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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Totally useless. If they knew what they were doing they wouldn’t be writing book reports. Only thing worse is the people who trade their reports as if they mean something.
  2. When the market went up and this happened with calls it was because things were euphoric…remember all that? Wonder if those people feel the same way now? That it’s too pessimistic? Or perhaps their agenda was to be bearish so now this sort of lopsided mess is warranted or course…
  3. If you ever wanna venture down the rabbit hole of “short term trading”, at least in any manner that would be successful, most of it is simply about capturing those sort of feelings, realizing that they are what “everyone is feeling/acting off of/doing”, and then find the most appropriate way to bet against that consensus.
  4. @frommi So in 4 days did you fund this directionally bearish purchase by: 1) selling an existing position…IE it’s fundamentally different today vs 4 days ago 2) with existing cash, ie the decision had the same fundamental basis as 4 days ago and nothing to do with your individual investments 3) using margin because it balances the portfolio without impacting the stuff you like Two of these make no sense, one of these is basically how the pros do it so they stay fully invested. A stark contrast to the market timers who will claim that $17 is rich but $15 is cheap so this way they can retain a high cash balance or negative bias even though it’s a common sense fluctuation.
  5. Wall Street has plagued everyone with this virus that spread rapidly amongst market participants that you too can be a macro trading, market wizard while holding high levels of cash ALL THE TIME! The reality is that it’s bullshit and there simply isn’t a substitute for being adequately invested, pretty much all the time. It’s really just asset allocation, and position sizing you need to focus on. Across the board you can see how many of the macro trading market timers are just total….liars. Maybe not Madoffs but numbers really don’t lie. Like the old Yahoo message boards or Seeking Alpha topic comments, no you didn’t short the market here then cover at the bottom and go long and then sell the top and short more…nope. Nor did you sit on 50%+ cash and make 15-20%….unless you’re secretly generating triple digit returns on tiny positions which also begs for a cough, bullshit. Reminds me of my friend who is genuinely a smart guy. Engineer. Great with math. Used to go to the Trop in our 20s and no joke he d win almost every time. When you asked his secret he said, if you keep playing you always end up winning. I really couldn’t believe he believed this because the math just tells the truth. What he believed was actually the exact opposite of the truth. Nevertheless one day his stories of his winning adventures just stopped. And that was the end of his gambling. It amazes me how many smart and capable people completely miss and get wrong the fundamental pillars of investing. Even a comment earlier I forget where, about being 4 days into the year….I laughed, because it’s true…is anyone really making any investment decisions based on what’s happened 4 days into the year? LOL if you are, you’re in trouble. Most of the big boys don’t even get back from vacation for another week or two and regardless, if 4 days are what you’re investing for, you ain’t investing.
  6. I’ll never understand why people go to such extreme lengths to complicate simply analyzing what a business is likely to be worth over the next 5-10 years.
  7. The Schiller PE is indisputably the most useless so called metric of I’ve ever come across. It’s only productive use is if you press print, and then proceed to use it as a paper basketball to sink long range jumpers in the office. But even that is only useful if you aren’t the one paying for the ink. I mean seriously, if you followed it, the only time you woulda been in the market was for like a few months in 2009. Otherwise you’d have missed everything.
  8. Triple net is for senior citizens so it’s not really exciting but it’s also not that bad in an inflationary environment. Inflation and a hot economy generally go hand in hand. So the general NNN or NN stuff is run of the mill retail. Your structure and land greatly appreciate even if the rental check becomes below market. Eventually it resets and a good team staggers the maturities. What really sucks in any environment is office. Secular decliner with much longer fixed rate. And significantly more capex.
  9. The issue is that all of this is just as much wishful thinking. Piece by piece, the economy has already moderated some, the stock market is off anywhere from “some” to “a lot” depending upon what you define that as. Amazon for instance is down like 50% from when it became a VIC favorite. So 75% of your catalysts have already occurred or at least seem to be acknowledged by most of the market, and the Fed has been clear a while they’re holding rates for a bit. Who is this consensus that is indicating they are cutting or is this just another assumption derived from “the market is at 20x and I think it should be at 15x”? And again, 4% is a waste of time. Yes, even if the ultimate gotcha is that once in a while the market will have short term performance inferior to that.
  10. I don’t think the Fed cuts anytime soon. Nor should they. But mortgage rates have a ways to go down to normalize. That’s the key rate. Otherwise, there’s enough real assets and business that are gonna crush it from these levels, in most likely outcomes, while also still enough bloated darlings still out there that one can still do quite well.
  11. Tried watching the Netflix Madoff series. Awful. They made it seem like all this guy did was skip through a dark office with a cigar, pointing at people as if he s Will Ferrell.
  12. They’ll need new hobbies after all this time spent mistakenly spotting inflation and recessions that last 3 years.
  13. I think the thing I try to focus on is if the aggregate data is saying stuff that collectively gives cause for concern and where that stands relative to market expectations. For the past few months all we ve heard is that this margin call like moment of truth was about to happen; the consumer, on their knees financially, was supposedly putting their Christmas trees on the high interest credit cards and the recession was about to collapse every earnings component in the index so we get to our universal consensus of S&P 3000. And idk, but that just seemed like story telling void of real evidence and what we keep seeing is confirmation of that.
  14. I’ll also clarify that I’m certainly not saying ignore anything. In fact, I’m questioning why no one else is taking that advice. Pretty much everything I’ve seen and read for months now completely ignores anything that doesn’t fit a scary narrative.
  15. Yea. First they said it was supposed to happen in 2022 LOLz
  16. Just follow the stuff Wabuffo looks at. It’s spot on. The “savings are drained and credit spiraling out of control” narrative is largely cherry picked lies and distortions used to create bear porn. Like seriously people are talking about consumer credit and conveniently “forgetting” to exclude mortgage debt. Or “including” it but then ignoring equity.
  17. I mean the most likely scenario I feel is staring right at us, right in front, almost every week. Jobs numbers continue to crank. Wages good but not spiraling. Savings/credit good. Inflation plummeting. Yet everyones too busy watching bear porn and reading conspiracy theories that when another good economic figure comes out they wanna sell their stocks because the macro clowns have told them good news is bad(LOL is this ever really true if you're a long term investor not buying stupid crap?) and to run from 50 bps because the punchline is....stuff might go down 20-30%. As if stocks arent known to be a volatile asset class...
  18. Theres no inflation anymore and in a few months even the lagging stuff will reflect that. The economy and earnings continue to hang in there. Everyone is talking about mispricings but nobody has considered the possibility that the recession gets avoided and the Fed is soon forced to stop. Their mandate is inflation and soon they'll have no leg to stand on there. So whats the bet? That they say "no inflation but we won't stop till we kill a lot of jobs"? Thats neither their mandate nor a position an official will likely do well with for very long. Other side of the coin is that the economy then picks up, mortgage rates normalize, and off we go.
  19. I think it’s hard owning a REIT that doesn’t have a clear and easy path to getting sold.
  20. Don’t forget dominos. His crusade against wellness company Herbalife, and his love of Valeant which was robbing people dependent on drugs. He s probably the greatest long term fundamental investor I’ve seen first hand(aka not someone like Buffett who did his thing decades ago), but also 100% the embodiment of why Wall Street people and hedge funders are universally thought of as scumbags.
  21. Netflix is geared towards Americans. So lazy, thoughtless, stupid…all work.
  22. Same. I think mine is 20% not 25%. Had to modify plans for a patio because of this. Got around it for my ice rink because it s not considered a permanent structure. In many of these states and places you don’t really own your stuff. Just got a mail reminder to renew my boat trailer registration….huh? I bought my boat and it came with a trailer. I’ve never once used or seen it, it’s stored at the Marina. But I need to pay this jerk off filled state to have it. Same with my car. Why do I need to pay the state every year?
  23. I love Bills investment style but he s really outed himself as a real hypocrite and pos the last few years. He whines about COVID killing people to pump his positions and then a couple years later is one of the largest advocates of actions that he knows will result in economic hardship and job loss which is linked to killing people as well. What was that stat? Like 1% increase in unemployment leads to like 50k deaths? But that’s ok. Whereas I’m sure the hedge fund guys egging this on would object to someone stating we should kill or throw in jail 1,000 hedge fund guys for every 1% increase in employment. There hasn’t been real inflation since the summer and we re really just waiting to lap the war spike so if nothing else you’re really starting to see the cream rise to the top here in terms of guys outing themselves with what they’re advocating for. And what their motives are. What kind of person, who’s already well off, advocates like this for hardship for normal people?
  24. Agree. Just kind like a lot and am content letting it roll. Fairfax has been stellar. Stuff like Brk and MKL should also benefit. But indeed it seems every single year on this forum FFH is a top idea. Which isn’t surprising given the name.
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