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Everything posted by CONeal

  1. I suspect its what is covered under the two plans. The platinum plan from my understanding is suppose to cover everything under the sun. If that is the case, the bronze coverage would probably be leaving something out which if it occurs it's out of pocket.
  2. Was able to pickup on the Einstein biography on his desk. Anyone else have a clue what the other books were?
  3. Hopefully this will be cheaper then his lunches. :D https://www.charitybuzz.com/catalog_items/340886
  4. Good luck with tax forms and getting them in a timely manner. One yer they left my ass high and dry in Sept with a letter saying they would no longer be fixing any tax forms due to high demand and gave out a nice letter for the IRS in case it causes a problem. Also, I was audited b/c of their record keeping on the backed to the IRS. The $5 trades are not woth it with all the crap I had to go through.
  5. If your account is over 250k you might want to talk to Fidelity. They are rather accommodating for new accounts.
  6. This was one of the primary reason why I switched to Fidelity 2 years ago. That and the old clearing firm couldn't get their crap together regarding tax forms.
  7. Fidelity has price alerts and this is the route I go. Get an email once the price is hit. Though those alerts are very rare lately.
  8. I got a kick out of the same thing. Was thinking the owner doesn't give the jockey a whip so the jockey can turnarouond and beat him with it.
  9. What color did you pick Eric? And the interior? Very nice car! Cheers! It is silver metallic paint with tan interior. All Glass panoramic roof. I chose the fastest one (performance edition) and added the "performance plus" package. As for the rest of the options, I checked all of the boxes ;D Nice! So on the top of the line "performance plus" package, how many miles will you get before charging? About 275-300 miles? Cheers! It won't be 300 miles. That's for 55 miles per hour ;) They have an app for estimating mileage with different speeds and road conditions: http://www.teslamotors.com/goelectric#range Just scroll down on that linked page until you see the white car with the turning wheels. You can adjust the settings and it will simulate the range. 245 mile range on the highway at 65 MPH 352 mile range on the highway at 45 MPH 292 mile range in the city If they could get that to 400 miles at 65MPH, that would be something. I think you would start to see a lot of luxury car owners switching to a Tesla, because price-wise it is already competitive with high-end Mercedes and BMW's. Enjoy your ride! Your license plate should say "FFH BAC"! Cheers! I wonder if it were LFYAH anyone would get the reference? With your history that would be the perfect plate. Wondering how may people would asjk you what it ment?
  10. Since SNS has a fiduciary duty to shareholders, wondering under what kind of scenario they would pull funds from the Lion Fund? What will he do to keep the from happening? This deal looks no different the Tom Ward having his family own the property directly across Sandridge acreage from my view.
  11. Looks to me that the only change is that the equity portfolio for BH is now a limited partner in Lion Fund(s), which will have a higher hurdle of 6% compared to other limited partners who have a hurdle of 5%. So he will still get an incentive fee, but slightly less than if the equities were invested directly through BH, but NO CAP! Wholly-owned investments within BH, and equity investments through the LP. He now doesn't need shareholder approval to bypass the cap. Cheers! So all of the money that would be invested from Steak - n - Shake will be through the Lion Fund? That's going to be one rich man. ;D
  12. Never even heard of this company outside of this story so can't provide any additional background.
  13. Got a kick out of this. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/20-million-awarded-internet-libel-145648480.html
  14. If I am incorrect please let me know but aren't they still in phase 3? If they are, give them 3 - 6 months once the trial is complete to get all the paperwork ready for submission. Since this is the first drug and they don't have another approval to reference in the submission. I would lean more towards a year before they will get approval in Europe. I think 6 months is very aggressive. IMO I would set my expectations more towards 18 months.
  15. A very good question. Been struggling with the same issue most of this year. Got a bicycle, planned a vacation for later this summer, reading some books, figuring out ways to save money, taking the time to actually cook myself.
  16. did a quick glance and nothing really blew my skirt tail off about the company. Head and neck is a small market so if the drug was so effective why would they not put a priority on a dug that would provide better cash flow? By the end of this year they will need to have financing lined up. They may have cash through 2015 but they dont have that long to tap the equity market. You may think it looks great now but is it just as attractive with twice as many shares outstanding? there will be delays and CRL's before this comany will be able to turn any cash (hope your ready for that ride). Under perfect conditions your 3 years away from having a product to market. Who is going to sell the drug in Europe? If they plan to do it on their own, expect a long ramp up b/c development and production is two completely different worlds. Most of your good points listed above have no effect in why you should invest in a particular biotech. The first question you need to ask yourself is... why is this drug better then anything currently on the market?
  17. LMAO that is a real good one.
  18. Can say I've learned something new tonight. Really enjoy your blog, learned alot from it.
  19. The same post lead me over there. :)
  20. Trying to think outside the box a little (for me anyway). Hopefully will learn something new. Rules Can't be used to service debt Can't be used to purchase a house or rental Can't be put in the stock market. Can't spend it on shit. Amount of risk one is willing to take on does not matter. Time for return does not really matter as long as it's growing. So with all that in mind... What would you do with 100k?
  22. 10. They will spend 15k-20k per store for cameras to help manage from headquarters Thought this point was odd. Does he not trust his managers or is he going to nick pick how many fries are on a plate? Then again it might just be for potential lawsuits claiming they slipped on the floor.
  23. My target is the expectation of 30% per year wheither it be in undervalued stocks or the savings on prepaid haircuts :D
  24. Thanks I appreciate it. Care to give some more highlights of what she spoke about?
  25. The argument is usually that the wife deserves to be able to maintain her standard of living "to which she has become accustomed". Well, billionaires and millionaires -- aren't they entitled to retirement spending "to which they have become accustomed"? Hence, the $200k argument is suspect. No, they aren't entitled to anything. Divorce is the dissolution of a partnership agreement between two private individuals. IRAs are a government handout with public money. Divorce settlement analogy just doesn't apply at all. It was sloppy policy in the first place to leave IRAs uncapped. That is so obvious, this really can't be a shock to anyone. Capping was an inevitability. Note to Canadians: TFSA's and RRSP's will 100% guaranteed have caps in the future. Read this to understand my point -- courts can rule that the wife deserves spousal support in line with the standard of living established during the marriage: http://www.virginiadivorceattorney.com/blog/support-me-in-the-lifestyle-to-which-ive-become-accustomed-jeffrey-d-tarkington.cfm Just because a husband is obligated to support a wife's lifestyle doesn't mean the govt. is obligated to support yours. In both cases there is screwing going on. So why would they not be obligated :-)
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