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Gregmal last won the day on December 3 2024

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  1. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/01/21/david-einhorn-says-we-have-reached-the-fartcoin-stage-of-the-market-cycle.html LOL an LP really needs to slap this guy. A forever example of someone who rather remain pompous and think he's smarter than everyone else at the expense of making money.
  2. This is kinda stupid if you think about it. If you start a company, you also own 100% of it...thats just common sense, not a gotcha moment.
  3. Has anyone wondered what the impact would be if Europe and Canada diverted all the funds allocated to these dumb ass climate and diversity programs and instead put them to work in useful ways? Folks complain about Trump targeting these countries, but the truth is that everyone, including the US, have seemingly been resting on their laurels for the better part of the last decade. If everyone simply gets back to basics and stops the virtue signaling I can’t help but think this would be incredibly positive for productivity.
  4. Ok, but I also wouldn’t confuse irrational exuberance with widespread suckery and scams. Especially with hard to understand new technology. It wasn’t irrational exuberance in 2010 when everything China went bonkers. I think the likeliest culprit is that simply the internet and these social media platforms allow proverbial wildfires to spread easier. I would be hesitant to extrapolate this to anything meaningful for the broader market or real businesses.
  5. Im happy to answer questions in the JOE thread per @John Hjorth's suggestion, to the extent things dont get too redundant; in which case Ive probably already answered what I can. But to reiterate, all youre gonna extract from 2021/22s numbers is the builder sentiment form 2018-2020; and that they sold a lot of Camp Creek(a finite community) lots at $400-500k per.
  6. And people wonder why US trades at 25x….
  7. LOL another Twitter winner.
  8. I dont think thats whats going on though. Whats being highlighted is simply to combat the widespread and rampant "this is what Buffett is saying or doing" stuff thats often thrown out as an excuse for taking a position. First rule of investing isnt as Buffett says "dont lose money", its "think for yourself".
  9. Things were so extreme and emotional in Spring 2020 that there was only one direction we could have gone, and that was up. It was so screamingly obvious then, almost as much as it is in hindsight. I know plenty of people even on this board who murdered it. Was one of those generational setups.
  10. I think CPI reporting is total bullshit and not at all reflective of inflation, but its fairly consistent in terms of what youre gonna get from the gov.
  11. It’s hilarious reading this in the context of how he just blatantly ignores that the current administration has been cooking the books with the jobs numbers….TDS alive and well.
  12. Well, it’s also fair to point out, in light of the ease with which we appeal to authority regarding Buffett, that much like when “Buffett was really bearish” around May 2020….he also sold much of his AAPL….like 20-30% below todays prices. Clearly not a great move if we judge it marked to market.
  13. Theoretically you should. I don’t go to many weddings and the ones I do it’s close friends and family so the check we drop is way more than Id recommend for some bs acquaintance type event.
  14. I think it’s a bit of both and the delivery is important. Charging people to attend is bush league. But there’s an implicit understanding that if you attend you at least pay for your plate. Today’s day and age it’s basically $250 a person. That’s not just your meal being paid for; you’re in effect paying for your share of the celebratory event for the couple getting married. That’s a gift. If it’s close family you obviously do more. The shit I don’t like is the no kids notices. If you’re inviting me, you know I have kids, either invite us all, or don’t. If I don’t want to bring my kids, that’s my choice, not yours.
  15. I would take as much time as possible with the warning that the first little bit is a total nightmare.
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