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Everything posted by OracleofCarolina

  1. Well, I forget all about this stock. I lost a smidge just doing a little speculation in this stock...I know I know..stupid.. But I get a little restless sometimes. Anyway, got some settlement paperwork in the mail today..maybe I'll get enough settlement for a nice lunch at Cracker Barrel..lol Cheers!
  2. http://www.amazon.com/Buffett-American-Capitalist-Roger-Lowenstein/dp/067941584X/ref=tmm_hrd_title_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=&qid= I 2nd the Lowenstein recommendation, but buy the hardback, you can get for 50 cents plus the $4 shipping on Amazon and maybe follow up with The Dhando Investor by Pabrai. That will give a good start and can continue with Buffett's letters or Tap Dancing to Work. Cheers, Jason
  3. A good "new" Star Wars movie!
  4. And Vanguard closed their Capital Opportunity fund this week, which is +40% YTD. The general public seems to be doing the usual of flooding stock funds after a run up.
  5. I thought you would be interested in the following story from The Wall Street Journal. Hedge Funds May Rebound and Spoil Buffett's Bet http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303722104579242613548473766.html Seems Buffett is winning the bet so far! Cheers! Jason
  6. Thanks for the info..keep us updated Jason
  7. Hi Norm, Have you looked at givewell.org? They do extensive research on charities and give their recommendations on some of the best along with the reasoning.
  8. Congrats Packer! A big thank you to Sanjeev for creating and maintaining this board. The Superinvestors of "Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax" are growing and it has been amazing to watch in real time. Cheers! Jason
  9. http://mobile.bloomberg.com/video/appaloosa-s-tepper-says-stock-markets-not-in-bubble-xsuYVJ46Qu6E52XtN0tX6w.html As always, entertaining! Cheers!
  10. Chou Opportunity's latest holdings 09/30/2013 Top Holdings As of September 30, 2013 Top 10 Holdings percentage of assets Sears Holdings Corp. 26.5% Resolute Forest Products Inc. 23.2% Union Bank Instl. Tr. Depo 19.8% Overstock.com Inc. 4.7% MannKind Corp. 4.3% Dell Inc. 4.3% JPMorgan Chase warrants 3.9% MBIA Inc 3.6% Bank of America warrants 3.6% UTStarcom Holdings 2.2%
  11. Sham certainly has his work cut out for him, the SED story just got uglier. "After assuming control of the Company’s Board of Directors on October 17, 2013, the new Board was informed that employees of the Company may have been providing false information to a significant vendor of the Company to obtain rebates from the vendor for a period of at least two years. The new Board has been undertaking an investigation of this matter with the assistance of outside legal counsel and a forensic accounting firm. The Company’s investigation is ongoing, and it has not yet determined all of the Company employees and officers who may have been involved in or may have directed the false reporting or whether the Company will be required to restate its historical financial statements. Currently, the Company believes that the amount of the rebates received by the Company but not earned totals approximately $2.16 million"
  12. http://m.us.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304672404579186384097828204?mg=reno64-wsj Craig McBeth, a protégé of Todd Combs, a former hedge-fund manager handpicked by Warren Buffett to help manage his company's investments, left Berkshire Hathaway Inc. this year to launch a fund that will make bets on a handful of companies. "We anticipate short positions will be rare: we believe they are inherently inferior to our best long ideas," said a marketing document for Mr. McBeth's new Judson Founders Fund that was viewed by The Wall Street Journal.
  13. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/longform/bison-dele/?mobile=n I don't know what planet I was on, but I never heard this story before
  14. http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/800286/000114420413056448/v357937_8k.htm A little house cleaning by Sham, interesting to watch and see how this plays out. Cheers, jason
  15. http://enhancecrackerbarrel.com/pdfs/CBRL_sh_special_dividend_letter.pdf Sardar saying he will now sign a contract not seeking board control if added to the board. As always, interesting to watch and I would never bet against Sardar, but I do not see how he will win the proxy vote with the CBRL stock doing so well. Cheers, Jason
  16. I cut the cable cord this year and haven't really missed it. I have a $30 over the air HD antenna that gives me plenty to watch.
  17. Well after a terrible third quarter, CCA has a new CEO, major reorganization with layoffs and suspension of their dividend http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cca-industries-inc-announces-appointment-211800092.html
  18. Well SED and Paragon came to an agreement and Sham Gad us now on the board of SED. Also, Sam Weiser(PRXI's CEO is also on the board) We"ll see if he can recover some if his investment in SED.
  19. Squawk Box (@SquawkCNBC) 10/15/13 @WarrenBuffett is our guest host tomorrow for the entire @SquawkCNBC show! Tune in at 6a ET for insights from the Oracle of Omaha Sent from my iPhone
  20. http://www.georgetown.edu/news/bank-of-america-warren-bufett-conversation.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=buffett-at-georgetown I"ll be watching! Cheers! Jason
  21. http://www.forbes.com/sites/calebmelby/2013/09/17/guns-girls-and-sex-tapes-the-saga-of-billionaire-stewart-rahr-number-one-king-of-all-fun/ Yea, i know ya'll want to read this! Cheers, Jason
  22. http://www.ivafunds.com/sites/default/files/downloads/IVA%20Funds%20Conf%20Call%20Transcript%20Sept%2010%202013%20(FINAL).pdf Cheers! Jason
  23. speaking of Chou semi-annual report, sheesh, he lost his a** in Torstar and Rainmaker so far.
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