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Everything posted by LC

  1. Absolutely counts as income Non-Cash Bonuses If the bonus is not cash, but a trip or goods, you have to report the fair market value. The employer should report this on the W-2. It will be included in that box with wages and other compensation and not reported separately. If the bonus is in the form of a stock option, for instance, the employer should show the fair market value of the stock at the time of the bonus.
  2. No way google or facebook will enter banking. These guys couldnt maintain compliance with GDPR despite having 3? years of preparation. No way they can handle the labyrinth of banking regulations.
  3. The word asparagus is funny. It sounds like an italian guy asking you to spare a guy named gus.
  4. A husband, wife, and their nine children are waiting at a bus stop. A blind man joins them after a few minutes. When the bus arrives, they find it overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able to fit onto the bus. So the husband and the blind man decide to walk. After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man as he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, "You know if you put a piece of rubber on the end of your stick I wouldn't have to listen to that tapping." The blind man replies, "If you would've put a rubber at the end of YOUR stick, we'd be riding the damn bus."
  5. Or so says the below article https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-06/what-s-a-stock-worth-in-new-economy-accounting-has-its-critics Essentially the argument is for the capitalization of intangibles such as R&D expenses. This is silliness in my opinion. Whether you capitalize or expense these investments, the only difference it makes it to book value. It doesn't change the revenues and cash/owner's earnings of the company.
  6. Fair point! Although for whatever moral reason it irks me more when it seems like insiders are colluding to fleece shareholders vs. when arms-length parties do it out of incompetence. Another point is: Even when you're HugeCo and you buy out SmallCo, there IS a culture clash. But HugeCo usually fixes all that by firing just about everyone from SmallCo and replacing them. Obviously that is easier to do when you're absorbing a SmallCo vs. merging with another company around your size.
  7. Right but my question is more going towards...is Google/MSFT/etc. behaving appropriately? Or are they providing preferential treatment (or pricing) towards former Google executives who are helping finance a startup which they are shopping to Google. Honestly, given how incestuous that world is, I would not be surprised if shareholders are being fleeced by management through preferential acquisitions, consulting contracts given out to past management, etc. etc. etc.
  8. Building it in house isn't going to get some ex-Unilever guys a fat paycheck, though. I wouldn't call it corporate bureaucracy - more like corporate captivism.
  9. I always wondered about these corporate acquisitions. Just how judicious is the acquiring company? I mean, who exactly are they buying from? Hypothetical: Joe Schmoe founds Dollar Shave Company. After three, four, five rounds of financing, he is down to 20% ownership (hypothetical). The remainder is owned by a bunch of angel funds and other financing providers. And these guys are probably (or at least probably employ) ex-CPG insiders. Long story short is you have Unilever spending shareholder $$s to buyout a small competitor owned by a bunch of ex-Unilever executives.
  10. The point is, if we accept the premise that we are going to have universal coverage, there must be compromises.
  11. I've got no good advice other than I went into an MBA looking to come out an analyst and instead ended up a stastician.
  12. Good poInt TwoCities. It may be useful to look at another industry which we cannot deny service to: legal council. Unfortunately it not an ideal comparison but it's the best I can think of and it gets us 60% of the way there.
  13. LC


    The fine is up 4% of the global revenues. This law does have some teeth: https://www.eugdpr.org/key-changes.html Right and IIRC it accrues on a per-customer basis. My point was even if the EU fines Google $4 billion, how much will they really collect? I don't think Google is going to take that laying down.
  14. Invert: What would humans do if we found a planet with intelligent alien life?
  15. LC


    Depends on enforcement. FB and GOOG are not compliant. However I am not sure how much the EU can squeeze out of them.
  16. Dude...A5 wagyu or otorro is way better than just about anything! Cmon and embrace your inner glutton!! ;D
  17. It's the best way to eat! Order a bunch of stuff and everyone gets to try it all. I'd rather a bunch of people order 10 things and have a 10 course meal than each person only order 2 or 3 things. More variety and more sharing! Sweet, I'll check it out next time I'm in town!
  18. You're in NYC right? Jungsik, Junoon, Blue Hill/Stone Barns, Dovetail were all really good IMO. Jungsik was especially good I thought. Aska I wasn't totally crazy about. Want to try Aquavit. Always helps chatting up the som or bartender, you can get some industry recommendations that are usually good.
  19. I'll tell you...food is one of my favorite things to spend money on. Cars, clothes, etc...I don't really care. But damn do I love food (this is the fat Italian kid in me talking). I would say, some of the 3 star spots that have had 3 stars for a while...they can be disappointing. Per Se served me a piece of salmon that may have been a salt lick. After you've gone to the established places, I find there's more joy in checking out 1 or 2 star spots that are fighting for that next star, or places that are working for their first star. IMHO these are the people trying a bit harder and putting out good stuff while being really creative.
  20. Tons of great Sushi in the US...I would hit up Akiko, Kashiba, and Nakazawa before venturing to Japan.
  21. Been to 11 madison and osteria francescana...these lists are always delayed. I wouldn't put either on my top 5. But these things are also super-subjective.
  22. Great anecdote. RE is truly location location location. You need to know where people are going and what is cool. The question I always ask is, "why the F*CK would I want to live in XYZ???" Gotta have a good answer to that question.
  23. To be honest, I'd only buy a house if... 1- it's a screaming deal 2- you're setting down to have children Otherwise, rent.
  24. Also...the best defense is a good offense.
  25. Agree with sarg. And to anyone reading this: don't get married.
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