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GLP-1 disruption


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Thank you, @nsx5200 and @Fly,


Now we're actually getting somewhere, I think.


'The bad guys' [from general sentiment] named 'culprits',so far, has been the Pharmacy Benefit Managers [PBMs] and the producers [because of their profits by doing so], while the roots to the issue at hand is far reaching to a wider extent, rooted into culture and way of living.


Basically it boils down to taking responsibility for own body, dosen't it?

Edited by John Hjorth
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11 hours ago, John Hjorth said:

Basically it boils down to taking responsibility for own body, dosen't it?

That's a very simplistic way of looking at it.  Environment and incentives has a way of influencing personal decisions as well.  Who doesn't want to be as healthy as possible, and if so, what's stopping them?  Economic incentives has a strange way of distorting personal actions.


If we invert the problem such that we try to get the worst health outcome possible, what kind of food would we advocate, and what kind of activities would we recommend?

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Critics like Michael Pollan have condemned the agro-industrial-food complex but I think the impetus for the US govt's involvement back in the 1920-30 period was to prevent the creep of socialism and civil unrest.  This was extended even further in the 70s under Nixon.  The goal was to make certain cash crop production stable and increasing to keep a lid on food cost inflation.  The policy probably performed too well.

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