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Everything posted by jfan

  1. I've attached an updated FFH valuation model spreadsheet for everyone. I've included some historical data, estimated yield on their bond portfolio, estimated current investment portfolio yield, as well as their geometric total return portfolio (historically). I assumed a 2% GDP related growth of the float. I realize everything here is a rough approximation and most likely everyone here will have a more precise model. For what I gather, there are a few interesting points (at least to me): 1) The current investment portfolio likely will hover around the range of 4.5% given its cash, bond, stock composition. To get their investment returns to 7% will require a common stock return of >20% to achieve this level or much higher interest rates. 2) It seems they have been quite dependent on growing their share of profits/losses from their equity accounted investments over time (especially their non-insurance side, Fairfax AFrica and India fall here as well) to make up for their portfolio returns. This portion has been growing 33% yearly over the past 10 years. 3) Also getting to a 95% Combined ratio is likely a stretch as well. Their 11 year average CR is about 98.6%. FFH_Valuation_Model.xlsx
  2. Given that Fairfax and Hamblin Watsa is quite dependent on human capital. Perhaps the perspective of share dilution could be viewed as growth/succession cap ex to allow the company to continue operating into the future. Furthermore, since Prem is the largest shareholder, any share dilution is also dilution of his proportion as well. Certainly, long-dated options can have the possibility of incentive malalignment. What long-term incentive structure could fairfax put in place to help transition to the next generation and align them with the common shareholder?
  3. The 2/3 discount on the investment income was just a margin of safety that was imposed in order to be conservative. I recognize that it will be quite difficult to forecast their future investment returns as it will be dependent on the skill of the team, market sentiment changes to revalue their stock picks, the weighted average interest rate changes, global macroeconomic Dynamics, ever changing capital shifts in their portfolio, etc. I just reasoned that given the uncertainty and the complexity of all the variables, trying to predict a precise estimate would be fool's game and that the central tendency would be the most least error prone value.
  4. Hey everyone, Fairfax is a pretty complex beast to value with all its moving parts but thought I would give it an amateurish attempt. Just wondering if all you nice people on this board won't be opposed to provide me with some criticism and feedback to my simple dcf model. Thanks for your time. Jerome FFH_simple_DCF_model.docx
  5. Thanks Sanjeev for the clarification. That was helpful. I will try to pose these questions at the Annual Meeting. 1) Could you describe how HWIC currently organizes the responsibilities for making investment decisions with respect to the larger portion of the investment portfolio? 2) Could you describe the process by which the investment committee develops expected values and updates investment theses over time as new information arises? 3) Could you describe how the investment committee learns to improve its investment decision processes over time? 4) How does the investment committee ensure that a diversity of opinions about a decision is heard before committing capital? Yes, most of their investments seem to have a complex thesis (Greek banks, BlackBerry), or are just based on cheapness (Stelco, RFP), while Buffet is jumping 1 foot hurdles like US banks, Apple etc. Note that even when WEB is wrong like he was with IBM, he came out with minor scratches so to speak and didn’t really lose much money. FFH has great companies in their backdoor like Enbridge (which i own) or Canadian banks, or even well managed energy companies like Suncor or CNQ. I feel somehow, they got lost in the search for complexity when it really doesn’t seem necessary. It does seem that FFH prefers the deep value coupled with friendly activism as most of the investments detailed in the 2019 AR follow this pattern. I guess their goal really is to ensure that they get a minimum 7-8% TOTAL return on their investment portfolio, not what most typical OPMI are hoping for (15% CAGR over time in their personal portfolio). I guess this is why they feel comfortable with concentrating their investments as opposed to the conventional thought where these deep value plays by OPMI are not to make up more than 2-4% of their portfolio. So this might explain why they tend to either hit it out of the park on their investments (Quess) or suffer significant opportunity costs over time (Resolute, Blackberry - that being said, people will always need tissue and toilet paper and with autonomous vehicles in the horizon, data security will be a crucial component.) If the investment team dynamic remains the same, and the cultural preference for these investment types is consistent. Their reliance on mean reversion in their individual investments will likely play out in their overall portfolio as well (unless my mathematically understanding is flawed). Therefore, if their geometric mean is somewhere in the range of 7-8%, I guess it would be conceivable to see them also revert back to their long-term mean.
  6. It seems that alot of what hinges on FFH economic fate is quite dependent on their investment returns from their cash, bonds, equities and investment in associates. It also seems their preferred style is concentrated bets in companies with more tangible assets that are market ugly. They approach it with hopes of mean reversion and some degree of activism at the corporate level. This style has left them with some difficult to turnaround equities eg Blackberry and Resolute Forest in a environment that has not been mean reverting. (As an aside, this is an interesting paper from GMO LLC about the market's mean reversion tendency.) https://www.gmo.com/north-america/research-library/is-the-u.s.-stock-market-bubble-bursting/ It also has left them with large short macro positions for too long a period of time. From my understanding, Hamblin Watsa carries out the majority of investment decisions. Prem eludes to a group that works together to help make these decisions. Does anybody have a sense of the process that they use to make these decisions and to learn from them subsequently? It is, for example, a group consensus decision or does everyone has a individual portfolio to run and the group is used for devil's advocacy? Do they routinely use pre-mortems, post-mortems, standardized checklisting, decision journal etc? I guess I'm just trying to dissect whether it is their investment process that has been sub-optimal explaining their recent returns or whether the outcomes were bad due to the inherent uncertainty in the investment outcomes. Thanks Jerome
  7. These have been especially difficult years for value investors given QE. I'd be very leery of shifting to a Boglehead buy-and-hold index strategy at a time of QT. Index funds started to be available to me in 1998 when I started my 401k.if I had bought in back then, I would have just been flat in 2010 or so. Some foreign indices have even longer periods of underperformance. The enlightment of indexers comes after 10 years of pretty much straight bull markets if you take out Q4 2018 and some dips along the way. I fully expect to see another 50% down market in the next 10 years again. I agree that perhaps the majority of retail investors should be in index funds. However, with institutional money also piling into indices along with QE, I think indexation is setting people (and all those robo-advisors) up for long-term disappointment. And if Jack Bogle is correct that indexation may reach levels of 50% of the ownership of public securities, the role of active management becomes even more vital in price discoveries. I think the overall market needs to have a balance of indexers and active managers, however nature being as it is, the pendulum will swing between the 2. Here is a podcast on the history of financial theory that people may be interested in: https://www.hiddenforces.io/podcast/show/daniel-peris-financial-theory-history And here is Bogle's letter in the Wall Street Journal about his current thoughts of indexation: https://www.wsj.com/articles/bogle-sounds-a-warning-on-index-funds-1543504551?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=9
  8. Thank you Muscleman for your post. Like yourself, I started this value investing journey in 2010. After 8, going on 9 years, hacking away at this hobby with no formal training, I would have to also admit that I have not come close to outperforming the index. And reading the thread "CoBF members 2018 returns" were, also made me reflect on what am I doing here. Perhaps it is a bit of rationalization on my part, but I wouldn't consider all those years wasted time. It has forced me to learn a whole lot of things that should have learned two decades prior. Subjects such behavioral finance, decision-making, leadership, mental models, psychology, innovation in addition to learning a bit more about my personal biases and tendencies. These things have added significant non-monetary value to my personal and (non-finance) work life. I would consider the money that I lost or could have made indexing, the cost of this education. Not being in the finance field, does give a few advantages to the outsiders like me. I allows me to play a different game where poor performance does not lead to career risk. What I realized over the years, is that what people like me need to do, is to find companies that they really like, do enough homework (and keep doing it) to convince yourself that you can hold these businesses (and their management) for very long periods (10+ years). Maybe there were be a few duds, maybe there will be a few winners. We all hear about the cases of know nothing savers buying stocks that they only recognize because of their brands, and hold them for multi-decades, and produce extraordinary results. I figure that if I find opportunities with founders that are local to my geography, figure out their businesses, rule out why I shouldn't fall in love with them, and hold them "forever". I would expect a reasonable outcome. Don't know if this is a crazy strategy, I'll let everyone know in about 40 years. Jerome
  9. I was wondering if someone could help me understand something I noticed with FFH's goal to hit a 7% investment return. The average investment portfolio allocation (2000-2017) with respect to cash & short term investments/bonds/stock is the following: 28%/52%/18% (2% in real estate and preferred shares). The 2017 allocation is 49%/26%/23% (2% in real estate and preferred shares). Their 10 year stock return was 4.2% as per their annual report. Assuming a 1.5% return on cash and 2.8% return on bonds. The total investment return is in the order of 2.4% currently. This is significantly far from FFH's goal of 7%. So I did a little digging into their 2017 annual report and came across pg 174 which describes their investment portfolio returns since 1986. Taking their total return on average investment, I calculated their investment return based on the business cycles. What I got was this: Time interval Geometric Return Since inception 8.02% Last 5 years 1.79% Last 10 years 5.12% Last 15 years 6.50% Business Cycle 1986-1991 10.8% 1991-2001 8.9% 2001-2009 10.4% 2009-2017? 3.9% So historically, their returns were above their target 7%. With the last cycle performing poorly (due to the hedging activity). There was a change in accounting practice whereby at least on the table, 2007 to present is IFRS and before that CGAAP. But included in the table are columns that include "Change in unrealized gains/losses on investments in associates". This is the difference between the Fair value less carrying value of T+1 and FV less carrying value of T0. I notice that over time, there has been a progressive increase in unrealized value over time which is contributing to the total return. I am a bit conflicted with respect to whether this is too aggressive (ie counting your eggs before that are actualized) or whether this would be appropriate given FFH's tendency to seemingly build value in its associates over time (eg Thomas Cook, First Capital). An investment in FFH is really a bet on their ability to improve their investment returns over time. If the inclusion of their unrealized fair value gains is kosher, than perhaps the probability of FFH achieving their average return of 7% would be slightly less far-fetched. Interested in hearing your thoughts on this manner. Jerome
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