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Everything posted by adesigar

  1. My guess is 229. Equity portfolio went up by about 40 Billion in the quarter but we don't know how much he spent on buybacks
  2. I think there are multiple reasons. 1. Lower gravity aka interest rates 2. Lower Taxes on companies 3. Increase in overseas earnings. You cant compare to just domestic GDP. 4. Earnings moving from small unlisted businesses to bigger listed companies. 5. Fed asset purchases Of the above 5 points only 1 and 5 will change 2,3,4 will still be the case
  3. Happy New Year and best wishes to all for 2022. Thanks Parsad for the awesome community also thanks Gregmal for the APTS idea. Wish I had bought more than I did.
  4. Utilities have guaranteed returns. The more a utility is asked to spend the more it makes. Railroads are basically monopolies.
  5. Not even close to Teledyne. If Buffett made a tender offer and bought back $100-$150 Billion of BRK shares and financed it with low interest loans. Then you can compare it to Teledyne.
  6. Aging/Declining Population. Current population is about the same as 1990
  7. The property to actually use it for transactions since Bitcoin SUCKS at it. Even after the TapRoot upgrade its not much better.
  8. No idea, but if this keeps happening then in a few years the US Government might end up being one of the biggest hodlers of crypto.
  9. https://news.bitcoin.com/irs-seize-billions-of-dollars-cryptocurrency-3-5-billion-crypto-seized/
  10. and UNP recently crossed 150 Billion Market Cap. Cash(150B) + Stock holdings(333B) + BNSF(150B) = BRK(630B) the rest of the BRK businesses are free.
  11. Its true. I didn't see any value in it before and I still don't and probably never will (although it would have been nice to buy in the teens and sell now). BTC to me is similar to the paper used to print dollars. It has a use to transfer money and keep records but I don't see the digital gold. The tech is interesting but BTC is just an implementation and not a very good one at that. The 10 Min block time and 1MB Block size makes it inefficient unless its used for infrequent and large transactions like real estate purchases. As for the trust aspect How many nodes are there? less than 100000 I believe. With a database size that's less than a terabyte. So it would cost maybe 100,000 x $500 = $50 million to buy enough computer hardware to get to a size where someone could control the 1Trillion market cap of BTC. Most large governments could set that up in a short period(China could set it up in a weekend). I'm sorry but it just has so many issues for me.
  12. The local garden center wont take BTC or Green Bay Packer certs :(. Both are useless and worthless.
  13. Weren't tulip bulbs in demand because people wanted to own them?
  14. Even if the next 6 months rate drops to zero it’s better than any savings account.
  15. Also if I remember correctly you get the interest for the full month even if you buy at the end of the month.
  16. Schiller PE hit 40
  17. The moment Munger said the artificial window is better than a real window you know he is just trying to justify his stupid design. The rest of the dorm design may be amazing but on that point he is just being stubborn and asinine. Edit: He made a mistake in his previous design (which he would have defended like he is doing now) and after the complaints he is trying to fix it in this one with the artificial windows. The next version will have real windows.
  18. Market has been mostly flat here for the last couple of months compared to the crazy months earlier this year.
  19. I checked the houses they bought around my area. Zillow seems to have paid anywhere from market prices to 5-10% over market price for most homes I saw. Asking price for some houses are now $25k below what Zillow paid.
  20. Haven’t ordered from them but these sites seem to be the best chance of getting authentic ones https://www.savanifarms.com https://www.mangozz.com
  21. We used to eat them in India during summer and relatives have mango orchards so we used to get crates of them. Daily 3-5 mangoes. If you don’t soak them you ended up with heat boils. https://m.recipes.timesofindia.com/us/articles/food-facts/why-soaking-fruits-in-water-is-a-healthy-habit/photostory/65843255.cms When we vacationed at the orchard the trick to finding the perfectly ripe mango for a quick snack was to watch the squirrels. They let you to the juiciest mangoes.
  22. If you want the best of the best you need to get Devgad Hapus. There is no comparison. They will only be available in April and May. They are faked a lot usually using other Mangoes from Ratnagiri so very difficult to know if you will get authentic ones here. I've only managed to get it twice in the US in the last 20 years and it wasn't as good because the taste is affected by the irradiation and temperature controls. Also only way to guarantee authentic is to find a site that take preorders for next year and specifies a window in which they will be made available. Btw if you plan to eat a lot of mangoes, soak them in water for a while before eating otherwise they increase body heat.
  23. I’d rather have honest people who genuinely care about the company than worthless incompetent big names similar to the board of directors of Theranos.
  24. Susan Buffett and Christopher Davis added to the board of directors
  25. From this article I believe https://www.bloombergquint.com/gadfly/evergrande-and-its-mainland-property-unit-split-that-s-bad-news-for-investors
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