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Everything posted by Smazz

  1. haha, I keep mine in spreadsheet (prob not the best idea)with a password (I know not fool proof) i just need to keep it backed up. I used to have a hard copy log book but not sure what happened to that :o I didnty have this one in there. :-[
  2. Twas not I - I couldnt even remember my password to get in here again. I need some hacking abilities. ;D Sometimes people suck. Thanks for getting it back up Sanjeev.
  3. Vinod said it better than I could have.
  4. I actually was about to write "I wish they would stop doing this..." Then, I just discarded the post :-\
  5. Holy thread resurrection Batman - Good Stuff. Lets see what transpires tommorrow.
  6. I'll be honest with you, I used to hate the cost of Prems hedges but have learned a lesson - he knows when to hedge better than I and has access to better hedges and research than I. So, I am still holding a good chunk of FFH - i feel safe on the downside. In the meantime we (he) has been really stocking up on alot of high yield stuff - mostly good quality stuff assuming no monster Cats - the cash register is chinging alot - who cares the market doesnt get it. They didnt get it before either.
  7. I was just about to post before i saw this thread so: "who else thinks Prem is adding to the Hedges at this point?" This would be par for the course. Things do not look rosy any time soon and this can only mean one thing in a few months... FIRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  8. More than likely. Volume has been very low since delisting.
  9. What a strange ride and such low volume.....
  10. Its funny, on Sportscenter they stated "Tiger will be coming back, and he will start with his swing coach" and I thought "dang, the last thing that guy is someone to teach him how to swing better" hahaha
  11. Hey, Im bored - notices some bipolar stuff happening on the market pricing last few days. I had to sell some FFH for some short term obligations I had, then would get right back in - not thinking much will happen share price wise- but i noticed today ohhh some swingin' goin on ;D And Im not talking Tiger Woods type swinging.
  12. I wasnt complaining - just commenting on some of the nonsensical moves.
  13. yes, I know, its up and downs but the latest trading patterns leave me to go :-\ Ive owned this company off and on for the better part of a decade. Something smells fishy with the market value of late. When there is good general high tide news, FFH trades down, when there is low tide news, FFH trades down again. Thoughts of late?
  14. Oh boy, you guys must go to downtown Toronto during World Cup. Flags of every nation are flying - its all in good fun though some get their noses out of joint.
  15. I am happy http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/7428/teamcanada2010.jpg
  16. Bryzgolov said it was like "Gorillas coming out of a cage" ;D http://olympics.thestar.com/2010/article/771153--canada-comes-at-russia-like-gorillas-coming-out-of-a-cage
  17. No I was not aware a movie had been made. yes, and it was actually very well done. If I find a free link on youtube i will post it. Here is a linlk http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=7242982
  18. I agree with whats mostly written here. I have friends who are GM and former GM and now Toyota techs. They told me that the floormat issue was def a huge part of the problem. They said people were coming in with 3-4 sets of floor mats. The pedal had no where to move. I drive a gm right now and comparing the quality of these cars to the quality of my brothers toyota is like night and day. Cannot begin to describe the number of faulty areas on these cars that many other gm owners (from the auto forum board i go on) that never get recalled. I asked my friend who was the GM tech (who is not going back to teachers college) "I'll bet there are should be at least 10 times the number of recalls that to what is actually out there" HE said, 10 times, AT LEAST that. Ha
  19. Ubuy, did you ever watch the made for TV movie on Walter? Concentrated mostly on his illness as you mentioned in your post. I dont usually like those made for TV things but this one was well done.
  20. Seems like we have quite a few hockey fans here. Is it just me (and Ive been playing/watching hockey for a long time) or is the quality of the games just increased dramatically? I enjoy every game these Olympics. I mean, the Swiss were all over Canada the other game - maybe they didnt have the same skill but their skating was not too shabby. Skating on all teams is awesome. I know now more than ever alot of younger Europeans are coming over to play in Canadian Major Junior and NCAA. Great games. Canada vs Russia Tommorrow (technically today) - I think Canada is where they need to be now, thanks to the German game.
  21. Thats awesome! Tell me more - where was this?
  22. Cool, you know, Id like to meet his dad as much as him. Shooot, I only live about 30 min away from his dad, Im surprised i didnt run into him already haahaa
  23. Ive been mulling it over but i dont want to get into the position where im stretching myself. The only thing i can think about this recent downturn in price is some lines of thinking about the possibility of a heated economy with interest rates rising, bonds declining ->Insurance market heavily weighted in bonds - rising or lowering tides.
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