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Can one of our cult members help me out here? We need to find a way to spin this graph in a way to pin the blame on Cuomo, Obama, Biden, BLM, ANTIFA, or CHAZ in order to deflect blame away from our precious Bunker Boy!



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Can one of our cult members help me out here? We need to find a way to spin this graph in a way to pin the blame on Cuomo, Obama, Biden, BLM, ANTIFA, or CHAZ in order to deflect blame away from our precious Bunker Boy!




Pinning the problem on Cuomo is easy. 


Research indicates that infected travelers from New York transmitted nearly 65% of new coronavirus cases across the US, according to The New York Times.



Well Cubs, why don't you tell us what a great job Trump and Pence are doing handling the pandemic. You know the guy who said it would just disappear. Or what a great job Florida, Arizona and Texas are doing.




Check out excess deaths by state.  Florida, Arizona and Texas didnt have any more excess deaths than in 2018 winter.


While NY, NJ have huge excess deaths.  Plots for NY and Texas excess deaths shown below.




“Pinning the problem on Cuomo is easy.

Research indicates that infected travelers from New York transmitted nearly 65% of new coronavirus cases across the US, according to The New York Times.”


So you are suggesting that it is New York’s fault that the other states didn’t lock down?


“Check out excess deaths by state.  Florida, Arizona and Texas didnt have any more excess deaths than in 2018 winter.

While NY, NJ have huge excess deaths.  Plots for NY and Texas excess deaths shown below.”


Apparently you have not been watching the news lately.




Stanley Perlman, M.D., Ph.D.: In this episode Stanley Perlman shares insights from his impressive career studying coronaviruses–both the common and more deadly ones, like MERS and SARS. In comparing preceding coronaviruses with SARS-CoV-2, Stanley discusses how other coronaviruses can aid our current understanding of, and be used to infer about, COVID-19. He also gives his thoughts on durable immunity, therapeutic strategies, and future outbreak preparedness.

Let’s hope “this time is different” and mortality stays down...




On the path to Greatness, obviously...


Do you have any graphs of daily deaths?


Let’s hope “this time is different” and mortality stays down...




On the path to Greatness, obviously...


Do you have any graphs of daily deaths?


Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative.  You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks"


I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase??


Let’s hope “this time is different” and mortality stays down...




On the path to Greatness, obviously...


Do you have any graphs of daily deaths?


Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative.  You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks"


I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase??


Of course, “this time is different”, we should not worry about mortality going up because covid is not a real threat, right?


Yes please tell me what happened in late May/early June in AZ, FL, TX...


Let’s hope “this time is different” and mortality stays down...




On the path to Greatness, obviously...


Do you have any graphs of daily deaths?


Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative.  You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks"


I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase??


Of course, “this time is different”, we should not worry about mortality going up because covid is not a real threat, right?


Yes please tell me what happened in late May/early June in AZ, FL, TX...


Well, if you want to ignore the protests, then the answer is nothing.  Nothing different happened.  The increase in social interaction has been continuously increasing since the middle of April.







Let’s hope “this time is different” and mortality stays down...




On the path to Greatness, obviously...


Do you have any graphs of daily deaths?


Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative.  You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks"


I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase??


Of course, “this time is different”, we should not worry about mortality going up because covid is not a real threat, right?


Yes please tell me what happened in late May/early June in AZ, FL, TX...


Well, if you want to ignore the protests, then the answer is nothing.  Nothing different happened.  The increase in social interaction has been continuously increasing since the middle of April.




Lol! The huge protests in AZ, TX, and FL? Why you leave out NYC, DC, MN, cities in the EU which had by far much larger protests tho? Contradicts the narrative?


The cult is strong with this one.


Note how cultists can’t even bring themselves to name their Daddy anymore...a sign of shame


Let’s hope “this time is different” and mortality stays down...




On the path to Greatness, obviously...


Do you have any graphs of daily deaths?


Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative.  You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks"


I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase??


Of course, “this time is different”, we should not worry about mortality going up because covid is not a real threat, right?


Yes please tell me what happened in late May/early June in AZ, FL, TX...


Well, if you want to ignore the protests, then the answer is nothing.  Nothing different happened.  The increase in social interaction has been continuously increasing since the middle of April.




Lol! The huge protests in AZ, TX, and FL? Why you leave out NYC, DC, MN, cities in the EU which had by far much larger protests tho? Contradicts the narrative?


The cult is strong with this one.


Note how cultists can’t even bring themselves to name their Daddy anymore...a sign of shame


It's at this point, when someone starts using epithets and insults, that I stop engaging. 


Let’s hope “this time is different” and mortality stays down...




On the path to Greatness, obviously...


Do you have any graphs of daily deaths?


Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative.  You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks"


I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase??


Of course, “this time is different”, we should not worry about mortality going up because covid is not a real threat, right?


Yes please tell me what happened in late May/early June in AZ, FL, TX...


Well, if you want to ignore the protests, then the answer is nothing.  Nothing different happened.  The increase in social interaction has been continuously increasing since the middle of April.




Lol! The huge protests in AZ, TX, and FL? Why you leave out NYC, DC, MN, cities in the EU which had by far much larger protests tho? Contradicts the narrative?


The cult is strong with this one.


Note how cultists can’t even bring themselves to name their Daddy anymore...a sign of shame


It's at this point, when someone starts using epithets and insults, that I stop engaging.


My behavior is what passes for Presidential these days isn’t it? We now live in a Great, polite country thanks to the Daddy at the top the cultists worship.


The stakes with covid are too high.


This clown’s enablers do not get a pass on here. You want to criticize Cuomo, that’s cool, but your Daddy does not get a pass when it comes to pandemic management.



Pinning the problem on Cuomo is easy. 


Research indicates that infected travelers from New York transmitted nearly 65% of new coronavirus cases across the US, according to The New York Times.



Now you can call it the New York Virus.


No need to rename it - the ChineseVirus will do just fine. It's from China.


Let’s hope “this time is different” and mortality stays down...




On the path to Greatness, obviously...


Do you have any graphs of daily deaths?


Sorry, that doesn't fit their narrative.  You know what they say, however, "wait two weeks"


I wonder what happened in late May and early June that could have been a catalyst for the increase??


Of course, “this time is different”, we should not worry about mortality going up because covid is not a real threat, right?


Yes please tell me what happened in late May/early June in AZ, FL, TX...


Well, if you want to ignore the protests, then the answer is nothing.  Nothing different happened.  The increase in social interaction has been continuously increasing since the middle of April.




Lol! The huge protests in AZ, TX, and FL? Why you leave out NYC, DC, MN, cities in the EU which had by far much larger protests tho? Contradicts the narrative?


The cult is strong with this one.


Note how cultists can’t even bring themselves to name their Daddy anymore...a sign of shame


It's at this point, when someone starts using epithets and insults, that I stop engaging.


You're dealing with somebody who is the literal definition of the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to partisanship. His post frequency has a 100% correlation to case outbreaks, media fear mongering, and political narratives. He refuses to bring up or address counterpoints that do not fit his narrative, instead mostly ignoring them or simply branding anyone who raises the question something derogatory. He has also, on this thread:


-been caught lying by multiple people

-caught retroactively modifying content of his previous posts(worried about appearance/being right, little narcissist?"

-refused to make any sort of commitment to a position or stance but rather spew innuendo and narratives

-disappears as soon as the political narrative dies down(end April-June)


It really is evident the irony of somebody "calling out Trump" for behaviors he embodies himself. Worried about appearance, refuses to commit to anything, deliberately misleading and divisive, regularly misrepresents issues or leaves out pertinent data, craves attention, claims "Im right, you're wrong" incessantly and without regard for the actual results... These type of folks bring nothing to the table. The type of person that comes to an investment forum and promotes retail investor favorites but then gets overwhelmed and folds like a cheap chair when pressed with a simple question like "do you even own PTON?". You arent bringing anything to the table posting basic charts that anyone with eyes can find on the internet, or quoting someone from Twitter who has the same opinion as you...


Its amusing when you have clowns calling out clowns for being clowns. He wants to ramble repeatedly about failures of leadership but either ignore, or claim "his guy" did a great job when the facts are that even NYT is now stating the his state, the NYers, are likely responsible for more than half the entire cases in the country! And then his state, will still likely hold all records for cases, deaths, hospitalizations, etc. Classic example of dissonance. Like a guy driving a 2006 Hyundai mocking that old, shitty, beat up 2011 BMW....maybe he's just mad because he lost his red nose and is nervous about being called a racist for wearing face paint....who knows.


This is an investment forum, and everybody over time will be right and wrong plenty(if you're honest and dont go back and modify your posts) and the purpose is ultimately to gain some sort of benefit, from an investment perspective. So identifying and discarding people who berate anyone who disagrees with them over absolutely petty and insignificant things, is a good idea. Sure, people are wrong to say, new Covid cases but no increase in deaths....getting Covid does not equal instant death. It does lag. But being a piece of shit in how you respond to anyone who suggests that perhaps deaths totals have lagged more than normal, is unnecessary. One should be open to everything, but also challenge everything. Its interesting there has been zero efforts to tackle the "cycle threshold" issue. But again, not surprising because it disbands a good chunk of the political benefits inherent when ignoring it. I think somebody who has done an excellent job of bringing their interpretation of the data forward and laying out "this is how I see things playing out, and this is how im expressing it through the market" is alwaysdrawing. Rather than "FIRE", "FIRE", "LOOK TESLA IS GREAT"---do you own TSLA? "NO COMMENT", "OH PTON IS THE NEXT AAPL", do you own it?- "I'M NOT ANSWERING"....



On cycle threshold




Why is a positive case in one country not a positive case in another? And this is what we want to base our "data" interpretations on? Just like with some folks here, when a country wants to change the results, the easiest way to do that is to move around the goal posts.




Finally! Gregmal my biggest fan on here who follows me like a puppy everywhere using nice terms like calling others a “piece of shit” and then crying it’s “unfair” when he gets banned. He mocked dying new yorkers, called NYC “a cesspool” (yet invests in MSG and NYC REITs in classic bridge and tunnel fashion), has made derogatory comments on women and called protestors “savages” (but like his hero DJT he will claim that it had no racial connotations). This guy gets more triggered by an NFL player kneeling or a Target being looted than a mismanaged pandemic that kills hundreds of thousands!


The moral bastion of the cult...


Not only does he lack in class, but he is often wrong, never in doubt! A surefire recipe for success!


You can find his great posts throughout the covid thread for endless amusement.


Dalal you have spent the entire Covid thread attacking and belittling anybody who presents informations contrary to your narrative.


Yes, you act like a pos quite often, as others have pointed out. Why is it necessary?


You again continue to misrepresent things for your own agenda. I have never mocked dying NYers...only pointed out that the city has indeed been a cesspool and a public health disaster for a long, long time and that something like this was surely just throwing fuel on the fire. That public policy has been horrendous and the current leaders have only amplified that. That there has been mismanagement everywhere, from the top down, but you only want to talk about certain of them.


But as usual, in classic Dalal fashion, you respond the way you did, rather than address anything of substance.


I mean I know others see it...but even the way you, as a NYer, whose state was by far the worst out of any in the world! now gloat and play politics because it appears others may now go through surges of the virus, although again, likely NOWHERE near as bad as NY....and yet you sit here and grandstand acting as if you guys were the model or blueprint for how to beat the thing! LOL


As you keep citing total death count, you dont feel its important to mention how many of those your state leadership is responsible for?(right now its about 25% of all US deaths; not exactly immaterial)


Dalal you have spent the entire Covid thread attacking and belittling anybody who presents informations contrary to your narrative.


Yes, you act like a pos quite often, as others have pointed out. Why is it necessary?


You again continue to misrepresent things for your own agenda. I have never mocked dying NYers...only pointed out that the city has indeed been a cesspool and a public health disaster for a long, long time and that something like this was surely just throwing fuel on the fire. That public policy has been horrendous and the current leaders have only amplified that. That there has been mismanagement everywhere, from the top down, but you only want to talk about certain of them.


But as usual, in classic Dalal fashion, you respond the way you did, rather than address anything of substance.


Greggie I have never called anyone a piece of shit but you seem to enjoy doing it over and over. You are some class act.


I do not thinking calling someone a cultist is on the same level. I only mock those who cannot even mention Daddy Trump’s responsibility while going on about “savages”, protestors, BLM, Cuomo, etc. I am happy to call De Blasio a clown and say Cuomo made mistakes, but Trumpers can’t do the same at all. Sounds cultish to me.


I mean I know others see it...but even the way you, as a NYer, whose state was by far the worst out of any in the world! now gloat and play politics because it appears others may now go through surges of the virus, although again, likely NOWHERE near as bad as NY....and yet you sit here and grandstand acting as if you guys were the model or blueprint for how to beat the thing! LOL


As you keep citing total death count, you dont feel its important to mention how many of those your state leadership is responsible for?(right now its about 25% of all US deaths; not exactly immaterial)


Yes of course the responsibility all falls on the state leaders and none of it on Federal leadership...the Trump “I take no responsibility” playbook being played out by his minions. Let’s not mention NJ or CT or the new covid states kn the South...How’s the Kool Aid taste?

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