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Everything posted by randomep

  1. It would be nice to combine the S&P500 TR chart with inflation data to get the inflation adjusted S&P500 TR; I may do that when I got the time.
  2. wow that is really deep, ok that explains everything.......
  3. So Prince Charles, Melinda Gates, the Walton heirs, Steve cohen contributions to society is in proportion to their wealth?
  4. ok I am shocked that someone on Cobf would compare Cathie Wood with Burry, but ok..... I won't argue your view that whoever manages more money is more wise.....
  5. I haven't had time to read through the thousands of messages in this thread, but I just got a simple question: who here believes crypto is not just all a big ponzi? I don't consider myself a super guru on investing and finance (I consider myself in the same class as Pabrai) but I subscribe to the church of value investing. And when the top two cardinals of the church told me something to the effect that trading crypto is as ethical as trading fetus brains, I believe it at face value. That's it, no ifs or buts...... but that's just me
  6. I agree he is brilliant, he was spot on with crypto and inflation, so he understand markets and the world, and because of his autism I think he is brutally honest, i.e., when you hear something you know he is telling you straight up without any agenda
  7. huh? his fund is 200M, that is not chump change, and I am not sure how much but I guess a huge chunk is his own money?
  8. But why? how can that make money, from the last quarter results, it seems like he barely made any money.
  9. He pretty much turned over his entire portfolio from what I can see?? That is crazy? no?
  10. Your proposition is so interesting but I guess you are looking to raise more than 5M, I don't have that kind of money... but good luck.
  11. Hi what exactly do you mean by prime? I got a rate that about WSJ prime - .35%. Are you talking about WSJ prime?
  12. I have been thinking about this a lot too. What I want to understand is how much interest charge can the US debt tolerate. right now the US debt is 30Trillion, revenue is 4 Tril per year and interest payments is 430 B. So revenue is about 9x interest payments, and interest payments are at 1.7% on avg. So the how much more in interest can the government take? double the 1.7% interest rate? triple? I keep hearing the fed funds rate will rise to 2-3%, but how does that translate to 1-5 yr treasuries?
  13. If Munger is alive 10-15 yrs from now what do you think he will say? Will he admit he was a moron?
  14. Hi all, my basic understanding is that you should be a resident in the country where you hold a brokerage account. Well what if you are a citizen in one country but live somewhere else. Or if you move around a lot. I am canadian but live in the US, I have brokerage accounts in both. I want to keep it that way, I also want like IB and want to open an account in canada and US (I know they are 2 separate companies) so will I get hassle if I do so? Anybody have accounts in multiple countries? thanks in advance.
  15. I am not sure what point you are making here. I am not sure I'd disagree with munger. And you said the same thing. So your only problem is with his delivery. Well I for one am glad he said it. To me free speech is under attack when public figures cannot say things they believe are true; AND those statements can bring about intellectual discourse. But more political correct but false statements go unchallenged. For example, Obama stated in public there is a gender wage gap, but I have never heard any public figure challenge that yet many less public figures have since cast doubt in my mind that it exists.
  16. shut this thread down, anyone who does this is going to be breaking the law! said Monish
  17. great point here.......
  18. Purchased also, please join it is so cheap, and no ads. And pass it on! We want to keep these guys in business!
  19. personally, I am very suspicious of someone who markets himself well, and the good perception that results from this marketing. When he donated 750k to a lunch with Buffett, oh boy did he milk it more than if he used it to advertise, when his results are good, boy do we know about it. He puts himself out there so much that of course we want to know his results, but he only brags about his results in good years. When they are bad, we have to ask each other in hushed tones for his results because he threatens to sue anyone who puts his report out there. It is extremely disingenuous for Pabrai to hide his poor results behind the excuse it is against SEC regulations when every other hedge fund is not afraid to do put their reports on the internet. Someone who does that is not a good man in my books. I don't disagree that there is a lot of envy, maybe I am guilty of that also. BUT it is not envy of his results. It is the fact that his research and stockpicking is very poor for someone who gets so much publicity. It is the same type of visceral feeling when I hear justin beber, he can't sing and I can't stand the fact that he is a star and filthy rich! Maybe I am jealous of Justin Beber too! I haven't heard from his talks very much, but the one big thing I learned from him (because he is out there so much) is to not be married to some idea, and to not be so sloppy in ones research, basically not be so arrogant to try to beat the market doing less work than your peers.
  20. That is funny, crumbling foundation, sagging floor support, rafters moved, among so many other problems. The "house" should be purchased just for the land, and demolished. But get this, it is sale pending according to zillow. And looking at the price chart, it was valued at $120 k just 5 years ago. What is causing Boise real-estate to be so hot? Guess I am not going to judge until I find out the final sale price. I am keeping the home inspection report as a reminder of the purpose and need of the home inspection!
  21. Does anyone have his fund's results for 2020 and Q1 2021? I am really curious...
  22. Speaking of IBKR, apparently it doesn't cover certain international stocks that fidelity covers. I tried to transfer the following, BTW does any know what the heck DTC eligible is? EUROPEAN RELIANCE S.A. EUR0.63(CR) ISIN #GRS277023008 SEDOL #5212770 (ERPRF)IBCS 2021/04/15 09:11:29 Dear Randomep, IB does not trade ERPRF / Security cannot be added: Not DTC Eligible - Not in DTC file: IB offers only DTC-eligible securities.
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