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Everything posted by maxthetrade

  1. With improved liquidity options should get available. Imagine what a homerun the last two years would have been with some calls thrown in! Could have been a replay of 2008 when many here bought calls.
  2. I remember that one, was very disapointed by the answer too!
  3. Well I wouldn't go so far to label japanese Wagyu health food but it's probably a little bit healthier because of the higher content of omega 3 fatty acids. The fat really melts in your hands. But it's very rich, you really don't want to eat much more than say 200g. In the US you can get it from Grand Western Steaks: https://grandwesternsteaks.com/wagyu.html
  4. Yes it's certified Kobe A5 Wagyu with BMS 10-12+. That beeing said, Kagoshima, Myiazaki, Nakamoto etc. japanese Wagyu is of similar quality and often a much better deal. I have a friend who has an import license and I buy it at wholesale price from him.
  5. I like the deal, looks very solid, much better than some crazy macro bet!
  6. That's correct, €500k securities at a local bank. I'm thinking a lot about moving there, better weather and food than in Germany and no income tax!!
  7. Well, I don't have kids and I'm not married, but my sister and her husband have three kids and enjoy a lifestyle similar to mine. They are both M.D.'s. Of course they have to drive a shitty car with three kids I'm very price sensitive and buy my meat, wine etc. at wholesale prices, e.g. I pay e.g. ~140€/kg Kobe Tri Tip, ~350€/kg Kobe tenderloin. Of course I don't eat that every day but that's not because of the price but for health reasons... You can buy some really excellent italian or portugese wine for ~20-25 bucks per bottle! Much better than french wine at four times the price!
  8. Of course not but cost per year is around 5-6k not counting opportunity cost which is probably the biggest cost.
  9. I don't have family, the 60k is post tax, I pay ~40% on non investment income.
  10. You might be surprised but with the exception of rent/real estate it's not very expensive. If you're comfortable living in a small appartment (~€3k/month) your tax savings will easily pay for everything!
  11. What an interesting thread! I live in a small town in Germany and most of you would be shocked how little I spend and still, I eat japanese Wagyu, drink good wine, have nice vacations, drive a X3M, etc. all on <60k/year. I really can't think of much that i'd like to do but don't do because of monetary considerations. Money just keeps piling up. The one thing that comes to mind is that I'd like to travel by NetJets, I really hate the security shit and lines at airports. And one day when I'm really pissed I'll sign up
  12. Allstate joins State Farm not writing new business in California: Allstate has stopped writing new homeowner, condominium and commercial insurance policies in California, the company confirmed to The Chronicle. https://www.sfchronicle.com/california/article/insurance-allstate-fires-18130622.php
  13. Intrinsic Value is a somewhat gibberish concept. If you'd know future cash flows with 100% certainty it would make sense for a business to trade at the sum of discounted future cash flow but no one really knows. Buffett repeatedly said he wants to trade Berkshire at a price so that owners get the same result as the business (paraphrased). With that yardstick in mind I think it makes sense for FFH to trade around BV until they have shown over several cycles that they can underwrite sub 100 on average. Depending n your assumptions 1.0-1.2BV is pobably a very reasonable range for fair value. BTW, I'm not convinced that FFH really can deliver 15% ROE over a full cycle but we'll see... if they can 1.8BV would certainly be a reasonable valuation.
  14. Added to my position in the last trading hour as well. The story keeps getting better and the stock is still reasonably cheap. I hope it stays around current levels for the next week because I'll have to invest funds in a new account next week.
  15. Nothing beets spending some quality time with good friends! Tuscany is fantastic, it was my third visit but my first in spring. Parsad, if you get the chance to go there just do it, you won't regret!
  16. I spent the last two weeks with a couple of friends in Tuscany, certainly one of the most beautiful places on earth and great food & wine of course Livorno InCarne in Livorno, highly recommended! Shop in San Gimignano Pizza from the Mercato Central in Florence. Almost as good as in Napoli. Siena San Gimignano Ristoro di Lamole, one of the best Restaurant experiences I've ever had! Fantastic view, truly excellent food, wine and service. Paccheri filled with porcini and truffle. Bistecca Fiorentina of course...
  17. That was my impression too after reading an intwerview with Ted in the Handelsblatt a couple of years ago.
  18. I agree. If there is one area where I really trust the guys at Fairfax then it is how they mange the fixed income portfolio. They have an excellent track record and expecting perfection is crazy. I'm also beginning to trust their underwriting more. If they stay on this path and don't revert to the old ways of making macro bets and buying crappy value traps/turnarounds the next couple of years should be pretty good.
  19. Probably. Most likely gfp is right and it was sold to harvest a tax loss.
  20. Yep would love to know his thinking. Or was it a Ted/Todd position?
  21. Completely agree! I read Lynch's books before I ever heard about Buffett or Graham and it was a real eye opener to me. Thinking about it I probably first read about Buffett in one of Lynch's books when he said something to the effect that Buffett does what he did but buys the whole company. This was all in the pre internet days in the early nineties. It was very difficult to even get annual reports of US companies in Germany... Definitely one of my heroes!
  22. FWIW, according to J.P.Morgans 'Guide to the Markets' CAPE was 27.96 at the end of the years and the 25 year average was 27.93.
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