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Everything posted by LC

  1. Speaking from extensive experience, Westchester is not the place you want to be. It. All. Sucks.
  2. The simplest response to the title of this thread "THE TOP is coming": When?
  3. I guess the issue is if you are dumping private shares into an IRA you can value them however you'd like? Wouldn't it be abusive if I can throw my HouseCo. LLC into an IRA and value it at .001c/share, then sell it for $XX Millions and pocket the change tax free?
  4. Sure, and we are all grateful that AOL popularized home internet back in the 90s. But that doesn't mean I am going to be an AOL customer today.
  5. This was the smoking gun in retrospect, although as it has been correctly noted, not really too important.
  6. Or the zilions of brokers that allow purchase of partial shares. Robinhood is crap. Look at all the GME / wallstreetbets investors who were screwed when robinhood restricted trading. They are pure garbage in my eyes.
  7. I did the same. Prefer puts but the premium is a bit high. NFLX has quite a bit of headwinds ahead of it. Competition is not going anywhere and will just intensify, I am not sure where they can squeeze additional growth, and with COVID winding down, my guess is more people would prefer to be outside vs. their living room. I also rarely short so this is a smaller % of the portfolio compared to Greg's above.
  8. I think it is a great topic. Max world population estimates are I believe 8? billion. So we have some room to grow, still. More interestingly will be the efforts to maximize human resource allocation. How much of the world is in poverty? Uneducated? No/Low skilled laborers? The big question to me (moreso than AI which I think is a bit of a distraction) is how societies will utilize these people.
  9. Why not just make it an option?
  10. There is a setting in your account settings you can select for how to navigate topics.
  11. I echo the sentiments on readability. I attached two screenshots here to show. The first is DD's comment above, in this thread. So much wasted space on the screen. The second is opening the first page of a forum topic. To actually read the thread's content, we find the first post by muscleman finally occurs at the bottom 3% of the screen.
  12. A much higher probability MLB will still exist in 20 years vs a consumer retailer. Same bet I have on cigarettes. In 20 years I think people will still be smoking tobacco. Have for thousands of years, I’m guessing the trend will last another 20 years.
  13. Forget trying to pick winners/losers, one exercise I always found interesting was simply trying to determine which businesses would still be around in 20, 30 years (and not as a shell of themselves). If you can do that, just bUy tHe DiP as they say.
  14. I bought some Visa a few days ago after the bad news.
  15. Hi Sanjeev, Two suggestions that I see were not mentioned (of course feel free to ignore if they are impractical or you disagree): Can you expand the profile picture size limit? 50kb is pretty small. Maybe 2 or 5 MB? Is there options to change the forum "Look" e.g. a dark mode or other themes? Also it appears when you click a member's "profile" and it shows the post history, the viewing of those post history is not formatted. And, can you explain what the "reputation score" is and how it functions? I'll add any more suggestions as I encounter them.
  16. There is a relatively small % which prefer this. The FT/WSJ was like this for a while, they are probably still some of the closest you can get to objectivity in news reporting. But there is a reason that most news outlets have gone the opposite way - it keeps customers engaged longer and is therefore more profitable.
  17. Congrats on getting the new site rolled out!
  18. Got my 1/2 pfizer shot on Sunday, other than a sore shoulder which lasted about 16 hours, no ill-effects (knockonwood)
  19. Here's a quote and a photo for some visual aid from an article entitled "How do vaccines work"
  20. If this topic wasn't political I wouldn't be interested. Just like I'm not reading topics about the flu, common cold or hay fever. The fact that it's politicized is why it effect me (and probably almost everyone) It affects most people because millions have died.
  21. Gotta bring back the politics section for y’all ;)
  22. I’ve got friends who are just getting their taste and smell back after 8 months. I’m getting the vaccine because, frankly, life sucks if I can’t enjoy food and booze. Plus just look at the excess deaths over the last 12-14 months. People have no problem getting vaccines during childhood and annual flu vaccines for much less.
  23. Consumer credit is similar in structure
  24. Agree with kab. I bought BTI A few days ago, so cheap despite maybe not having as great brands as Altria/PM
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