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  1. You sound like me 5 years ago on the Bitcoin threads.
  2. I think Watts Barr unit 2 is a close analog. Construction resumed in 2007 and completed in 2015 with a total cost over $6B (estimated to cost $2.5B). This was also almost two decades ago, so expect costs to be higher now. Watts Barr was the same overall design and vintage to TMI. I'm guessing it would take at least as long and who knows how much it would cost to restart TMI compared to WB2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watts_Bar_Nuclear_Plant
  3. I can't help but see the nonsense in the response to this headline. There were two units built at TMI, and the one which did not have the incident has been operating non-stop since 1979. MAJOR upgrades are required in TMI unit 1 to bring it up to regulatory standards. All are doable, but it won't be quick or cheap. I've seen headlines saying this is the first "shuttered" nuclear power plant to be brought back online in the US. Also false. The stock pops in Constellation Energy and Vistra seem ridiculous.
  4. It's very simple. Natural gas.
  5. That's different. The nuclear power plants absolutely respond to the grid operators (and always have), but it's the reactor operators moving the power level rather than the turbine and generator automatically adjusting to load changes on the grid. Big difference! In my experience this situation was fairly rare, but I didn't operate in a de-regulated market like most of Exelon plants. From your citation: "The site receives the signal on a computer in the Main Control Room, operators confirm the dispatch signal with the Constellation Generation Dispatcher, and then a Nuclear Regulatory Commission-licensed Senior Reactor Operator at the site authorizes the load reduction. Reduced power is maintained until a dispatch signal to raise load is received."
  6. In the United States nuclear power plants do not load follow. It is not allowed. They operate all or nothing. They may operate at reduced capacity due to maintenance limitations, but they are generally operating at 100% output.
  7. and www.dataroma.com
  8. My mistake, I obviously don't follow Bitcoin price too closely even though I own a tracking position now.
  9. It seems like the Bitcoin bro's are 100x more bullish right now than gold bugs. Gold is hitting new all time highs whereas Bitcoin has not, yet. Probably because gold bugs have years of brain damage and trauma to overcome. Gold miners are still lost in the wilderness.
  10. From a factor standpoint Bitcoin still trades like a high beta tech stock. I think it is still to be determined if it de-couples with gold over time. The interesting sector is the gold miners (and silver miners). Gold is at all time highs, oil is around $80, and the mining stocks are severely depressed. Maybe they finally work this time?
  11. Looks like ~3% in my self-directed account after being down most of the year and watching the MAG7 rip. Most of the return came at the end of year, so hopefully that means I'm set up well for 2024.
  12. bingo. I work with a lot of guys that do this.
  13. This is funny: https://seekingalpha.com/news/3978395-goldman-sachs-mlp-and-energy-renaissance-fund-to-be-liquidated
  14. I posted recently about CORR preferreds.
  15. They were banned from Twitter in 2020 for propagating mis-information; the lab leak theory. Now that has been shown to be the most likely source of the virus. But yes, 90% of the content is bullshit. Like anything, don't dismiss information out of hand because of the source but rather based on its validity.
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