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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. When Yahoo "improved" Yahoo finance, the Canadian Yahoo finance site also had old setup for a while. And then they changed it to new. So don't expect Google's .ca to remain with old functionality. The U.S. finance is also still unchanged, it was linked above. But I'm sure it won't be long before it's gone, both the Canadian and U.S.
  2. You could try this one too. http://www.conferencecalltranscripts.org/
  3. I looked a few years ago when they dropped it but I kind of gave up.
  4. I really miss Google home page, I loved it. I've tried others but none have the ease of use and options that Google home page did.
  5. I assumed it was for his book.
  6. He has a Facebook chat with Tony Robbins Tuesday too.
  7. The weather in Boston is similar to Toronto. Edited for accuracy.
  8. We're moving to Ottawa in November so I've been keeping up with the news there. Apparently they want their hat in the ring for this too. I'm not sure how seriously they're taking it though.
  9. You should have added a button for "Russians"! How could there not be a button for Russians???? And a separate button for Obama (separate from the Democrats). He alone will factor into it somehow.............or maybe a conspiracy with crooked Hillary. ;D
  10. Nah, you're on point. I would also add that this book was very dry. Not nearly as readable as his other stuff. It's like he didn't bother to make sure the stories were engaging before putting them in the book. I remember reading something a while back about popular writers (books and movies). They write a really successful book and the publisher signs a contract outlining more at regular intervals. So all of a sudden the person who wrote a great book on his or her terms has to write on a schedule. But in the case of people like Michael Lewis, Malcolm Gladwell etc., they may need to find something to actually write about since they may have put everything they had into those one or two really good books.
  11. At least you can bet that these problems are in the mind of Bezos. Nationwide partnerships. Order through Amazon and delivered by the local branch.
  12. Regarding being misleading, isn't the 26% compounding his goal? It's good to aim for something tangible. He has NOT achieved it, but could it still not be a goal? Yes. (From basehitinvesting.com blog) http://basehitinvesting.com/mohnish-pabrai-lecture-at-columbia-university-my-notes/
  13. I have both the book and pdf, so the search is easy. 8) From Chapter 4
  14. Every time I see the KR-Kroger thread in the ideas section, I picture Kruger from Kruger Industrial Smoothings. ;D
  15. I applied to intern there. The guy they ended up choosing was a real go getter......
  16. You're not alone on this. He's hit and miss for me. I found it funny when he interviewed Aswath Damodaran, he pronounced Damodaran 3 different ways. Damo-dahran, Damo-darren and I think the last one was Damo-doorin. ;D
  17. Programmers in general are not good in thinking in terms of user experience. My wife works for a Microsoft Dynamics partner. The developers who are successful are the ones who know the product from a user point of view. Apparently that's a tall order for the dev manager in hiring. They simply don't know the product and really don't care to.
  18. Let's collaborate on a programming assignment to figure this out. ;D
  19. Former custom home builder turned wannabee developer here. ;D
  20. Just curious, cheap by what metric? And by markets do you mean a TSX ETF or the big caps like you mentioned like banks, O&G, etc? I like stories like those of your friend.
  21. After Flip died (our male), our vet asked if we considered Dainty as a therapy dog. My wife and I both have one or two people in our family that doesn't like dogs. At family gatherings at our house Dainty would always and I mean always seek them out. (I think that's common among most calm dogs, not just greys). It would always end with them petting Dainty, sometimes they were aware they were doing it and other times they did it without even knowing.
  22. He's beautiful! Greyhound's are some of the most gentle creatures ever. Our male, "I'm Brindle Savvy" AKA "Flip", had some issues with me. I'm sure he was abused at the track. For the first couple of years I couldn't take my belt off without him running out of the room. You also couldn't ever reach over his head. He would growl. I'm still a greyhound guy at heart. I hope we get another one or two later on. I think that's cool you have a race of his on the FB page. We found all of their records on the greyhound-data website but no race footage. Here's our 45 MPH couch potatoes, unfortunately they're both long gone...........on our very old couch. (that's long gone too thankfully ;D )
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