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Everything posted by rohitc99

  1. +1, though funny thing is if you reach this, you will often shoot past this number because of simple compounding and most likely the person had some agency to get to this point - so he/she just keeps going
  2. does the investment thesis change on berkshire post Warren Buffett with Howie as the chairman v/ someone else ?
  3. I think warren mentioned he will be the guardian of the culture and maybe his legacy ? not an operating manager per se. So not a true successor in that sense and with the buffett family stock going to charities, the family will not exert control in that manner. Its worked out for some of the other companies such as walmart. maybe it will in berkshire too
  4. Inventing something and commercializing it are two different skills isn't it ? He may not be an inventor but taking it to commercial stage and on scale is equally difficult and equally important. Smart engineers may be a necessary but not sufficient condition. You need someone with the drive and ambition to get it all together and make it work at scale
  5. I have been reading about edison and there are a lot of parallels between him and elon. One thing which stood out was that often a new technology needed hype and promise (aka vapor ware) to keep the interest going and capital flowing in. Edison did that with the electric bulb and was a showman. Ofcourse charlatans do it too and hence its tough to differentiate in the begining. But as edison proved himself, the next time he made claims, people were ready to back him. often edison would claim his invention was working, while he was feverishly trying behind the scene to make it work I agree with @rkbabang - there have very few, handful maybe of people who have pushed technology forward to this level and here elon is doing it in multiple fields and from a position of strength compared to someone like edison I was hearing a podcast with jensen huang and Xai stood up a data centre of 100000 GPU in 19 days where as it takes 1-3 years to plan this kind of this and no one has gone beyond 30000 GPU till date How much more evidence do we need that this guy makes stuff happen even if some of his moonshots fail or are delayed !
  6. +1 for some of us who immigrated to the US/Canada and are part of the top 5-10 or 1% whatever it is, the change in our lifetime is even more. We have moved several rungs in 20-30 years. So the exact numbers dont matter as much to me. I just feel incredible lucky
  7. thank you. still planning travel. any suggestions what is the best way to book the entire itinerary? individually for hotel, flights etc ?
  8. absolutely. There are so many people who are doing two or more jobs. A lot of employees just coast along. 20 hrs a week of work takes you into the top 20% of these companies and if you can avoid meetings, even lesser Dont join a start up or a small company where you cannot blend into the background just show up, do your thing smartly and efficiently and be nice to people - i am sure a lot of people can work < 20 hrs/ week with that. with remote work, that frees up a lot of time to invest or do whatever else you want
  9. +1 and its amazing how low the numbers of hours for 'just not to be fired' level is in most companies. find a large, bureaucratic company for that
  10. Planning a trip to costa rica during thanksgiving week. kids are 21 and 16 who would like to do activities like ziplining, snorkeling, hiking etc can suggestions on the top places to visit during this 8 day trip ? any do's , don't or suggestions ?
  11. maybe the lesson from you analysis is - Dont quit at the market top or in a bubble and become a full time investor.
  12. thanks @dealraker that was an investment book condensed in a single page!
  13. got it. thanks !
  14. Is there a specific ETF for the bond index you use ?
  15. The state of art on robots is changing fast too. With all the AI advancements, in the next 10 years we could have general purpose robots ..or atleast robots which are tuned and can do a lot which humans can. even if it is more expensive per robot, the regulatory risk and other safeguards that have to be put in place for humans can be reduced
  16. +1 I have lived in Japan, Malaysia, UK before we immigrated to the US. I am on Indian origin. We chose the US (canada was next choice) I have seen other countries and each place will have its plus or minus, but US/Canada for all the negatives we can think of are far better - definitely for immigrants. I am happy to pay the taxes and grateful for the opportunities this country has given me and my kids. I have friends in india, who are doing very well even by western standards. However they are going to spend a fortune to send their kids to do an under-grad in the US and then stay back. These are very smart kids and would do well anywhere in the world. Actions speak louder than words
  17. We settled for a dog after 2 kids. Initially dreaded the thought and were kind of pushed into it by our kids. But with kids growing up and going off to college, i think its a great decision for us. For sure, having a dog has made our life better. Once they go through the initial puppy phase (a few months), there much lesser work - feed them and take them for a walk
  18. My guess is that for this kind of play, he would be smart enough to get laywers before the trade and someone could even be staking him
  19. +1 You are setting good example for us. I am sure i will thank and remember you and cubsfan for your advise as i get to that age
  20. have you faced any lower back issues due to strength training ? I started the program and hurt my lower back. Physio recommended not to do deadlifts Possibly i am doing it wrong and should do it with a proper coach
  21. +1 also as i age, find that in general i get less angry and irritated by small stuff. most times you brush it off recall this keanu reeves quote - I'm at the stage in my life where I keep myself out of arguments. Even if you tell me 1+1=5. You're absolutely correct, enjoy The thing about happiness being a U curve which bottoms in early 40s and then trends up seems to be for real. if you have reasonable health and decent finances, its not a bad time
  22. i can try, but its a really dense book and cant speak for others, but i have been barely able to get 30-40% of the book till now. i will have re-read it a few times other book by the same author which is in my list is fabric of reality
  23. +1 The US is bad, but wait till you see other countries the last time i checked there are very few countries where people are lining up to get in The reason for my optimism is that any craziness in the US tends to get corrected over time due to its system. In a lot of other countries, somehow that doesnt happen
  24. thanks for sharing all the technical details !
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