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Everything posted by Ulti

  1. +1….just finished season two last night. Very entertaining
  2. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-study-billionaires-the-investors-podcast-network/id928933489?i=1000689802509 Interview with Lawrence Cunningham on the value of trust base cultures and organizations and how Buffett has used this over the years…touches on Constellation organization and briefly on Berkshires 300 billion $
  3. https://www.eia.gov/uranium/marketing/ we import 27% of our uranium from Canada… I wonder how tariffs will affect the us effort to upgrade our weapons and build our nuclear plants for data centers
  4. G…actions speak lower than words…. If you are talking about the current Republican Party.. I feel they are playing “hide the pea” shell game.. While everyone is raving about tariffs, federal employees and illegal immigrants ( oh my) …. https://www.msn.com/en-us/politics/government/ar-AA1yfDuU and you can find many other articles about the politicization of the mechanics of treasury payments. Why…. It’s kinda like Steve Bannons thing on flooding the zone… Do a bunch of shit. as quick as possible and then do what you really want …. Like every other party; take power…… And you might consider me a total old nut job; but I don’t see these Trumpicans leaving in 4 years no matter what actions they take… Flip side of the coin ….. Watch Trudeau become a Canadian hero for standing up to Trump over the next few months haha Like a prop up for Biden
  5. https://kiowacountypress.net/content/colorado-among-states-could-be-hardest-hit-trump-tariffs-canadian-oil
  6. And why less tariffs on China than Canada? https://paulkrugman.substack.com/p/why-has-trump-gone-soft-on-china
  7. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01402390.2019.1636372 https://warontherocks.com/2025/01/the-trump-administration-vs-the-axis-of-upheaval/ where I disagree with the Trump admin approach is the risk to these inter regional defensive and trade relationships while creating acrimonious conflicts with our allies.. I don’t believe that Canada and Mexico see the Trump admin ( and the USA )as a TINA. They and Europe along with our allies in Asia have options https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2025/01/31/japan/ishiba-nudges-japan-closer-to-china/ when I combine the tariff actions with how he proposes an Iron dome and doesn’t think of Canadian involvement? https://thehill.com/policy/defense/5112015-trump-executive-order-missile-defense/ And how does he think this type of action is going to work with NORAD? https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/06-512-Canada-Defense.pdf For those who are interested a history of Canadian US relations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada–United_States_relations While I , as an American, am very pro US Canada relations… what I believe led us here is Shitty political leadership from Trudeau Biden Trump and these corrupt and myopic political parties they come from… They certainly don’t emulate the morals of the “ greatest generation “ of their countries….
  8. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/macro-voices/id1079172742?i=1000684251474 Timely discussion about the politicization of finance over the years in the West with Izabella Kaminska senior financial editor of the Politico
  9. Ulti


    https://bilello.blog/2025/2024-the-year-in-charts a nice review in charts of market randomness in 2024
  10. Didn’t know where to put the link here or in energy but a good discussion on Canadian oil and gas and tariffs https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/arc-energy-ideas/id1438664577?i=1000684001743
  11. Absolutely…. It’s sad that both sides spout bullshit….but his premise that there is a risk to tips from cooking the books no matter who is in office seems legit.
  12. a different point of view in long term tips https://paulkrugman.substack.com/p/the-real-threat-of-fake-numbers
  13. I think the authors point was concerning the productivity stagnation that’s has occurred under Trudeau ,esp since the pandemic… even with a more highly educated workforce… His energy policy seems like icing on the cake..As for the tariffs… https://www.wsj.com/economy/trade/these-border-cities-thrived-under-trump-1-0-his-policies-now-threaten-to-undo-them-41299fad?st=gojfxs&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink US border towns might suffer along with our neighbors
  14. https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/trudeau-was-a-poor-steward-of-canadas good piece on the history on how Canada’s economy became such a shitshow under Trudeau .. the most interesting to me was for years Canadian and US income levels grew at tandem( from 91 I think) . Until Trudeau was elected and the they diverged . The author concludes that it’s the oil prices but I wonder if it had mere to do with Trudeaun policies
  15. Bingo… and they run the government
  16. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/macro-voices/id1079172742?i=1000680157850 david Rosenberg: lament of a bear… maybe it is time to move to all cash hahah
  17. What are the odds that Trudeau is voted out of office and some type of moderate/ rational person is elected… And is there a platform to solve the illegal immigration problem?
  18. To those who live in Canada.. is this an accurate story.. ? If so,what a horrific byproduct of October 7th. https://www.thefp.com/p/explosion-of-jew-hate-in-canada-trudeau-israel-palestine
  19. Agree but don’t you think in a transactional society money will motivate all type of people ( internet sleuths, workers at McDonald’s etc)? And some type of centralized system that people can access? Just a thought
  20. They might already have this but why not create a dedicated website with suspects name photo and info along with an award substantial enough to have the public’s eyeballs…. Too creepy for NYC? They already have cameras everywhere.
  21. Ulti


  22. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-fentanyl-supply-chain-shipping/ Btween tariffs and a federal workforce that looks to be steady for the last 60 years; it’s going to be an interesting next 4 years
  23. They have 2 step authentication as well as 5-10 word random generated passwords as well as just plain random generated up to 40 letters /syllables … my IT team recommend it… you can also generate numerous alias emails….i would also recommend Google authenticator as a random 2 step verification process
  24. I’ve had a similar issue in the past and have been using the proton suite of services including vpn pass for logins etc and email.. was a bit of a pain switching and changing password accounts etc but much more secure
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