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Everything posted by OracleofCarolina

  1. Your question was asked and Biglari actually shared his view on ITEX . I am sure Ragu has better notes than me but essentially Sardar is against current management now due to their excessive compensation..lol Sanjeev, you were right about compensation. Biglari hinted that the 10 million cap would eventually go away and he urged folks to sell the stock if that was a problem. Sardar and Phil were very defensive on compensation questions.
  2. Wild day for PRXI, down 18% without any news..should be a crazy week ahead
  3. Onyx1, I have been in PRXI for a couple of years. It seems what you are assuming about a bidder buying shares in the open market is taking place. But, what if we are wrong? Like you, i still have shares, but i have gradually been selling this year. I feel bad i left gains on the table but not too bad as I was BAC with my sale proceeds.
  4. He will probably get a flood of money from this story. Then his returns will probably suffer and then folks will take their money out, then his returns will go up....the cycle repeats
  5. I thought some of the board members would be interested. ITEX Commences Tender Offer to Purchase its Common Stock; at $4.20 per Share - Yahoo! Finance http://t.co/L9VCzuaO via @YahooFinance
  6. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/60381306/120201%20-%20Case%20Study%20I%20%28With%20Disclaimers%29.pdf Updated Berkowitz case study of BAC, he's thinking fair value around $20
  7. http://www.bizjournals.com/mobile/orlando/news/2012/01/24/professor-days-numbered-for-bank-of.html I don't agree... Why get rid of Brian??
  8. http://nrn.com/article/steak-n-shake-hopeful-signature-will-drive-franchise-growth?ad=news More press on the NYC store...seems to be doing very well.. lines are out the door
  9. NYC store looks clean and modern. http://m.ny.eater.com/archives/2012/01/inside_nycs_first_ever_steak_n_shake_opening_thursday.php
  10. http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-11/overstock-com-loses-ruling-in-suit-alleging-short-selling-by-goldman-sachs.html?cmpid=yhoo Another OSTK court case dismissed today, this one against Goldman Sachs regarding short selling
  11. Berkowitz just can't catch a break. Last report I see is SHLD being 8% of assets. Ouch!
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Preliminary-Results-Indicate-bw-584275981.html?x=0 no go for Biglari, but the poison pill did not pass
  13. You should have enough funds to do an enhanceitex.com too!
  14. http://www.biglariholdings.com/letters/2011.pdf#zoom=100
  15. He may come off as a jerk to some folks, but he always writes great letters. First time I've ever seen "lugubrious" used in a sentence. I don't think he will win a board seat this go around , however CRBL seems to be moving in the right direction. I actually saw a tv commercial yesterday for them which I usually never see.
  16. Hey, My local library carries that publication, if I get a chance, I'll try to read it and summarize for you. UWN is an interesting company.
  17. Group wants to buy 500 million shares of BAC common at $6.00 http://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/blog/bank_notes/2011/11/ipic-group-offers-to-buy-500-million.html?ana=RSS&s=article_search&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  18. Speaking of Biglari, he sure knows how to Say all the right things in his letters, have you read his latest to CBRL shareholdershttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/Sardar-Biglari-Issues-Letter-prnews-1434956308.html?x=0&l=1
  19. Anyone in the market for a 90,000 square foot house in Florida? http://t.co/EpsXSSUJ
  20. I went back into WINN today and I adding alittle to my BAC, i hope they keep going down so I can buy more.
  21. Sun capital.. right? Did they buy them and then load them up with debt?
  22. I think this is just showing how the warrants are allocated across the various subsidaries.
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