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Everything posted by rogermunibond

  1. Sold a position in BYDDY bought at $5 because in April 2020 the outlook for EV and their other businesses seemed to be negative. Partly driven by wanting to raise cash.
  2. https://pullrequest.substack.com/p/the-prophet-of-the-revolt Long but very insightful into the current socio-political dynamic
  3. Aren't the OTA broadcasters sitting on valuable spectrum that the FCC might be willing to allow them to lease out? I'll admit I'm not up on the latest in UHF/VHF FCC plans though.
  4. Might need to check what's available first. A lot of laptop inventory got bought out. But maybe it's mostly Chromebooks for online school.
  5. Still way too much uncertainty about Covid CFR and hospitalization numbers.
  6. https://www.freightwaves.com/news/lawmakers-slam-china-controlled-truck-maker-byd-as-threat-to-u-s Dominating in electric garbage trucks, buses. Not an SOE but I guess that means nothing to US legislators.
  7. BMJ letters posit theory that ACE inhibitors (prescribed for HBP) could be the factor. Studies show that ACE inhibitors upregulate ACE2 expression in cardiac tissue. Could also be upregulated in lungs thus giving SARS-COV-2 more binding targets.
  8. Has anyone tried to look up Himalaya positions through the Shanghai Exchange? Heard on some twitter thread that Himalaya is an investor in Ping An and Kweichou Moutai. Though doubtful at the level that might required disclosure. Still Li Lu may have 5% positions in smaller A share companies.
  9. Lying, conflict, outrage, conspiracy, paranoia draw engagement from those attracted to it and from those attempting to dispute it. The best solution is shunning. Inattention/disregard is the best sanitizer.
  10. Liberty +1 ZH is not the hill to die on w/r/t censorship or even Twitter censorship These battles were all litigated once before when urbanization/industrialization supercharged the printing press. See William Randolph Hearst.
  11. There are a variety of treatment regimens involving antivirals and antibiotics https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30211-7/fulltext
  12. Bull market in doom prophecy But that said the economic effects in China will have ripples in OECD economies > SARS but how much bigger? People are going to get paid, without producing ie staying at home in the worst off cities, SOEs and private biz need liquidity, state will backstop banks to provide that liquidity.
  13. The CCP made a great show several years ago of studying gray rhinos. Seems like for something which they should have been very prepared for the party is caught off guard. Crickets from Zhongnanhai.
  14. Has Klarman just given up on trying to restrict access to his letter? Or maybe this one is a fake. :) Did find it interesting he mentioned Steinhoff International debt.
  15. Map tracking the spread and cases/deaths. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  16. Your building and the landlord should have a smoking policy, which may protect you from the issue of secondhand smoke. https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/smoke/smoking-sample-policy-residential.pdf
  17. Have there been any good books or long-form accounts of the entire Steinhoff International story? Seems like for such a large multi-national fraud that it gets very little attention.
  18. Cassius - when Carrefour was selling its 10% (?) stake in Costco back in the 1990s, Berkshire had the opportunity and passed due to Buffett's aversion to retail, despite Charlie's support for it. File that in the errors of omission stack.
  19. 31 counties 1/3 of GDP is kind of a meaningless stat. There's lots of GDP tied in the wholesale value chain. For example, Boeing 737 sale gets booked in King County. But the bill of materials includes parts and services scattered all over the US.
  20. Lech Walesa interview by NHK - had some interesting comments w/r/t the European project. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/tv/directtalk/20191225/2058586/
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