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Everything posted by Parsad

  1. Thanks! The city is essentially shut down now after about 15-20 cm of snow overnight. Supposed to warm up over the next week. Cheers!
  2. I don't think anyone is suggesting he isn't worth the pay package. Just that it's an asshole move to demand it or he won't move forward with AI development. Buffett was worth the money too, but you would never see him doing that. Yeah, not everyone is Buffett...doesn't mean we can't hold people up to that standard. Cheers!
  3. +1! I've always wanted a Porsche 911. It's only been in the last few years where I felt comfortable enough where I could spend for one if I wanted. But I downsized to a 2 bedroom and den condo a few years ago. The great thing about my underground parking is that I just drive in one side and drive out the other. Now if I have two cars down there, they'll be touching if the door is open...I'll have to drive very carefully into the spots...and I would probably only drive the Porsche 3-6 months out of the year. I decided the comfort of just driving into the middle of both spots in my X3 outweighed the pain and hassle of buying a 2nd car...even if it's a 911! The older I get the more I'm simplifying my life...less possessions, less clutter, less of everything pretty much. Cheers!
  4. I really admired Elon in the past, but these days he's just being a dink! This Buffett quote seems to fit here: Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don't have the first, the other two will kill you. He's starting to remind me more and more of a burger chain owner I knew who had everything and then showed his true colors. Cheers!
  5. That's exactly how the first episode was...so probably a good idea to watch it on the weekend with some hot popcorn and a nice drink! We got down to -14 Celsius here in Vancouver a couple of days ago. People were playing hockey on frozen lakes and rivers. With the wind chill, it hit -21 in Vancouver, which rarely happens nowadays. Used to happen a lot when I was young, but rarely ever gets that cold in the last 40 years. Cheers!
  6. I thought he was already in there! This is long overdue. Congratulations Prem! Cheers!
  7. I would say that number is significantly higher than $100,000 now. I think you need keep the foot on the gas till at least $500,000. At $500,000, you've accumulated multiple years of expenses. A short-term blip like short-term medical issue, loss of employment or major repair to your home would have negligible effect going forward. $100,000 today would simply be two times most emergency funds. While that protects you from going into debt, it won't drive compounding. Cheers!
  8. Cubs, will you shut the eff up regarding your conspiracy theories: https://www.factcheck.org/2023/12/gop-misleading-claims-in-biden-impeachment-investigation/ You guys keep screwing up the threads with all of this shit...both sides! Yeah, Hunter Biden is scum and should go to jail, but just stop and admit that Trump is as big a piece of shit, instead of pretending he's something special. The saddest part about all of this is that people on both sides are trying to excuse both Biden (family) and Trump (family). Maybe if both parties said, "Yeah, these two guys suck!" Maybe then the U.S. will get somebody worthy running for President! Cheers!
  9. Did not see S03...will probably go back and watch. S02 was more of an action thriller. S01 was epic and just brilliant! S04 has gotten off to a great start...the creepiness and acting is on par with S01 in the first episode. Writing is very clever in this one...especially coming out of Jodie Foster's witty, sharp-tongued mouth. Hints of a disturbed version of Fargo so far...the movie, not series. Cheers!
  10. True Detective: Night Country starring Jodie Foster is out now. I saw the first episode and you forget what a superb actor she is/was. The first episode was really good...look forward to watching the series. Cheers!
  11. 60 Minutes on commercial real estate...up to 40% drop in value over the next two years...banks are kicking the can down the road instead of writing off non-performing loans. Cheers! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/real-estate-owners-saddled-with-half-empty-offices-as-hybrid-work-continues-60-minutes-transcript/
  12. Everybody's family is a bit different. Buy based on your needs and what lets you sleep at night. Make sure it's relatively comfortable, but a little uncomfortable so that there has to be some sacrifice/compromise/etc by the kids. In other words, select the ideal size and buy a bit smaller than that. Cheers!
  13. Yup! Other than the final 10-15 minute battle scene, the movie really sucked. Even Zack's usually interesting imagery was missing for most of the movie. Cheers!
  14. We'll never know about all of these hypotheticals, since it wasn't ever solely left to them to decide. Cheers!
  15. It wasn't for the British to say! That's the first bloody point. What happened between the Muslims and Hindus should have been left to them. Why do Libertarian nation states continuously stick their noses into other people's businesses when it isn't a security issue, humanitarian crisis and has nothing to do with them?! Cheers!
  16. In both Ireland and India the British didn’t want to partition the country. No, they wanted to control both. In Ireland there likely would have been civil war, partition was a way to avoid it. The causes of a potential civil war in Ireland was because of English control and colonization. In other words, separation from England. In India the Hindu and Muslim leaders didn’t want to united India. So let's blame Jinnah for partition deaths...not British colonization which created the instability after the Mughal Raj fell. Israel is a different story, it was the UN’s partition plan. UN didn't get involved until a couple of decades after the Balfour Declaration of 1917 when Jews were moved into Palestine by the British. Cheers!
  17. Not inconceivable. Vivek Ramaswamy wanted to build a border wall along the Canada/US border...invasion doesn't seem far fetched when you have a nutsack like him in power. Cheers!
  18. I would hope we are more civilized than the Romans, Brits and Vikings when they were plundering and raping. Maybe not from what I'm reading. Cheers!
  19. Notice how millions and millions are killed every where the British drew the lines...Ireland, India, Israel/Gaza, etc. Cheers!
  20. What does that have to do with anything? If the U.S. invaded Canada or the UK, would that be appropriate and ok with you? Cheers!
  21. There were 90 years where India's wealth was plundered by the British before Independence. India's opportunities and politics may have looked very different if they weren't colored by what they experienced over those 90 years...your opportunities in India may have looked different as well. The wealth, power and dominance of the Mughal Empire and its trading system was the whole reason why the British invaded India. Cheers!
  22. Singapore did not thrive due to colonization. It thrived due to the long-term tenure of Lee Kuan Yew who could implement his long-term vision of what the future of his people should look like. Cheers!
  23. That's not the sentiment at all in Canada. Race is not remotely the issue it is in the U.S. other than under the breathes of a handful of disgruntled citizens who would be bitching about something else if it wasn't race. The primary similarity to the U.S. is that some politicians are now trying to jump on the U.S. bandwagon and exploit that paranoia. Cheers!
  24. Sharper, are you that naive. Bonded labor historically was akin to slavery. You were taken from your village/town and moved thousands of miles away to work for a pittance and would never see your village/town again. That's what happened to my great, great grandfather...taken from his village in India to Fiji to work the gold mines and sugar cane fields. Cheers!
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