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Everything posted by CassiusKing1

  1. Currently at $510 a share, approximately 1.69 book. I've sold some already, thinking about selling more and waiting for an opportunity to get back in cheaper.
  2. Bloomstran needs to learn the same lesson that Warren learned from Charlie. Quality matters. Quality at a good price is an investable asset.
  3. Buffett's managing on two fronts currently. One is continuous management at Berkshire, the other is managing for a successor to take over. Sometimes these two will conflict. And I think the AAPL sale is one of those. As a manager would he have kept it, probably. As someone who is thinking and preparing Greg for succession it was the right move. It's much easier for Greg to take over management of BRK without an oversized position in AAPL. Selling AAPL will be much better received by shareholders and the public if WEB does that and not Greg when he takes over. The buildup of cash also protects Greg and the future of BRK in that he will have plenty of optionality to do whatever is needed in the wake of Warren no longer being around. He can continue to sit on cash, or use it to buyback BRK shares if it starts to trade around or below 1.2 times if the market reacts to Warren no longer being here.
  4. Good post. I agree. With the amount of cash that has been freed up and how long Greg has been able to sit next to and learn from WEB I'm positive things will be fine. My biggest concern is who will be taking over for Ajit. That's kind of the motor behind this whole thing. Hopefully he has had his own "Greg" sitting aside him as well these last few years!
  5. Man do I miss Charlie.
  6. I have a very substantial position in BRK, ~70%. Entirely in tax deferred. I'll monitor the situation closely and reevaluate. I think WEB's recent moves are setting up for a smooth transition to Greg. I have faith in Greg managing the different subsidiaries, I'm less confident in who will be there to make the Japanese Yen/Trading Houses investments. I envision a BRK future where there is a lot more focus on the subs and bolt-ons and then again it could be a dividend king. Time will tell.
  7. Very cool. Thanks for posting @DooDiligence!
  8. Acquiring Markel could make sense in adding Thomas Gayner to the BRK fold. He could help run the insurance business as well as with cash allocation. Hmmm.
  9. The Apple position while a good investment, did start to bother me a bit due to its size. It had become 25-30% of Berkshire's total value. I was becoming uncomfortable with 25-30% of my company being completely out of my control. It's not like a wholly owned sub where WEB calls the shots. It was a vulnerability that needed to be drawn back under control, IMO. It was/is a great investment, dial back your risk as you're getting ready to hand over control to Greg.
  10. Warren still has it. Still a step ahead of everyone else!
  11. My concern is that as the share buybacks continue, the A shares are being diminished. I'd expect the price spread between A and B shares to continue to grow. One A share is equivalent to 1,500 B shares, but the B shares have 1/10,000 the voting power of the A. As less and less A shares are available, that spread will continue to grow and power will more easily be available to get. So WEB and Greg will have to continue to buy A shares to minimize them so that the B share equivalent can somewhat match them voting weight wise.
  12. I think the recent stock price movement has gotten misaligned with the underlying business. I've traded BRK many times in the past and I think I'll be able to buy it back lower than $460 in the next six months. BRK will always be a holding in my portfolio. It was 70% of my portfolio prior to this sale due to overall market valuation and no better opportunities.
  13. And here we go again today! Sold 1/3 of my BRK position. Thinking about selling more.
  14. Lot of folks using BRK as a cash alternative. It'll most likely trickle back down in price to the 420 range.
  15. Tyler Childers. Lot's of Tyler Childers, lol.
  16. Hopefully Warren is revving up the buyback machine.
  17. I have nothing to add to the topic other than to say @longterminvestor you have the best avatar of all time. I sill laugh at that clip to this day,lol!
  18. Add on top of this the California Wildfire litigation. A company flush with cash has become a target. I've trimmed my Brk holding due to this new era. Sad.
  19. Got a room booked. Wife and I will be in Omaha from Thursday thru Sunday. Hopefully there are some wonderful tributes to Charlie all weekend!
  20. ARK's only defense mechanism is to DOUBLE DOWN, lol
  21. You better know and truly realize what your circle of competence really is. It doesn't take much. Getting to truly understand the ins and outs of a few great companies will do.
  22. Didn't Warren teach us this lesson at the 2021 AGM. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/03/investing-lessons-from-warren-buffett-at-berkshire-hathaway-meeting.html
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