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Everything posted by OracleofCarolina

  1. Love how they blame the fed and then come up with excuses..the simple fact is the odds are you in favor with index funds
  2. any update on the Dhando Holdings IPO?
  3. Probably a 150 people there and no ownership was required last year
  4. PGNT MAAL And of course PRDGF
  5. I am guessing we will get some news on when Dhando Holdings will go public soon. Hope it happens in a depressed market so the price will be reasonable.
  6. PRDGF micro-cap with dry powder..and a rock star CEO
  7. The company decided to drastically reduce overhead. A snippet from today's press release To save substantial costs and in parallel with this re-alignment, unfortunately we will need to discontinue the employment of the current CEO, Paul Byrne, who will now remain as an advisor to the Company. He will be replaced as Chief Executive Officer by Harris Kupperman, the founding CEO and largest shareholder of MGG. Mr. Kupperman has agreed to resume his former executive role for zero cash compensation during 2015. “Given the deteriorating economic situation in Mongolia, the time has come to dramatically reduce costs while still positioning the Company for future growth,” said Harris Kupperman, Chairman and CEO of MGG. “Starting with the changes announced today along with the steps that will be taken over the next few months, I aim to reduce the Company’s cost structure, so that MGG is in a position to thrive regardless of the economic situation in Mongolia.”
  8. Yep, definitely time to go all in with Pabrai! I love the guy and learn or relearn something from all his talks...He's a great guy in my view!
  9. 2011 screwed all his long term numbers up
  10. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/721447/000092189514002457/ex991to13da607428018_111414.htm So Biglari gets the "put option" at $6 essentially in 3 years(about 20% annual return) and board representation. I guess in return he can't give the current mgmt any grief through proxy fights or make an offer for the company. I wonder how the stock reacts tomorrow?
  11. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1568820/000160658714000271/xslForm13F_X01/form Latest 13F is out, looks like he got rid of CH Robinson and bought more of his other holdings.
  12. 10q came out for Paragon....glanced through and did not see anything encouraging
  13. Well I just watched the latest Pabrai video and the Jammu & Kashmir bank sounds pretty good. I don't have the ability to buy at my broker though.
  14. I just finished reading the book learned a lot. I suppose Radio Shack is an example of a retail operation that was successfully turned around(at least for a couple of decades). I'll send the book to the 1st person who direct messages me their info.
  15. http://pagesix.com/2014/11/10/billionaire-steve-cohen-pays-100-million-for-art-sculpture/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=P6Twitter&utm_medium=SocialFlow What do you guys think about the latest purchase?
  16. I know he likes to interrupt folks and talk a lot ...I didn't realize he was a MIT grad
  17. He's doing CEO things now! Lol
  18. Nothing..just sitting tight
  19. We should find out soon on SED if it is a viable business..according the press release back in July the updated financials should be released this month.
  20. Haha..Buffett is at tonight's fight..here's an interview http://www.valuewalk.com/2014/09/mayweather-warren-buffett-pre-fight-interview/
  21. http://www.wwd.com/media-news/fashion-memopad/maxim-magazine-names-kate-lanphear-editor-in-chief-7899437?module=hp-media This is an interesting hire.
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