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  1. Would you mind showing how the math works then, since I cannot get it to work. Thank you.
  2. it is not a reasonable fee. The entire tax savings are effectively consumed by the fee.
  3. I know Schwab, Fidelity and GS offer this, probably others. 1.85% fee is insane, and will negate the entire tax advantage.
  4. I do tax harvesting with my own portfolio on a regular basis (at least once a month.) I am not sure how 25% tax loss can be arrived at. Historically, probably 50-100 basis points per annum for my portfolio if I had to guess.
  5. Joint venture can be a corporation. Also, even if a partnership, if it is a limited partnership, then why would there be unlimited liability? By the way, a corporation does NOT mean no liability. The stock must be non-assessable.
  6. Dinar


    While I agree with you in theory, I think in most cases, like Nvidia, the reason that the company does not pay much in tax is because it does not make much money, that is GAAP profits overstate reality and are higher than IRS taxable income. The culprit lies in the options expense. Check out what is reported to shareholders and what is reported to the IRS, IRS numbers matches what employes are taxed on.
  7. Why would an accounting for joint venture be different than equity associate? In both case you don't have 50% nor do you have control.
  8. On the liability side there is a liability account called: distribution and loss in excess of investment in joint venture
  9. Accounting rules are as follows: if you own between 20 and 50% of another company, you usually carry your investment on the balance sheet as an investment in associate. It is carried at cost + your share of company's net income less dividends received. So say Company A bought 30% of company B for $100 on December 31st of 2023. In 2024, company B earned $40 in net income and paid zero dividends. So on 12/31/2024, Company A carries on its balance sheet its stake in company B at : $100 + 30%*$40 = $112. Had company B paid $10 in dividends during 2024, then the figure would become: $100 + 30%*$40-30%*$10 = $109 on 12/31/2024.
  10. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others!
  11. Yeah, until the children of immigrants riot or demand special privileges. Or like the Pakistani gangs rape tens of thousands of English girls, but I guess that's ok, right SD?
  12. I lived in a country where everyone was in theory equal, and there was no food in the shops. You don't want equality. I am happy to pay taxes for efficiently run and good schools, police and fire departments. I don't want to pay taxes to pay for Medicaid on which 37% of NYS population is on. Taxes on entrepreneurs in NYC, NJ, Hawaii and California are at 54%+. In some case, marginal tax rates can approach 60%. How high would you like tax rates to be and what would be the impact?
  13. Read this and tell me is this the immigration that is needed in Europe or US? https://mishtalk.com/economics/elon-musk-and-x-will-help-crush-eu-and-uk-censorship/ And before you say these are a few bad apples, ask yourself what would happen to a young woman who would not dress modestly and walk in a bazaar in a Muslim nation? Answer - rape. Even in the USSR, in Muslim republics, women could not dress "immodestly" in heavily Muslim parts of the city lest they be attacked.
  14. I remember buying them at 4% in the 1990s when they came out and Shiller was plugging them. Too bad I did not hold them till 2008-2009.... In retirement accounts, 2.62% is very attractive
  15. No. What needs to happen are: schools that are run for kids and not teachers' unions, that teach useful skills. End college subsidies, and encourage people to learn trades - electricians, plumbers and carpenters make great money. Stop importing cheap labor. Gut welfare, and eliminate income taxes on first 50K of salary for singles, $100K for couples, and say $150K for couple with kids.
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