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Everything posted by eclecticvalue

  1. Do you mean you can't buy stocks that are trading in the OTC?
  2. Look into tiingo.com . It has a lot of functionality, the data seems accurate, and the founder is trying to build a compelling platform.
  3. Tompety03, Thank you for the notes.
  4. Companies are already doing webcasts. They use clunky platforms.
  5. You could tweet at Pabrai and the other about it.
  6. His letters will always be hard to come by. Since his organization scouts the internet for any mention or posting of his letters. And I believe he has a strict policy with his investor base about this.
  7. I went through the 2016 ideas and calculated the hit rate and I must say it is pretty good. So out of 61 ideas. 45 did well and 16 did not. There were quite a few that were multi-baggers. The users that stood out were Picasso and Wilson-TPC. They dropped a couple of ideas that were multi-baggers. So congrats to all who had great ideas this year. Hope 2017 works out for you guys.
  8. I have two AIG and WMIH. Edit: I will add another one, XRDC- the liquidation will wrap up by the end of 2017.
  9. Since we don't have many grievances. I decided to tell some of my own. Macrotourists- Stop being one of them. You are not George Soros. You should stick with valuing companies instead of economies. Value Pretenders- You need to move on from value investing and move into low-cost index funds already. Stop coat tailing other investors ideas and do your own due diligence if you want to be a Value Investor.
  10. Hi guys, It is the end of the year. And I wanted to celebrate the year by airing out our grievances. So let it be known. Happy Festivus! :)
  11. Could you explain? Another FFI, this time called FFA? India I understand and like. In Africa what is their edge? Cheers, Gio What edge do they have in India?
  12. I found this article today. He was definitely an outspoken contrarian. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-mutual-fund-manager-knew-how-to-make-your-money-grow-2016-12-15
  13. Well why didn't I think of that. However, you still need to label your lines so we know who's who.
  14. Then the cycle begins where new investors pile in.
  15. Very good piece from the CollabFund. They have writing great stuff recently. http://www.collaborativefund.com/uploads/Collab%20Bad%20Side%20of%20a%20Good%20Idea4.pdf
  16. It has annotations in them. It supposed to illuminate the readers what the different passages mean.
  17. Most definitely, I am seeing the same trends rkbabang and valcont. Very interesting, Indeed!
  18. Guys check this out http://nypost.com/2016/09/21/peer-to-peer-insurer-lemonade-launches-in-new-york/ Daniel Ariely is involved with this.
  19. Now this is real drama and very shocking!!!!
  20. They are marketing it as marketplace for research in the asian markets.
  21. Oh, I forgot there is Tiingo https://www.tiingo.com/ . An interesting Fintech startup.
  22. Both Google finance and yahoo finance have made it harder to find relevant news. Try Reuters or MSN Money.
  23. I think it is very simple. Both the consumers and corporations are binging on debt. And it probably won't end well. Also Income stocks are overvalued. We pretty much have to wait.
  24. Take a look at https://www.smartkarma.com/ . Not a Valueline per se.
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