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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Ha! So when its a liberal actor/athlete mouthing off, they deserve to be heard and are applauded for their activism. When its a Republican then we revert back to disparaging the fact that he is just "famous" and not really qualified to give an opinion. Again, interesting.
  2. Where did BLM go since 2016? Or did Trump solve police brutality? The lowlifes, as they do, just find "another cause" to use as an excuse. Murdering cops is a far cry from "kneeling", but hey, it seems you're willing to give the benefit of the doubt, since it's your guys being questioned. Perhaps try applying that to everyone, or eliminating it altogether... consistency.
  3. That's the worst you can say about Obama? Man, he must've been a total angel. The best thing about this is it’s not even true—modern Antifa did not even become prominent in the U.S. until 2017–after Obama was out of office. :o All part of their game of deflection of Trump, getting you to argue nonsense. Now back to his mishandling of this pandemic... Before then it went by Black Lives Matter. You know the group that advocated violence, looting and even murdering of police officers and the attacking of folks who simply disagreed with them? Oh of course its convenient to leave that out. Yea.. go back to rooting for the virus to kill people and the economy so you can get some guy you dont like out of office...
  4. That's not it, but you're about to reveal what your game is. And there it is, that's your game. You make personal attacks instead of debate points. Smear. Pointing out who you voted for and what he did(or as you asked for, an example of his behavior) is a personal attack? ok then
  5. That's the worst you can say about Obama? Man, he must've been a total angel. No, you said give an example. I did. Does this game ever end? You appear to be playing a game. Tell us your worst so the game can end. I guess my game is "bad is bad". Not "when my guy does it we ignore it, when the Republican does it we foam at the mouth". Dont worry, you're winning that one. You voted for a guy who championed the game of "you disagree with me because you're racist" and now bitch and moan about the guy who says all journalists are lying scum.... and worse, you cant even see the common element.
  6. Oh really, now Bill Clinton's accusers aren't women? It's the particular woman that they don't believe, not all women. Isn't Harvey Weinstein a huge democrat? Crosby too, I'd guess. Didn't they also cancel that senator comedia and Louis CK and a bunch of other lefties? Harvey Weinstein aint the Democratic nominee bud.
  7. That's the worst you can say about Obama? Man, he must've been a total angel. No, you said give an example. I did. Does this game ever end?
  8. https://wwd.com/business-news/retail/amazon-j-c-penney-1203635977/ Wow. The gem under everyone's noses....JC Penney...
  9. LOL unreal...when Liberty spam blasts propaganda, it's cool... when some one else dare address the other side, it's trolling...My team is the best because its my team....
  10. Name it, what did he do wrong? Tell us. You dont think throwing law enforcement officers under the under and refusing to denounce hate groups like ANTIFA is wrong? Actually, never mind, I'm sure theres some slant or justification. The folks who chastised Trump for saying things like "there are good people on both sides" were radio silent when Obama regularly did stuff like this. Its a shame we cant just be honest about things on both sides.
  11. What are the odds that a liberal finds his guy to be less corrupt than the opposing party's guy? You guys sound like 8 year olds arguing about their favorite sports team..."My team is the best because they are my team"....Yea, real shocking Liberty, that you find the Democrat to be less corrupt than the Republican..... please. Who'd have thunk it? Shocking, ERICOPOLY doesnt think Obama did anything wrong...Shocking #metoo was a revolution until it hit Biden....then we bring back the presumption of innocence and stop believing all women...
  12. If Obama's rhetoric got this much under your skin but you're fine with Trump, you're a weird one-way snowflake. I notice you never give concrete examples of what you're talking about, because hey, fact-checking may ruin the illusion or show that it's peccadillos compared to Trump. As for you making stuff up, yeah, Obama's admin wasn't particularly corrupt. Probably less than average, while Trump is off the charts bonkers. So in summary: I didn't give examples of Trump either, so what? I said it doesnt matter whether I am fine with it or not, there's nothing I can do about either. And yea, great that you are resorting to the "scale" of corruption to measures the "degrees" to which Obama was (subjectively and non fact based) "less corrupt" than "average"... got it.
  13. Ignored? More like couldn't find any. Nobody from Obama's inner circle went to prison. None were even indicted. You couldn't find examples of divisiveness? The constant identity politics and race baiting? The stuff now coming to light about abuses of power? Constantly throwing public servants under the bus while refusing to denounce hate groups like ANTIFA? Theres a huge difference between people who say "I see this stuff but it is what it is and both sides do it" and the folks that genuinely believe its only the "other side" that does it.
  14. Ive generally liked Marks, but he's making a total fool out of himself lately and giving off the impression that at this point he's just some degenerate day trader...
  15. Dont people get tired of this? You can say "oh Trump supporters ignore that he does "this""...OK, lol, and the other side was that Obama supporters completely ignored his abhorrent and divisive rhetoric and corruption as well. Guess what? There s nothing any of us can do about it. Accept that, find a part of the country that best supports your lifestyle and values, and just shut the fuck up and live your life. I assure you its entirely possible and nobody's freedoms are impacted nearly to the degree you'd think given all the bitching and moaning. Even now with lockdowns...guess what? Theres lots of states that are open...
  16. No doubt - and to think these clowns had 4 years to put up a reasonable candidate out of millions of democrats. They come up with a string of losers while dividing the country. Nothing like handing the election to Trump again - only this time - they will have to blame themselves, not the god awful, despicable Hillary Clinton or the Russians. This is by and large why you saw so many(not coincidentally) liberals get so excited about the coronavirus. It was their next and probably last big chance to blame everything on Trump and try to bring him down. Heck, you even had headlines claiming Trump was responsible for crashing the economy... it was all pretty amusing but also sad they sought to take tragedy and hardship and use it to make yet another attempt at bringing him down.
  17. I know a little about a lot and a lot about a little. As such, my portfolio is almost always concentrated with top 5 or so ideas between 50-75%(and rarely changing), but the other 25-50% being dozens of ideas, most of which are for shits or just trackers or entertainment pieces. Those 5 or so companies I probably know as good if not better than anyone else. The rest, I probably know less than most. There is almost no rhyme or reason outside of the common threads: high insider ownership, hard assets often of irreplaceable or one of a kind quality, conservatively run with robust financial profile. I know some about real estate, but thats pretty useless right now lol. So, my greatest expertise is in waiting for something to catch my attention and then really going overboard on it. Not necessarily industry specific.
  18. Those arent democracies with an electoral process. I mean this is basically the exact same argument bleeding heart liberal Michael Moore made and warned Democrats about, and look what they even did to him lol. Look at the playbook from McCain and Romney and then the gauntlet Trump had to run. "not part of the establishment" - great way to win over blue collar voters! "he's too rich" - Romney acted embarrassed and folded, Trump said, hell yea and flaunted his supposed wealth. One strategy worked, the other didn't The multiple, well orchestrated media leaked "bombshells" - Others fold or spend valuable time defending themselves, Trump says fuck you, fake news. What worked? This is the game you guys have created and its become ugly and win and all costs is the result. Like I said, you could have had a gentleman like Romney, but you chose instead to play identity politics and smear him, so you could "win". Now you've gotten a real monster who just plays the game better than your current candidate
  19. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks "If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19. Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing." -WHO still has this on their website. Not my opinion to be clear. Yeah, that was a lie (likely with the good intention of stopping a run on scarce PPE in the early days). Now do Trump’s lies instead of cherry picking. He’s in charge in the US, not the WHO. No other competent countries have been stopped by this.. because they’re trying to defeat the virus rather than look for others to blame. If you are capable of being objective...you dont think the current state of politics, and especially the way Trump behaves towards folks he views as "the opposition" is in any way the result of literally everyone being out to bring him down? Guy fucks up a lot, but to most of the media and liberals, he cant do anything right. I remember specifically Ivanka announcing that they had agreed to some sort of program designed to help families with paid maternity leave and childcare... a good thing in any context, and both the media and all the Twitter mouthpieces responded like a bunch of mouth foaming retards with vitriol. Guy cant wish people Merry Christmas and even get a "you too" back from his critics. Its almost always a "fuck you" if not worse. So he gives it back and then some. When you play a win at all costs game of politics, this is the result. Both parties are to blame, and the way Trump acts in many instances is obviously, how you have to play in order to defeat it. Romney was a gentlemen, and look what you guys did to him when he ran... it is indeed why Trump is a terrible leader during dire situations like this when everyone needs to be coming together, but at the same time, its the beast you guys created with the identity politics and half ass application of metoo and all that other nonsense. Romney probably doesnt look so bad now does he? And he could have been your 2016 Republican nominee, but, you guys rejected him 2012 cuz he travelled with his dog crate on the roof or something...
  20. I also think much of the need for office space frivolously comes down to egos. I spent a short period of time working in the city. I wouldn't ever underestimate the importance of the corner office or the tall ceiling office with a view of the Hudson. Its probably also underestimated the ease with which corporate expenses can be justified from the top down. Maybe with a privately owned shop, ala Bloomberg, your owner/boss doesnt want you wasting their money because its his, but with most big corporations, especially publicly owned ones, its just so damn easy to spend, spend, spend because it doesnt come out of your pocket and just about everyone involved in the decision making chain can find a way to reap a benefit out of those spent dollars. Then again, this can also easily be reconciled as necessary in the name of attracting talent. So who knows.
  21. https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/05/16/staten-island-reopening-rally/ Its funny, who'd have envisioned a scenario where the socialist politicians get to lockdown law abiding citizens but free jailed criminals? NY, NY...
  22. I totally agree. Ive been quite perplexed, at least in REIT land, why office is not thought of as worse positioned for the future than retail. Even now, going out, you see that people love to get out, especially when the weather is nice. Go shopping. Get food and a drink. Be active. The other day I was leaving a newly built shopping center, and not only was the place packed, but even stuff like Jersey Mike's which neither serves drinks nor even has great sandwiches, had people everywhere. I would never look to run a retail business, but being the landlord is like operating a carousel. In decent areas, especially for dining establishments, there's never any shortage of people willing to set up a business. I still think tier 1 locations are gold. A class C mall? good luck. But a well maintained center next to high density/affluent residential and office? Good money. Maybe even great money. Now for office, you have an environment where few actually want to be there. Managers need productivity, and if they can get the same from home or outer space, most will. Especially if you can improve your bottom line by cutting costs. For a high percentage of businesses, everyone sitting in a centralized location is not needed. Of course, theres good areas here too. Critically important systems or defense contractors will always need the security of a central home office. But those are rare. Bottom line, no one says "I cant wait to go to the office". Its a whole unnecessary expense for most businesses that outside of a write off and maybe some deductions, will continue to be phased out.
  23. Yea..... I truly hope this is legit, but this company, given its history and the folks associated... I'd bet we see a secondary real soon. Every biotech/pharma company in the world has realized they can raise millions at significantly better valuations simply by mentioning a potential COVID product. Not dissimilar from yesteryears "blockchain" and "CBD/cannabis" booms.
  24. You are entitled to your freedom. You are not entitled to infringe on the freedom of others. Driving a car is a privilege, not a right. A shop owner should be allowed to stay open. The individual will decide whether or not to enter. This isn't difficult. I would make the analogy: someone with a gun that is allowed to shoot the gun around randomly and if he happens to kill someone so what. One could make the case that if you don't like the risk just stay inside. There are essentially 2 realistic choices: 1. No Mandatory masks and many more people die and the economy goes to crap. 2. Mandatory mask wearing: and many more people live and the economy is much better. I don't think it's right that society is creating an unsafe environment for the vast majority by allowing people to just not wear masks. Also it is a very costly path to not have mandatory masks. Oh no, I agree. Im totally in the wear a mask camp. Was just referring to the forced business closures. Most of the businesses Ive seen that are open have mandatory mask policies anyway.
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