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Red Lion

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Everything posted by Red Lion

  1. Most of these issues could be avoided by raising closed end funds more like a PE fund than a hedge fund.
  2. I've got a Schwab international trading account and I can't stand it. This is just the consumer brokerage account. I currently have some money in the regular brokerage account I use to roll some T-bills, but I've found IB is easier to deal with for international stocks and options as a lowly retail investor.
  3. Also a dumb question, but could the Treasury do its own quantitative easing without the Fed? Could it issue short term paper and buy 10 years in the open market to drive the yield down?
  4. That's incredible. I don't have nearly as impressive numbers as the rest in this thread, on the long road back from a herniated disc. Physical therapy has been life changing though, and I think in my middle age I'm going to keep going regularly to avoid these weird little imbalances like your example above.
  5. This could be huge in and of itself. And why shouldn't we the taxpayers be getting equity or warrants for IP that we help fund?
  6. What about the estate tax? If some billionaire decides to actually leave public company stock to their heirs instead of doing a foundation workaround, why not dump shares straight into the SWF instead of forcing the heirs to liquidate stock? I guess this would take money out of the treasury, but seems like it could make sense assuming that we keep onerous estate tax levels.
  7. I think these would sell really well where I live
  8. There was a negative margin when he won in 2016 and when George w bush won right?
  9. How could that be your point when I said I didn’t think tariffs would help? anyway actually look into the history. China actually created the fentanyl black market until Mexico took over as the major producer. you think Mexican fentanyl is coming over the Canadian border into the USA? I’ll agree to disagree. Again I do agree it’s stupid to slap tariffs on Canada for many reasons. But Canada’s lax approach to china is a threat to homeland security on so many more issues than just fentanyl.
  10. You’re missing my point which is that 1) Cañada doesn’t produce fentanyl 2) there’s very little control of the border and 3) this is Chinese fentanyl. Read my other posts instead of cherry picking my comments. Mexico makes and transports more drugs into the USA than Canada. No shit.
  11. Then factor in the 90+% that didn’t get caught because we don’t have serious drug enforcement at the Canadian border. That sure is a lot for a country that’s not producing fentanyl.
  12. I get that which is why I said I didn’t think tariffs would stop this problem. But I have two follow up points and a question. 1) Mexico is the largest producer of fentanyl and a narco state 2) no one is looking for fentanyl at the Canadian border. 3) where is the Canadian fentanyl coming from? (Did you guess china too?)
  13. Seems like that could backfire since doesn’t Canada import a fair amount of its food from the US?
  14. I agree with this but Canada? Seriously?
  15. That’s a shitload of fentanyl. * I don’t think tariffs will fix this problem just to be clear.
  16. You mean return on invested capital I think. Buying back stock at a multiple of book value will reduce the book value in itself. But ROIC for aapl is insane for example.
  17. Costco always raining on my backyard egg operation.
  18. I'm just an amateur, but I have to say I agree, this reminds me of the sentiment every time I start thinking about buying railroads. They always seem to bottom out about 5-10% higher than my target backup the truck price. I recently opened a position in CP under this premise...wasn't quite there but it seems to never hit the range I want. 2.6% on TIPs does seem attractive for retirement accounts.
  19. I’d take as much leave as you can get. You won’t regret it later. Plus you can still advance yourself through self study during the time off.
  20. I sold a good chunk of my original shares but I’m holding onto a core position of APO and OWL. Interesting to see OWL still flying high while APO has pulled back about 15% from its highs. I bought quite a bit of JOE/ FFH / CP with the proceeds, hopefully I’ll buy back into a full position in APO/OWL after a pullback. These are long term holds for me as opposed to the Brookfield names.
  21. I find it interesting posting in this thread as I feel it could be a gauge of a top perhaps? I don’t have an answer for you as it depends how close I am to the family. At minimum $250, but perhaps much more if it’s a close connection.
  22. Yet all the progressives are posting memes about musk inheriting an emerald mine so he’s really not so impressive, and by the way if anyone in the market for a used tesla?
  23. So many people bailing at once is kind of what makes it the good opportunity in the first place.
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