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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. Masterful at answering the question with out being lead into an answer........
  2. They are taking more questions right?
  3. Good comments on Sequoia and the whole valeant thing.
  4. His reinsurance comments were good.
  5. Phuket sounds mighty tempting... The Business Schoolls don't ask that...heh.
  6. Has anyone asked why Buffett is still in the game? If I was Him I would have picked a beach a long time ago...long time ago...
  7. The soufflé is in the oven there's nothing that can be done any more...make your bets live with the consequences. At the risk of sounding passé..of mice and men
  8. Everyone needs to chill out........these last 2 weeks have been crazy
  9. i thought bias meant that you had assessed the other side and discounted it, but others haven't done the work that you have done and cant understand why you have discounted it, and they therefore conclude that you simply dont see it... Sure, bias can also mean overly discounting it (i.e. finding it hard to see the other side) but we're largely talking semantics now. I found it incredibly odd that Corker would take his time to talk about Fannie and Freddie... This is starting to get a little crazy.....I sense that there's a piece missing....call it a hunch
  10. yup yup....i think he was just trying to probe Bill a bit and make it look as if hes a baddie hedge fund guy........trust me this will hit the press sooon. I thought it was fantastic theatrics and shows that Corker is clearly biased against Ackman's camp on the Fannie/Freddie fight. Also, that Corker is clearly ok with the government expropriation of FanFred property. This whole thing is unreal.
  11. yup yup....i think he was just trying to probe Bill a bit and make it look as if hes a baddie hedge fund guy........trust me this will hit the press sooon.
  12. That was amazing.....Like Ali and Frazier
  13. Bill Ackman and Senator Corker Right now http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/live-video-event.html?mod=e2tw Talking Fannie and Freddie. Corker Jabbs Ackman Blocks. Corker is under the impression that the Taxpayers are underwater in their investment. This Fannie and Freddie talk has to be annoying for Pearson and Schiller just sitting there listening to Corker....haahaha.. lol Its over as of 4.30pm Central
  14. That was really good.
  15. Thanks luke this last few days posts are making much more sense now. Edit: They talk about stock payouts on the conference call...wtf?......Is this that big of a slam dunk now?
  16. That kinda spooked me also....I didnt want to say anything....t
  17. Anyone got the link to the recording of the Investors Unite conference today?
  18. John Yoo is really pounding the drums...posturing for the future of the gop? http://www.investors.com/politics/viewpoint/a-nixonian-overreach-by-the-obama-administration/
  19. Barron's Picked up Tim Pagliara. Making Active Investing Work in a Passive Age http://www.barrons.com/articles/making-active-investing-work-in-a-passive-age-1461387040 Value investing is such a simple concept that most people don't believe it cuz.....it's that easy.
  20. Off to the Bar....maybe there will be drunken posts by me later. \ http://twitdoc.com/view.asp?id=265049&sid=5OIH&ext=PDF&lcl=4623Treasury.pdf&usr=hill_matt Plantifs...below https://www.scribd.com/doc/310127483/Boies-Brief-on-U-S-C-4623 ARGUMENT I. SECTION 4623(D) APPLIES TO REGULATORY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE “DIRECTOR,” NOT ACTIONS TAKEN BY“THE AGENCY” AS CONSERVATOR. II. SECTION 4623(D) CANNOT BE READ TO BAR ANY DAMAGE CLAIMS AGAINST FANNIE, FREDDIE, OR FHFA.
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