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Everything posted by Smazz

  1. That were my thoughts also - I mentioned this in another thread or post (Cant remember) though I did not use the Watson example.
  2. hold on a second.. did i miss some jokes at my expense :D
  3. Smazz

    El Nino

    Well, I'll keep this going. ;D Next name Hurricane is Claudette But she's weakening. Bill heads to Bermuda http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gVWjsPEiqe1tEu2mhBIRaxxGi8owD9A4MVE02
  4. They don't get the float anyway is more like it -- we're talking about buying the part that they don't own. No his comment was something to the effect that they get the float and Im assuming he means control of the float.
  5. I dont see why when they can continue to buy the company back at 10% tranches should they jump ahead and pay a premium. As Prem said when he was asked again about not buying more of the subs his comment was: "well, we get the float anyway" I really dont see a huge need for a complete buyout here. We've all (at least I know I have) benefitted greatly from bad times turning into good times and picking our spots. I would like them to hold off on aquiring more debt util such time that the debt we offer are at more attractive rates (for us - shareholders). If Prem has a MUST HAVE company out there - who knows, perhaps there is a non public company none of us has on our radar - an Iscar if you will - but the proceeds of what he is investing in best be paying back in multiples. All that being said, Im eager to see whats up the sleeves.
  6. haha I beat you to it ;D http://cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/index.php?topic=1000.0
  7. yea, dont get me started on the "rating agencies"
  8. Ive seen this here a few times before. The best and most cost effective time to raise capital is when you are doing great (as per now at FFH). 2012 is just around the corner in the financial world so its good to have it under the belt now. You never know what may transpire in such a short amt of time in the P&C world. A question for the gurus of this area: Considering FFHs current strong financial state shouldnt they be getting a bit more favourable (for FFH) coupon rate for their debt now? Just curious.
  9. Seeing what their Assets are, and from previous sales Im going to speculate in the $200 - $300M. Who knows could be just a fraction of that too - we are in unusual times.
  10. Lee-Chin sells AIC to Manulife http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/funds-and-etfs/funds/lee-chin-sells-aic-to-manulife/article1249425/ Im really curious to see what he got for it today - too bad for him he didnt sell it when it was a hot commodity.
  11. sorry, I meant specifically the Prescribed Interest Rates for Leasing Rules as the per the link in the post. This is listed monthly. Thanks again.
  12. Can you tell me the methodology used to determine Canada Revenue Agency prescribed interest rates prescribed interest rates Thanks in advance for any info.
  13. Smazz

    El Nino

    Maybe they were just waiting till their orders filled on ORH before making it "official"?
  14. Smazz

    El Nino

    yes Eric - i also meant FFH. The good thing is some of us now realize the market DOES NOT know something we dont know.
  15. Smazz

    El Nino

    Ive got to get a job like that. Wait for a period of time with less activity and then change your forecast...lol.. Anyway, the current multiple for ORH doesnt make sence again. Not complaining since I added some the other day but even on a comparison basis makes no sence... again. We can bake in $350 in pretax loss and still be at book. I cant help myself....again...
  16. We've had some massive flooding problems here in Southern Ontario - the most populous part of Canada. I wonder what kind of hit this will take on NB.
  17. page #7 (on the PDF) warms my heart a little..
  18. Even remotely close to that coupled with a nom 100% CR would be awesome given what they would be making with some of the other issues they hold.
  19. I hope they dont do as fine a job as last time ::)
  20. I thought I would revive this thread. Its been almost 2 months since the latest postings. Im currently at the stage of doing another Currency Conv. but Im having alot of duality on this subject. Any more ideas guys? Makes no sence that if the economy is going to the shitter, the USD would accelerate yet, if the general economy is seen to be improving, the CAD/USD would do so. Petro $ or no Petro $ this still defies logic as far as Im concerned - especially between these 2 currencies.
  21. Smazz

    El Nino

    Remember guys and gals, even AFTER the Hurricanes has swept through in those bad years - damage was looked at and excellent mgt such as we have here STILL was way off on the amt of damage (go back and look at the press releases). So, its all in the gods hands as far as Im concerned. Too many variables. If you are in it for the long haul - hope that those at the switch did the due diligence. If you are not, get out and take a better stab at it once the Hurricane mania sets in.
  22. You would have to think they are buying back at some rate. They have tea leaves we do not as yet so this should be interesting.
  23. Canada - Jordan FTA On a general note, though Jordan is a tiny country I can only see this as a positive for Canada. Im going to assume this will be a positive trade balance as it should become a trend with other Arab countries and this being the first arab country should signal new opportunites for our non petro resources.
  24. insitutional? did someone dump a wack at a good price for the buyer?
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