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Everything posted by Luke

  1. Luke


    I have posted comparisons to the DAX as an example, it doesn't look that bad and consider that the Hang Seng index is very cheap right now. There have also been many 100x baggers and many investors outperformed hard in china (David Webb).
  2. Luke


    Well, they think that it somehow strengthens their society at least there are reports about such a motive, but I also don't have any insider information on these camps, information also is limited. People who fled obviously report torture rape etc, it's hugely problematic indeed. I said many times that they do mistakes, some severe ones too.
  3. Luke


    David Tepper having big positions in China has the same level of significance on an investing level as a guy you know who invests in typewriters? I have to disagree.
  4. Luke


    Because they can harm societal development, food companies in Mexico as an example, huge obesity problems etc. A movement by doctors pressured the government to install warning labels etc on Coke and Soda. There are many examples and currency is just another one, living in a society together requires individuals to cooperate. I think investing in asia generally requires the knowledge of mentality difference compared to the west, individuals dont matter as much as the collective does. Thats the Jack Ma vs CCP story. This comment was quite nice from VIC and highlights the massive bias some investors have:
  5. Luke


    To me that makes a lot of sense, economy and state are always intertwined, people and business can't just do whatever they want.
  6. Luke


    David Tepper doesnt seem to think there is a lot of risk with China, Nvidia with 400m, 400m in Baba, 200m in TSMC, 200m in Baidu, 70m in JD.com, 60m in ASML, KWEB and China Largecap etc...
  7. Great Thread, love bitching about analysts and sleezy investors haha!
  8. Luke


  9. Luke


    You can not get money out for 6 years? For which reason? What did they tell you?
  10. Luke


    Excuse me, China has been at the forefront of civilization for thousands of years before they missed the industrial revolution which they amazingly climbed back from, shooting through the roof now.
  11. Luke


    The USSR was highly inefficient and administration corrupt and useless, Xi/CCP did and still tries to clean a lot of this up which is good IMO. We shall not forget the degree of corruption in the EU/Brussels or in the US. It's a problem also in western democracies. I don't see how they will "outdo" China, what do you mean by that? India has 20% of their population unable to read, a much poorer country but arguably with more growth potential. They can all do well, China has very high university rankings in tons of subjects etc. Yep, that's true, they were always good at attracting talent. And still they are very much dependent and unable to decouple from China. Mutual destruction if they go against china. Yeah, China will continue to make mistakes but they will and can readjust. Don't forget the countless mistakes that also happened in the EU, the corruption with Pfizer and prices paid for the vaccines etc
  12. Luke


    China is an outlier that made it work wonderfully, so this made me and still makes me think quite much
  13. Luke


    Hahaha, gladly not! But I see you are left with no arguments and now refer to personal insults
  14. Luke


    And also to add, it's an interesting thought experiment to think about how many advantages or disadvantages a democracy has vs a "benevolent" ruler (in this case the CCP) that has long term full control. In Germany there is so little progress because of the blocking of some party that has their own agenda, projects do not get done fast, regulation is lacking, very inefficient government etc.
  15. Luke


    I dont remember the name of that specific sinologist who covered Xi Jinping but i read that Xi thinks ONLY the CCP can govern china and otherwise they would collapse. Its interesting to think about, the whole structure of the country is setup under CCP rule and trying to install a different system would come with unpredictable instability. I have come more and more to peace with the CCP, the "communist" name is really a left behind of CCP history, I have heard from Frank Sieren that many older chinese people are used to it and it became some sort of heritage. Reality is so far away from communism as it can get.
  16. Luke


    Can we even talk about "friends" in geopolitics? I only see it as common or uncommon interests, i dont even see Russia and China as Friends, China is just playing their cards that should lead to the result of benefits to China (cheap energy for economy, exports, wanting "stability" in ukraine and russia due to food exports, they wouldnt mind russia taking over ukraine as a whole). I dont think he is playing a "poor" chess game, if you read a bit through what he has done during his time in political positions there are massive amounts of positive evidence incl pushing for privatization for the benefit of the economy. Yes he makes mistakes but its too simple and maybe almost naive to place China or Xi or the CCP in one black and white position. (newspapers like it though because it grabs attention). They are already leading in citations worldwide in science research (massive) and I have quoted the incredibly bad results of US kids in schools, China is leading in math etc and work ethic is hard! (true for most Asian countries, SK, Taiwan etc). Putting off chinas progress in semiconductor production would be way to quick, I am quite convinced they will be competitive in that sector over time. If the western worker pool would be so superior, they wouldnt have come so far ahead in the automobile sector. They really have plenty enough people to do that already.
  17. Luke


    I could give you many examples in the past where we have seen aggressive attacks by the US during that time frame.
  18. Luke


    Why would it be a problem for China to build up their army and not for the US? Why does the US have the global single right to have all those bases and rockets stationed everywhere and other countries cant have it?
  19. Selling some EXOR to add to my CHINA Basket.
  20. Ming Fai is an interesting one, i saw that David Webb already pressured them in 2016 because they where bloated and overcapitalized which still seems to be the case, stock price even cheaper now that it is back then...
  21. Since Fairfax is a big position for me, i am looking forward to further rates raising
  22. Luke


    Yes, I started research into Lufax (a thread exists) and Ping An Insurance, the first is more interesting. I'll open a starter into Lufax when HK stock market opens in around 12 hours. And i fully agree with your statement, Big Tech is cheap but there are even better bargains.
  23. Luke


    It wont be an immediate game changer and those countries have their own problems as does the US, France etc. But its one hell of a signal to build this alliance in the first place and to say this will "fail" without the alliance having even started is more than funny!
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