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Everything posted by LC

  1. Instant pot is great because it is a slow cooker, pressure cooker, and sous vide all in one.
  2. Value is difficult in wine because people have different tastes. And then there's the case that most sommeliers can't consistently identify specific wines in blind taste tests. Burgundy vs bordeaux vs boxed, with a blindfold you cannot tell. Really, it's all emotional in my opinion. So, drink a bunch of wine (:D), find types you like, and go from there.
  3. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-us-land-use/ Here’s How America Uses Its Land Good visualizations to get a sense how America is structured.
  4. The value isn;t important, it's the ability to use a static framework to compare options. You can stick your estimated CFs for BRK and AAPL, use the t-bill rate, and see what returns a higher value. It's like a bathroom scale. We all know the scale isn't accurate, but it can still be used over time to measure relative changes.
  5. More useful for VAR estimates and convergence testing.
  6. Thanks for this. Picked up a set of heavyweight merino baselayers for a good price.
  7. I would be. What brand and at what store? Was a DEWALT DW735X There was an eBay reseller listing them for 450 and eBay they had a 15% off deal. Looks like they sold out, however.
  8. The trick with luxury brands is not talking to the people who buy the product but the people who wish they could.
  9. Thanks to Sanjeev and everyone here who makes this one of the best investing communities I have ever been part of. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and their loved ones!
  10. I guess it depends what you're looking for. I picked up a wood planer for about $350 but I doubt anyone here is looking for that :D Some good resources are slickdeals.net to find deals, and camelcamelcamel.com to find item price history (to see if its really a 'deal' or not). Happy shopping :)
  11. Not sure how this guy is raising 100+ MM with SMAs
  12. To me, it is crazy. Imagine constructing a portfolio where a relatively normal 3-week period in November can totally ruin you? Honestly, I don't think I could do it even if I tried. I say that not to make light of his situation, but essentially as a warning to myself. Literally on Nov 1 he authored a post entitled, "Option Selling Opportunities So Good They're Scary" Wow.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNYNMM0hXXY&feature=youtu.be This Hedge Fund manager just lost all of his clients' money over the course of a couple weeks (hundreds of millions of dollars), made this cringy "apology" video while wearing a Rolex, then shut his site down and went dark This was a pretty sad watch. But important too as a reminder of what can happen quickly!
  14. LC

    RIP Stan Lee

    Stan Lee's greatest cameo was the small part he played in all of our lives :D
  15. Current state of robotics (Alibaba warehouse) https://i.imgur.com/MwQiJ5K.gifv
  16. I wonder if we have another other quants here on the forum?
  17. FWIW for vanilla products a standard is to use trinomial tree with persistant skew. Plenty of documentation online. A better place for these type of questions is probably here: https://quant.stackexchange.com/
  18. RIP to a guy who created so many dreams and memories for kids, and adults. And who created a wildly successful and profitable franchise! Incredible what he accomplished. I saw someone posted this today about him and it just strikes me as awesome: https://i.imgur.com/DsKOfFc.jpg
  19. 1 - there are ways to value long dated derivatives taking this into account 2 - this may be an interesting starter read: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
  20. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/woman-fights-bank-for-financial-records-1.4895631 OBSI is a non-profit, independent consumer dispute service started by the federal government in 1996. It now only investigates two of Canada's big banks — BMO and CIBC. The three other big banks — Scotiabank, RBC and TD — jumped ship from OBSI and moved to ADR Chambers Banking Ombuds Office, a private company. "We have a situation where essentially banks get to choose their referee," says Morris. "And they're consistently choosing the referee that investigates fewer complaints, that finds fewer of those complaints in favour of customers, and has less transparency about their findings."
  21. You are definitely worth more alive. Thanks, she knows it but I like hearing her say it ;)
  22. Cute concept but will never happen without enforcement. The human spirit has both good and bad and for every Buffett and Munger there's five more guys who will hide and hoard their great-great-great-great-grandaddy's fortune.
  23. No good slacker. Just messin' ;D ;D I keep telling my wife to cancel my insurance because it will provide me incentive to never get sick or injured. She says I'm worth more alive than dead but hasn't shown me the math to back it up :P :P :P
  24. Agree with the comments here. As time goes on your entry price matters less and less. Aim for reasonable and not a screaming buy, or you may miss out. If I can buy better-than-average companies at below-market multiples, that is my goal. If there is a dividend I am even more happy. Don't ignore tech. If you can identify tech companies with a higher-than-average rate of survival (google or apple perhaps?), I would not turn a blind eye to that area.
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