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Everything posted by OracleofCarolina

  1. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/90045/000114420413049936/v354729_dfan14a.htm http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/800286/000114420413049955/v354670_8k.htm Should be interesting to watch this play out. Sham Gad is trying to get a slate of new directors to SED's board and SED responded with a "rights agreement".
  2. http://www.specialopportunitiesfundinc.com/pdfs/SOF-Semiannual_063013.pdf Latest semi-annual report
  3. I second Charlotte..many banking and finance jobs..mostly mild weather..cost of living not bad I used to live there, now in Washington state..Bellevue, Washington is really nice but cost of living somewhat higher
  4. http://www.pgntgroup.com/content/chairman-letters-to-shareholders/2012.pdf Latest letter for what its worth.
  5. http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/a/SB10001424127887323455104579014972501456820?mg=reno64-wsj A couple of franchisees appear to be perturbed at Biglari.
  6. Yep, I know I am late to this party. Just finished this book and throughly enjoyed. Jobs was a visionary. Let's Apple can maintain his vision and keep making beautiful, simple to use products.
  7. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1568820/000139834413003828/xslForm13F_X01/fp0007932_13fhr-table.xml
  8. Latest 13-F out.. No changes other than doubling ZINC and adding a smidge to CHK.
  9. http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_23754678/steak-n-shake-sues-local-franchise-stop-its
  10. Overstock CEO runs ad in today's WSJ congratulating Steve Cohen on indictment, mentioning 'sith lord' http://t.co/iCQGsPefrN
  11. What about a business the gov't runs? Selling lottery tickets?
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Would this have anything to do with the rights offering? Sardar mentioned at the annual meeting that the SEC was asking for changes before they would approve the rights offering. Sardar wanted the rights offering done ASAP but the SEC was delaying.
  14. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/93859/000152153613000580/form8k07428_07012013.htm
  15. Yes,indeed...congrats Sanjeev...you are the man!
  16. Ok..anyone notice the bullish magazine covers from Barron's and the Economist this week? And then I see this article http://m.washingtonpost.com/business/meet-dylan-the-daytrader/2013/05/09/00786200-b5d6-11e2-b94c-b684dda07add_story_2.html If my mom calls me and wants to buy stocks..then I am out! Lol
  17. The Bloomberg terminal spying scandal has reached new heights, CNBC reports. A former Bloomberg employee told CNBC that he accessed information on the terminals of Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. The employee didn't say specifically what he was looking at, but that it concerned usage of specific functions.
  18. I attended some of the annual meeting in NYC as I was there visiting a friend. I missed the beginning and left early . Anyway, Biglari wants to make alot of money and he reminded the folks there of this many times. He rattled off lots of numbers from memory including chapter and page numbers of Security Analysis. Here are a couple of things I wrote down 1. They are not inclined to refranchise SNS stores 2. Not interested in stock buybacks at this time,BH is in embryonic stage, too many other ideas at this point 3. ITEX and CCA are the two negative stocks out of 9 13-d's , CCA has been an expensive education but no intention to sale 4. Lion Fund , 100 million AUM, 75% is BH shares, has a 5% hurdle rate , Lion Fund has a better tax structure than BH and they are not going to close down, there could be regulatory issues if they did not have Lion Fund 5. Sardar is sick and tired of people whining about Obamacare, they will manage around, actually lowering prices May 1st 6. In-n-Out is kicking their butt in Dallas 7. SNS is opening a unit in Dubai mall 8. In it for the long haul with Cracker Barrel, rope a dope strategy 9. Cooley says they bid on several well known brands but did not win, would not disclose names 9. Sardar guarantees they will own an insurance company within 2 years, has passed on 25 deals 10. They will spend 15k-20k per store for cameras to help manage from headquarters Oh yeah, they are out to MAKE MONEY! Cheers, Jason
  19. New signage for Steak N Shake.....Sanjeev, you are going to love this
  20. Tonight, a special hour with Brian Moynihan, Bank of America CEO. Should be interesting interview.
  21. It was on Fox Business News around mid Feb...he mentioned it kind of casually while answering another question.
  22. Not bad..almost as good as Paul Ryan..lol
  23. Seems like everybody loves BAC..at least they did on 12/31/2013.
  24. A big Thank You to Sanjeev and all the members of this board. I have learned so much and continue to learn from everyone here. Jason
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