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Aside from what some of his followers believe, Trump has serious mental problems. One does not have to do very much research to confirm this.


Megalomania - obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.


Narcissism - A personality disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance


Sociopath - someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). People with ASPD can't understand others' feelings. They'll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause.


Paranoia - A personality disorder which involve odd or eccentric ways of thinking, an unrelenting mistrust and suspicion of others, even when there is no reason to be suspicious.


Delusional - Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They're unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality.


Persecution complex - An acute irrational fear that other people are plotting one's downfall and that they are responsible for one's failures.

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Guys - try not to have a meltdown over the President's successes.


More than 70,000 of them, sadly.  :-\


Guys - try not to have a meltdown over the President's successes.


More than 70,000 of them, sadly.  :-\


Thank your savior Andrew Cuomo and DeBlasio for most of them in the US!


Oh, yeah - and don't forget, the spectacular job done by WHO...


Guys - try not to have a meltdown over the President's successes.


This is just trolling. You never say anything concrete, contradict any evidence with other evidence. You just assert things and hope nobody notices the tumbleweeds blowing throw the gaps in your logic. You basically are Beavis and/or Butthead.


This impeached president will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. He lacks intelligence, character, skill, empathy, or even an understanding of what the US is and what makes it great, clearly. He's an anti-capitalist who's constantly trying to have the government play a bigger role in the market by picking winners and losers, trying to help certain industries and hurt others and increasing deficits and spending. He only cares about himself, and his biggest accomplishment is convincing others that the heir to hundreds of millions (a lot of it from tax fraud) who sits on a kitsch golden throne and never has shown any inclination towards regular people in his 7 decades on Earth (even his charity was a ridiculous fraud, spending on portraits of himself) is a "man of the people who loves America".


His only other accomplishments are things that any republican president with control of both houses would have done (tax cuts, some regulation cuts), and almost everything else that is truly his is a failure or stupid in the first place, just like in his personal life and business life. A rapist with two dozen accusers, who has tabloid friends 'catch & kill' stories and pays hush money to a porn star because he's cheating on his third wife, trying to enact racist policies while hiding his tax returns and business interests and massive conflict of interests and debts to who know what foreign entities, as all his entourage is either in prison or fired for incompetence (often blamed for things he did), as he fires inspector generals who start digging into his dirt and puts his son-in-law in charge of everything... is now the cause of America having one of the worst responses to a pandemic around the world despite being the richest country with the most resources and months of advance-warning compared to Asia.


Great success. I can't imagine how it'd be if he had been a failure in your eyes..


Guys - try not to have a meltdown over the President's successes.


More than 70,000 of them, sadly.  :-\


Thank your savior Andrew Cuomo and DeBlasio for most of them in the US!


Oh, yeah - and don't forget, the spectacular job done by WHO...


Dude, we agree with you others made mistakes. We also see Trump's mistakes, but you don't. You're the one who's putting his hands over his ears and going "lalalalala"


The man is president of the US and he acts like he has no power, there's nothing he could do, it's all someone else's fault, he's a victim... What position should he have to be able to do something if president isn't good enough for him and all he can do is be a crybaby about his impotence?


Guys - try not to have a meltdown over the President's successes.


This is just trolling. You never say anything concrete, contradict any evidence with other evidence. You just assert things and hope nobody notices the tumbleweeds blowing throw the gaps in your logic. You basically are Beavis and/or Butthead.


This impeached president will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever. He lacks intelligence, character, skill, empathy, or even an understanding of what the US is and what makes it great, clearly. He's an anti-capitalist who's constantly trying to have the government play a bigger role in the market by picking winners and losers, trying to help certain industries and hurt others and increasing deficits and spending. He only cares about himself, and his biggest accomplishment is convincing others that the heir to hundreds of millions (a lot of it from tax fraud) who sits on a kitsch golden throne and never has shown any inclination towards regular people in his 7 decades on Earth (even his charity was a ridiculous fraud, spending on portraits of himself) is a "man of the people who loves America".


His only other accomplishments are things that any republican president with control of both houses would have done (tax cuts, some regulation cuts), and almost everything else that is truly his is a failure or stupid in the first place, just like in his personal life and business life. A rapist with two dozen accusers, who has tabloid friends 'catch & kill' stories and pays hush money to a porn star because he's cheating on his third wife, trying to enact racist policies while hiding his tax returns and business interests and massive conflict of interests and debts to who know what foreign entities, as all his entourage is either in prison or fired for incompetence (often blamed for things he did), as he fires inspector generals who start digging into his dirt and puts his son-in-law in charge of everything... is now the cause of America having one of the worst responses to a pandemic around the world despite being the richest country with the most resources and months of advance-warning compared to Asia.


Great success. I can't imagine how it'd be if he had been a failure in your eyes..


Thanks for more of your bloviating bullshit Liberty - keep going from one hoax to the next - just makes you look stupid.



Thanks for more of your bloviating bullshit Liberty - keep going from one hoax to the next - just makes you look stupid.


Coming from you, it's the greatest compliment. If you agreed with me, I'd know there's something seriously wrong and I'd get a MRI.



The man is president of the US and he acts like he has no power, there's nothing he could do, it's all someone else's fault, he's a victim...


You just can't make up your mind, can you now Liberty - one day Trump is a dictator, one day he is powerless - keep the stupidity coming bro...



The man is president of the US and he acts like he has no power, there's nothing he could do, it's all someone else's fault, he's a victim...


You just can't make up your mind, can you now Liberty - one day Trump is a dictator, one day he is powerless - keep the stupidity coming bro...


That's you attempting being clever, right? I think it'd play really well on the primary school yard.


The man clearly has authoritarian tendencies (I never said dictator, but clearly he wishes he was), and he's making a lot of stupid and incompetent decisions.


At the same time, he plays the victim and keeps blaming everybody else as if he was powerless and not actually president of the US. It's Obama's fault, it's China's fault, it's the governor's fault, it's the WHO's fault, it's the democrats' fault, it's the CDC's fault, the media's fault, nobody could've done anything (while clearly others have), etc.


There, both things can be true at the same time. I know it's a complex thought for you, but I'm sure others get it.



The man is president of the US and he acts like he has no power, there's nothing he could do, it's all someone else's fault, he's a victim...


You just can't make up your mind, can you now Liberty - one day Trump is a dictator, one day he is powerless - keep the stupidity coming bro...


That's you attempting being clever, right? I think it'd play really well on the primary school yard.


The man clearly has authoritarian tendencies (I never said dictator, but clearly he wishes he was), and he's making a lot of stupid and incompetent decisions.


At the same time, he plays the victim and keeps blaming everybody else as if he was powerless and not actually president of the US. It's Obama's fault, it's China's fault, it's the governor's fault, it's the WHO's fault, it's the democrats' fault, it's the CDC's fault, the media's fault, nobody could've done anything (while clearly others have), etc.


There, both things can be true at the same time. I know it's a complex thought for you, but I'm sure others get it.


Sure, Liberty, sure - I know, I know - it's TRUMP'S fault - that's your answer to everything - we ALL appreciate your armchair psychoanalysis.


Now back to your meltdown.


The administration had states fighting each other for masks and ventilators.


The administration did not recommend masks to prevent a run on short supply and allow healthcare workers access. This also contributes to the NY statistic you reference.


And it is not good to argue from one data point.

Correct, but you are pointing to Japan when they are clearly the outlier.


Japan is not an outlier.  Taiwan, Korea, Hongkong also used same methods and had low deaths/million.

I picked Japan only to be fair, a large population that is old, crowded, cold country with subways and public transportation.


And I was giving additional information for support which you conveniently removed.


NY had more infection rate of people staying home than front line workers such as NYSP from antibody studies.


The infection rate in Bronx is 40% while in Stockholm is 7% from antibody studies.


S Korea:


Today, south korea’s covid-19 response strategy sits atop three pillars: fast and free testing, expansive tracing technology, and mandatory isolation of the most severe cases. Each pillar was shaped by the epidemics that preceded the 2019 novel coronavirus.




Zero-Tolerance Isolation

To separate the sick from the healthy—and the somewhat sick from the very sick—South Korea’s patients are divided into several groups. The elderly and those with serious illnesses go straight to hospitals. Moderately sick people are sent to isolation dorms, where they’re monitored. And the asymptomatic “contacts” of recently diagnosed cases are asked to self-quarantine at home and use separate bathrooms, dishes, and towels from their cohabitants. Health-service officials check in twice daily to monitor their symptoms.


International arrivals are also subject to isolation rules. South Korea requires that foreign arrivals self-isolate for two weeks. Koreans arriving from overseas are required to download an app that registers their symptoms in the days after their arrival. By early April, South Korea reported that more than 170,000 inbound travelers had downloaded the app, and nearly 9,000 of them had reported symptoms requiring hospitalization or mandatory quarantine. (Individuals who violate self-isolation rules face steep fines or, for foreigners, immediate deportation.)


If you want to open up the economy then by all means provide masks weekly to everyone in the US, provide fast and free testing, take our cell phones and track our every move to inform tracing, provide free healthcare to those infected...i.e. perform ALL the steps that these Asian countries took, not just the ones that appeal to you.


"This is just trolling. You never say anything concrete, contradict any evidence with other evidence. You just assert things and hope nobody notices the tumbleweeds blowing throw the gaps in your logic."


Nailed it. Describes Cubsfan to a "T"


Now Cubs, if you are so adamant that Trump doesn't have mental issues go back to my last post where I outlined some of his issues and  explain where each issue I mentioned doesn't apply.


In other words, put up or shut up.


"Aside from what some of his followers believe, Trump has serious mental problems. One does not have to do very much research to confirm this.


Megalomania - obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.


Narcissism - A personality disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance


Sociopath - someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). People with ASPD can't understand others' feelings. They'll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause.


Paranoia - A personality disorder which involve odd or eccentric ways of thinking, an unrelenting mistrust and suspicion of others, even when there is no reason to be suspicious.


Delusional - Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They're unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality.


Persecution complex - An acute irrational fear that other people are plotting one's downfall and that they are responsible for one's failures."


Sure, Liberty, sure - I know, I know - it's TRUMP'S fault - that's your answer to everything - we ALL appreciate your armchair psychoanalysis.


Now back to your meltdown.


You're such a cliché.


I don't think everything is Trump's fault. Just the things that are, and I point out what they are and why. If you ever have an actual argument to make to support any of your positions, go for it. It would be a nice change for you from the classic gambits of "I'll act like I won the argument so others may think I did" and strawmen arguments ("you think everything's Trump's fault".. what does that even mean? I also think that a lot of things are Putin's fault (or Harvey Weinstein's fault), because he did them, but I don't think everything is Putin's (or Weinstein's) fault, but it also doesn't mean I should think nothing is his fault..? What a silly line of thought to do down on..).


As for having opinions about people, it's life. We all do it every day. I don't know where it got started that people shouldn't have opinions about the mental states of others. I guess because psychiatrists have a professional code that they can't diagnose people they haven't met, which others have turned into something quite different, which is that nobody else can have an opinion about someone else's mental health. That's interesting in itself, because plenty of mental health professional have come out to say that they think Trump is sick -- they think it's so bad that they had to override their usual restraint in such matters to warn the public. You can't have a solid opinion from just meeting someone, but when you observe someone over years and years and hundreds and hundreds of hours of talks and interviews and reports from those around them about their behavior, the picture becomes a lot clearer.


I mean, when I look at Tom Cruise being interviewed by Oprah that time, I think there's a high chance he was heavily depressed. It's just pattern matching and looking at the facts. When I look at Trump, I see all the signs of a sociopath with narcissistic personality disorder. Those signs are codified, they lead the observable behaviors. They mean something. For borderline and subtle cases, it can be hard to know, you have a high degree of uncertainty, it's a probabilistic judgement call. But with Trump, it's clear as day. I'd be way more surprised if he wasn't these things, that would raise a lot more questions, because he's certainly not behaving in a neurotypical way.


Thanks for more of your bloviating bullshit Liberty - keep going from one hoax to the next - just makes you look stupid.


Now back to your meltdown.


keep the stupidity coming bro...


just makes you look stupid.


try not to have a meltdown over the President's successes.


cubsfan is abusive and controlling.  He cannot tolerate the contribution of others if they do not agree with his core beliefs, so he berates them in an attempt to silence them..




... and “poof”, just like that, Cubsfan rides off into the sunset when he is exposed for the troll he is. Perhaps he will be off to infect another thread for a while now. Anything to avoid having to support his position.



... and “poof”, just like that, Cubsfan rides off into the sunset when he is exposed for the troll he is. Perhaps he will be off to infect another thread for a while now. Anything to avoid having to support his position.


Nah, he doesn't have the introspection capability to update. He'll just keep saying the same thing over and over again, forever, smug in his belief that he's the smartest and most correct and we're all dumb idiots.


Thanks for more of your bloviating bullshit Liberty - keep going from one hoax to the next - just makes you look stupid.


Now back to your meltdown.


keep the stupidity coming bro...


just makes you look stupid.


try not to have a meltdown over the President's successes.


cubsfan is abusive and controlling.  He cannot tolerate the contribution of others if they do not agree with his core beliefs, so he berates them in an attempt to silence them..


Listen to you!  The pot calling the kettle black!


Thanks for more of your bloviating bullshit Liberty - keep going from one hoax to the next - just makes you look stupid.


Now back to your meltdown.


keep the stupidity coming bro...


just makes you look stupid.


try not to have a meltdown over the President's successes.


cubsfan is abusive and controlling.  He cannot tolerate the contribution of others if they do not agree with his core beliefs, so he berates them in an attempt to silence them..


Listen to you!  The pot calling the kettle black!


Sorry, I don't berate people.


Sure, Liberty, sure - I know, I know - it's TRUMP'S fault - that's your answer to everything - we ALL appreciate your armchair psychoanalysis.


Now back to your meltdown.


You're such a cliché.


I don't think everything is Trump's fault. Just the things that are, and I point out what they are and why. If you ever have an actual argument to make to support any of your positions, go for it. It would be a nice change for you from the classic gambits of "I'll act like I won the argument so others may think I did" and strawmen arguments ("you think everything's Trump's fault".. what does that even mean? I also think that a lot of things are Putin's fault (or Harvey Weinstein's fault), because he did them, but I don't think everything is Putin's (or Weinstein's) fault, but it also doesn't mean I should think nothing is his fault..? What a silly line of thought to do down on..).


As for having opinions about people, it's life. We all do it every day. I don't know where it got started that people shouldn't have opinions about the mental states of others. I guess because psychiatrists have a professional code that they can't diagnose people they haven't met, which others have turned into something quite different, which is that nobody else can have an opinion about someone else's mental health. That's interesting in itself, because plenty of mental health professional have come out to say that they think Trump is sick -- they think it's so bad that they had to override their usual restraint in such matters to warn the public. You can't have a solid opinion from just meeting someone, but when you observe someone over years and years and hundreds and hundreds of hours of talks and interviews and reports from those around them about their behavior, the picture becomes a lot clearer.


I mean, when I look at Tom Cruise being interviewed by Oprah that time, I think there's a high chance he was heavily depressed. It's just pattern matching and looking at the facts. When I look at Trump, I see all the signs of a sociopath with narcissistic personality disorder. Those signs are codified, they lead the observable behaviors. They mean something. For borderline and subtle cases, it can be hard to know, you have a high degree of uncertainty, it's a probabilistic judgement call. But with Trump, it's clear as day. I'd be way more surprised if he wasn't these things, that would raise a lot more questions, because he's certainly not behaving in a neurotypical way.


Geez Liberty - blah, blah, blah, blah, blah - you really think you are something!  Tell me more about Tom Cruise and Oprah - I can't wait genius!


S Korea:


Today, south korea’s covid-19 response strategy sits atop three pillars: fast and free testing, expansive tracing technology, and mandatory isolation of the most severe cases. Each pillar was shaped by the epidemics that preceded the 2019 novel coronavirus.




Zero-Tolerance Isolation

To separate the sick from the healthy—and the somewhat sick from the very sick—South Korea’s patients are divided into several groups. The elderly and those with serious illnesses go straight to hospitals. Moderately sick people are sent to isolation dorms, where they’re monitored. And the asymptomatic “contacts” of recently diagnosed cases are asked to self-quarantine at home and use separate bathrooms, dishes, and towels from their cohabitants. Health-service officials check in twice daily to monitor their symptoms.


International arrivals are also subject to isolation rules. South Korea requires that foreign arrivals self-isolate for two weeks. Koreans arriving from overseas are required to download an app that registers their symptoms in the days after their arrival. By early April, South Korea reported that more than 170,000 inbound travelers had downloaded the app, and nearly 9,000 of them had reported symptoms requiring hospitalization or mandatory quarantine. (Individuals who violate self-isolation rules face steep fines or, for foreigners, immediate deportation.)


If you want to open up the economy then by all means provide masks weekly to everyone in the US, provide fast and free testing, take our cell phones and track our every move to inform tracing, provide free healthcare to those infected...i.e. perform ALL the steps that these Asian countries took, not just the ones that appeal to you.


You are citing what appears to be an article written in Atlantic by a staff writer.


But the Korean top expert in Covid management, Dr. Kim Woo-Joo doesn't say that is their strategy.


Dr. Kim says they got less transmission because of masks and washing hands. 


I am not sure why western experts advised against using masks.  Why WHO still recommends against use of masks.  Dr. Kim says clearly he disagrees with WHO about mask recommendation. 


Now that the masks are recommended by CDC, US will get started manufacturing masks. But this will take time. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, etc were ready with manufacturing facilities in case the next infections (after SARS and MERS).  Unfortunately the western world did not.


Listen from 17.40.  At 18.40 he says its masks and washing hands that helped Koreans.  Thats it.


Listen to the Korean expert on what Koreans are doing. Not a staff writer in Atlantic.



Eric, Cubs, Liberty, cwericb and others, please feel free to continue to work out your difference, but could I ask you to take this current discussion to the Politics section?


For your convenience, I created a new thread for your current conversation, and maybe it will be useful for other in the future.



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has quietly released detailed guidance for reopening schools, mass transit and nonessential businesses that had been shut down in an attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus in the United States.


The 60-page document, dated only as May and posted on the website without a formal announcement, comes after some states announced they would lift stay-at-home orders and begin reopening parts of their economies. The CDC has remained largely quiet on the pandemic. Agency officials haven’t held a coronavirus-related briefing in more than two months.


The 60-page document comes weeks after some states announced that they would lift stay-at-home orders and would begin reopening parts of their economies.




CDC still seems paralyzed and not playing its role, either because of incompetence or fear of angering Trump. They all saw people getting fired or attacked for contradicting him, and since he himself contradicts himself all the time (from on day to the other it's "shelter in place" to "reopen America"), it's hard to know where to stand to be safe. Of course, Trump is in charge of the CDC as head of the federal government and picked CDC leadership, so all this is his responsibility.

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