Lance Thanks. HHC was just a lucky timing thing on a gut feeling. BX is a longer term position for me and proof patience pays off. Now if only GM can follow suit... I am getting a little bearish though...
  14. Trimming some CLF and probably BX too. What an under the radar monster BX has been this year. Even prior to the conversion announcement.
  15. Picked up some MSG too this AM at~$271. I am not sure what caused the sudden downdraft , but noticed that MSGN is doing even worse, is this team related? I added MSGN in two slugs this am at 19.5 and 19.2, adding to my existing position. Knicks whiff on free agents is why they’re down. Dolan looks like an even bigger idiots after his February boasting. Fans are pissed. Hopefully this puts Jim over the edge and he sells the Knicks. Why MSG over MSGN or vice versa? I own both. MSG is a top 5 position for me. With over $1B net cash you are basically paying for the Knicks here, and getting the Rangers, Rockettes/Radio City Music Hall, The Garden, and the Entertainment biz for free. The lower it goes the easier it becomes to plow money in. Under the $6B market cap number, there really isn't a better risk adjusted security out there. These are one of a kind assets that always do well over time. Pick any decades and then scale out. The returns on sports teams are insane. Even the mediocre ones. Here you own the best in both sports. MSGN is pretty simple. Very simple and straight forward contract pricing with easy to project cash flows. They have, and continue to pay down debt, and buyback stock. You have about a $2.3B EV which is quite reasonable considering this is the only public RSN and easily the best one out there. The Knicks sucking also puts a bottom on the attractiveness of both, as it really can only get better from here. My rule of thumb with MSGN is its worth about $30 in a sale. At $25 its fairly valued as a public company, but under $22 it's an easy piece of paper to start building a position in. Under $20 its a steal. MSG is a buy and hold forever. MSGN you'll have to trade to get your returns. I get that Knicks is a more famous club and has much better fan base in NY area regardless of its dismal performance on court. But why do you think Knicks is worth more than $5b while Nets was sold for $2.3b last year? I've lived in the NY/NJ area my whole life. I am a Devils fan, and used to root for the Nets when they played in NJ. I can only tell you that the difference between the Giants and the Jets, the Yankees and the Mets, Rangers and Islanders/Devils, and Knicks vs Nets, is very substantial. Its not even close. Its like the Lakers and Clippers except the Nets are even less relevant(although maybe now a bit more so) and play in a poorly constructed, but newly built arena under a long term lease. One is iconic, playing in the worlds most famous arena, the other is the red headed step child.
  16. MSGN is the entity the bears the most direct risk from continued sub declines, correct? Specifically, distributors pay MSGN a fee per subscriber, while MSGN pays MSG a fixed (and escalating) fee for the Knicks/Rangers media rights. On the other hand, MSGN seems to be the most immediate beneficiary of increasingly legalized sports betting. With respect to MSG, how do you feel about the Spheres? Yes, that is accurate. My take, and what's kind of been the case for the past couple years, is the pros and cons kind of negate themselves and while I expect the declines to continue, they should be moderate. Whereas if you get any number of things, such as the gambling, or a deep playoff run, stand alone streaming options, or say, the Knicks landing a decent player, you have some nice upside. If all else remains equal, at a single digit multiple, you'll make some money if nothing changes. I also think it is a when, not if scenario in which we see Dolan sell this. He doesn't want the cable company and my 2c is that the Disney/Fox RSN transaction needed to occur first. That is clearing up soon, at which point I think Jimmy pulls the trigger here. The spheres I don't care for. I like adding real estate/venues. I like the JV structure. I dont like the amount of capital it will require. That said, I am glad they are spinning that off. I would be supremely pissed if they levered up the sports teams to build new venues with unproven economics.
  17. Picked up some MSG too this AM at~$271. I am not sure what caused the sudden downdraft , but noticed that MSGN is doing even worse, is this team related? I added MSGN in two slugs this am at 19.5 and 19.2, adding to my existing position. Knicks whiff on free agents is why they’re down. Dolan looks like an even bigger idiots after his February boasting. Fans are pissed. Hopefully this puts Jim over the edge and he sells the Knicks. Why MSG over MSGN or vice versa? I own both. MSG is a top 5 position for me. With over $1B net cash you are basically paying for the Knicks here, and getting the Rangers, Rockettes/Radio City Music Hall, The Garden, and the Entertainment biz for free. The lower it goes the easier it becomes to plow money in. Under the $6B market cap number, there really isn't a better risk adjusted security out there. These are one of a kind assets that always do well over time. Pick any decades and then scale out. The returns on sports teams are insane. Even the mediocre ones. Here you own the best in both sports. MSGN is pretty simple. Very simple and straight forward contract pricing with easy to project cash flows. They have, and continue to pay down debt, and buyback stock. You have about a $2.3B EV which is quite reasonable considering this is the only public RSN and easily the best one out there. The Knicks sucking also puts a bottom on the attractiveness of both, as it really can only get better from here. My rule of thumb with MSGN is its worth about $30 in a sale. At $25 its fairly valued as a public company, but under $22 it's an easy piece of paper to start building a position in. Under $20 its a steal. MSG is a buy and hold forever. MSGN you'll have to trade to get your returns.
  18. Picked up some MSG too this AM at~$271. I am not sure what caused the sudden downdraft , but noticed that MSGN is doing even worse, is this team related? I added MSGN in two slugs this am at 19.5 and 19.2, adding to my existing position. Knicks whiff on free agents is why they’re down. Dolan looks like an even bigger idiots after his February boasting. Fans are pissed. Hopefully this puts Jim over the edge and he sells the Knicks.
  19. Trimmed FRPH into that late day spike north of $55.
  20. Same here. That went well. I pushed the sell button on this one a little too quickly this morning, which was an unforced error. That said, it's hard to complain about the results for a position I held less than 48 hours. I thought it was a little too cheap in the mid $90s, but I'm not nearly as bullish on HHC as some of this forum are. I also sold my small Bayer position this morning. Yea I bought this thinking if I could get a quick bounce to $100 I'd be thrilled. Did a little better than that, but not much. Dont care. Like you, I am not as hot on this as others, although that isn't to say I don't like it. When you trade, you have to follow your rules and be disciplined. While theres always remorse when something keeps soaring, you have to remember that pigs get slaughtered. I dont really ever sell my core holdings, and I trade on margin, so staying within the parameters I set for myself entering a trade, is a must.
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