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wisowis last won the day on September 26 2024

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  1. I moved most of my accounts from Questrade to Wealthsimple over the past year.
  2. What are we buying Monday morning when Canadian equities limit down?
  3. On the eve of the beginning of America's annexation of Canada through economic force....a speculative fiction.
  4. I play London system with white, and caro kann (vs e4) or kings Indian (vs most everything else) with black
  5. @flesh Who are you using to do these biomarker test(s)?
  6. On the Canadian side, Bell, as @Jaygo pointed out here: This is a beloved stock for the dividend-craving retired Canadians, and probably will snap back in the new year (even though their management is awful).
  7. I don't think an index add will provide the huge opportunity to sell that you think it will, my 2 cents at least. Personally, it will be difficult to sell because all my shares are in a taxable account with a low-cost basis, and I am in my prime earning years. It would have to be some combination of serious multiple expansion, a return to the dark ages of Fairfax that were checkered by poor capital allocation decisions, and/or a generational buying opportunity in...something else. Biggest benefit from a December 2024 index add would be that the Fairfax 2025 thread won't be filled with posts speculating about index inclusion.
  8. Added to RTO, SCR.to, and HTL.to merger arb this week
  9. Frontera to Amend Substantial Issuer Bid to Remove the Preferential Acceptance of Odd Lots https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/frontera-to-amend-substantial-issuer-bid-to-remove-the-preferential-acceptance-of-odd-lots-302259270.html
  10. Thanks for your candor. Hope you don't mind if I press a bit... I thought I recalled you saying that atento was at your maximum position size. You've now stated the size of that position, and it seems FFH is now ~3x larger than your previous maximum position size (marking to market). Could you tell us what changed in your process? Or is it that FFH is such a high-conviction idea that you've over-ridden your rule? And to Parsad's point; some people sure are a lot braver than I could ever be. I follow closely with his "singles and doubles" investment philosophy. My PA is now the result of many years of work, but not (yet) comfortable enough to retire on. I suspect many of those that concentrate either have PA's smaller (worth it take the risk since you haven't spent that much time accumulating) or larger (not as painful when you don't need the money) than me. Or simply braver
  11. You're all saying "Never quite understood tremendous aversion to large position sizes" and "I never understood the concept of 'positioning'." ...meanwhile, the guy saying he has 40+% of his portfolio in Fairfax had his (previously) largest equity position go to zero last year. The world is an unpredictable place, and diversification is protection against that unpredictability, not just protection against an investor's knowledge (or lack thereof) about a business. The more concentrated you are, the lower the probability events that you need to consider...because any sequence multiplied by 0 is 0. If you have your entire portfolio in FFH, I hope (for instance) that you have modeled what would have happened in the depths of the COVID crisis, when FFH was seriously strained, if there had been a super-cat event and they had TRS swaps in their portfolio where they needed to post additional collateral at the same time. While I do hold a significant amount of Fairfax, I, personally, am not concentrated enough to care about the very, very low probability events.
  12. Biggest new position this year was RCM, but already sold out on the takeover deal. New positions in FRPH, RTO, XPEL, BUR. All approx. equal size but relatively small to the overall size of the portfolio. Thanks to those on this board that contributed on these ideas. Other positions in AFN.TO and HTL.TO that I predict will be gone by end of the year. Largest existing position that I've added to is FFH. Haven't added or subtracted from the other big rigs in my portfolio (BRK, CSU, BN).
  13. Writeup on "yet another value blog" about the RCM situation in case anyone is interested https://www.yetanothervalueblog.com/p/a-brewing-bidding-war-rcm
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