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Everything posted by CorpRaider

  1. I pay for google one. Have often thought about getting my own wifi HD, but haven't yet. It seems a great business, my wife and I share photos automatically on google photos so we probably end up paying for double storage for 90% of the photos and videos we take...hah. I do like clicking a couple of times and picking up hard copies and that they automatically populate the screen savers on my screens in my home.
  2. Let us know how you find it, if it's not too much trouble. I have never been a fan of the prior editions, but I did think Margin of Safety was pretty good. I suppose I would have to get the hard copy.
  3. I think I'm going to flip out of some $WFC and move the capital to one or more of these, if I can get a decent price. [Not rocket science; going from ~1.2 TBV to ~.80x].
  4. SLG marking 245 park UP from last August (~$1.8 Bil of assumed debt; of course it's now coming with their plan and paper: "sponsorship"). I think they're pretty much done with the planned $2 billion of funds to be raised/balance sheet changes this year with this billion, ~$500MM from completed 919 3rd ave refi, and ~$500MM they will get upon from TOC at One Madison (early 4Q last guide, pretty much a done deal).
  5. ITIC, KHC for the boy (he likes Ketchup, I will let him know about his ownership interest).
  6. Recently bought some CLPR, SAVE, K, WFC-L for grandmother (thanks to poster who alerted me to existence).
  7. Interesting. Thank you for sharing. There are some driven, accomplished people out there. My classmate was a retired partner in a plastic surgery practice from a famous a HNW community in L.A. and I think he started out with one of the white shoe wall street firms after graduation. I find it useful to keep those examples in mind.
  8. Yeah I'm not sure either. Would need some additional science. I'm just sort of in the "messing with my wife by mentioning it" stage. You probably didn't miss much other than being a detail monkey. I would rather do your thing but my (4%) CAGR ain't cutting it.
  9. I've been toying a little with idea of going to medical school in my 40s (probably would be late by the time I got around to it) for a second career. Maybe be a pediatrician. I went to school with a guy who was a retired plastic surgeon, had to be at least in his 50s. I could do a reverse that guy and get maybe 30 or 40 years of a career if I like it (would of course try to maintain personal balance sheet in a position where I could have some hand in dictating work terms; unlike many docs).
  10. It's a tough call. Math changes a little, I think, if you factor in lost raises/benefits accrued. Really hard work staying home with them. I kept our ~3 month old solo for a month after mom went back to work and before the daycare slot was ready; was totally wreck'd.
  11. It's brutal. Thanks to all the parentals for our efforts to perpetuate the species.
  12. I like that methodology @thepupil. Playing around with what I might consider wealthy (versus rich); maybe top 10% or 20% of income...
  13. That's right, most other places (who didn't do nearly the bullwhip stimmy resulting in uber tight labor markets) have already nearly reverted. Investors there know this.
  14. Source? I just made it up. I'm sure Westlaw can use it to get some better C+/B- templates.
  15. We should probably just be buying more Comcast. They're going to sell Hulu and the market is going to be like "oh dang they are good as heck at bidness."
  16. Yeah ok, hard to argue for the SLG prefs over the VNO ones; higher yields and better credit both cumulative. Which series do you like? I didn't read prospectuses yet. Reminder to self you generally don't like prefs because, historically, the right tail is what drives nearly all equity returns.
  17. The old man has lost is and I do no fk with Canadians.
  18. Interesting. I will have to check them out. Of course I looked at KW and liked it back several years ago when they were hot. Human psychology is weird.
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