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Everything posted by CassiusKing1

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2013-Berkshire-Hathaway-Annual-Meeting-Ticket-Credential-Lanyard-Warren-Buffett-/121131175608?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c33fb0eb8 Thanks. There are a few up there.
  2. If anyone has an extra 2013 pass available, I need one. My custodian messed up my registration and I didn't receive mine last year. I'm going to frame all the passes and hang them in my office and need to get the 2013. Thanks, Steve
  3. Thanks for posting. I could barely sit through some of those ridiculous questions. Surprised WEB has as much patience as he has.
  4. Interesting to start seeing more and more of WEB looking back on his life and teaching aspect of his speeches. More focused on relationships, time spent with others, etc. A glimpse into a man that's accomplished many a things in life, but has realized that money can't buy time back.
  5. Was going to come here and post my disappointment as well. Absolutely nothing to gain by withholding his vote and not voting against it.
  6. A Charlie Munger one would be better for that. I would totally buy a Munger FatHead. Even better! Great idea.
  7. When they do start coming in will somebody update this thread. I had a problem with this last year with my custodian and am hoping it's fixed for this year. TIA.
  8. I bought one as well. I wish the FatHead would have Warren with a scowl on his face though. I could hang it over my desk in my home office and look at him every time I'm getting ready to place a trade, lol.
  9. Blue Ash Kmart in Cincinnati, Ohio closing This store has been a shell for at least a decade now. Should have been shuttered a long time ago. http://www.wlwt.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/kmart-to-close-hunt-road-location-in-blue-ash/24582348
  10. Agree. Not much of a precedent set to use as a deterrent. No jail time, and keep your money.
  11. I've been kicking around this idea lately as well. I have a bundled package thru Time Warner for cable/internet/phone. And have cell phones thru Verizon for the family as well. The amount I'm paying for these two services makes me cringe. For the phones, I've been kicking around the idea of getting pay as you go cricket phones for emergency calling, then buying a couple if iPod Touches for the family to use for their internet and texting. That would save a lot of money each month on the phone plan. Not sure what I'm gonna do about the cable plan though.
  12. :o http://money.cnn.com/2013/10/02/technology/enterprise/blackberry/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  13. At first glance reading thru this quickly, I thought that said "Dunder Mifflin"! ;D
  14. My family gets a kick out of that commercial as well. I text my wife the youtube link this morning, lol.
  15. It's going to be fascinating to see how this unfolds and just how far it goes.
  16. 1987 is as far back as I can go on our bloomberg terminal as well. I'll keep looking.
  17. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=BRK-A&a=00&b=12&c=1990&d=06&e=11&f=2013&g=m You can set the date range for whatever you want and then download to a spreadsheet(excel).
  18. This jumped off the page at me as well. Seems very counter to what WEB practices. Would hope he has more important things to take care of for shareholders than watching employees at a variety of restaurants work.
  19. Finally catching up on some of my reading. Thanks for posting this, absolutely wonderful read. The second to last paragraph is one I'll post in my office and read on a daily basis: "For all of his reputation as the father of security analysis - which he was - Benjamin Graham was skeptical of anyone's ability to generate information unknown to the market or to forecast future earnings His view of portfolio management wasn't information and it wasn't forecasts. It was buying a diversified list of statistically cheap stocks." -CK
  20. Good read, thanks for posting.
  21. I fully expected this thread to be about Django.
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