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Everything posted by OracleofCarolina

  1. Friendly Fair Premier Holdings
  2. It's official..congrats to Sanjeev! http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/premier-diagnostic-health-services-inc-announces-new-president-and-ceo-cnsx-pdh-1944759.htm
  3. Lunch sounds good..and maybe a coffee before!
  4. Congrats!!
  5. http://www.morningstar.com/advisor/t/96095421/milk-of-all-things-helped-francis-chou-become-one-of-canada-s-top-value-investors.htm?dtr
  6. He must have gotten rid of the mustache to be more aerodynamic and decrease wind drag..lol
  7. Buffett and Mayweather? http://instagram.com/p/sMN9btR3aH/
  8. Interesting as Mr.Winters also positions his strategy as not "index hugging", yet the performance is index like
  9. David Winters on selling all of his Berkshire, via his twitter feed Winters: "We no longer felt that Warren Buffett was looking out for his shareholders’ interests."Although Berkshire is still a high-quality business with a compelling valuation,"it no longer met the second principle of our three-pronged investment criteria – management working on behalf of all shareholders.
  10. Creditor vs debtor..short bonds if Argentina wins..haha
  11. Both Bill Gates and Warren Buffett said this is their favorite business book of all time: http://t.co/tKCVUFPbqs http://t.co/e2NduXO922
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/sed-international-holdings-announces-funding-203200348.html Still a chance SED survives without bankrupcy!
  13. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ricks-cabaret-international-inc-announces-130000336.html Also, Ricks reported "same store sales" up 5% from last year. This tells me the economy is moving along ok and this is one of the indicators I look at : ) Cheers!
  14. Cooley and Biglari resigned from CCA board effective last week. I don't read much into this, it is such a small position for BH. Since CCA recently hired a new CEO and changed the way they are structured, I would guess Phil and Sardar are moving on. My recollection is there are some very expensive change of control rules until 2016 to prevent any buyout of the company, but I could be mistaken on this.
  15. Happy Birthday! I hope you are enjoying a couple of beverages from Russell Breweries on this day!
  16. anyone heard of Buffett's thoughts on United Artists Theatre Circuit in the past? Buffett apparently bought in Sept 1961 as I have the stock certificate.
  17. This story is over 3 years old
  18. Chicago hot dog chain to sell for $1B: Sources Berkshire Partners is in advanced talks to acquire Portillo's for close to $1 billion, according to people familiar with the matter. Read more: http://www.cnbc.com/id/101804761 Sent from the CNBC app. Available for iPhone and iPad
  19. The 10-K came out today so should know something soon about the annual meeting.
  20. Yes..success for me too! Can now access the site again from my phone:)
  21. http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/PGNT/news/Paragon-Technologies-Releases-Chairman-s-Letter-To-Shareholders?id=82716&b=y Looks like it is not over for SEDN yet, I see a glimmer of hope in the letter
  22. A new day at Maxim http://www.maxim.com/corporate/statement-maxim
  23. Not so fast...from Buffett 1965 One story stands out. This, of course, is the saga of trading acumen etched into history by the Manhattan Indians when they unloaded their island to that notorious spendthrift, Peter Minuit in 1626. My understanding is that they received $24 net. For this, Minuit received 22.3 square miles which works out to about 621,688,320 square feet. While on the basis of comparable sales, it is difficult to arrive at a precise appraisal, a $20 per square foot estimate seems reasonable giving a current land value for the island of $12,433,766,400 ($12 1/2 billion). To the novice, perhaps this sounds like a decent deal. However, the Indians have only had to achieve a 6 1/2% return (The tribal mutual fund representative would have promised them this.) to obtain the last laugh on Minuit. At 6 1/2%, $24 becomes $42,105,772,800 ($42 billion) in 338 years, and if they just managed to squeeze out an extra half point to get to 7%, the present value becomes $205 billion. So much for that. Some of you may view your investment policies on a shorter term basis. For your convenience, we include our usual table indicating the gains from compounding $1,000,000 at various rates.
  24. Wachovia buying Golden West
  25. http://centman.com/insights/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/inflation-june-2014.pdf Arnold Van Den Berg has a great way of simplifying macro talk for knuckle-dragging folks such as myself. Cheers!
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