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Everything posted by Parsad

  1. Interestingly enough...all are engineers, engineering background/experience other than Buffett, Bezos & Ballmer. And you could say Buffett's mind works like many engineers, as does Bezos, and Ballmer was surrounded by genius engineers. Even Bernard Arnault was an engineer. Cheers! https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/012715/5-richest-people-world.asp?utm_campaign=quote-yahoo&utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=referral
  2. Well the rebound came faster than expected. I don't see it slowing any time soon as prices are falling slowly, interest rates have essentially peaked...long-term treasuries are falling. Revenues might be somewhat flat heading into next year, but earnings should remain strong as many companies tightened their belts. Question should be figuring out when we hit the "top" because the bottom happened around the time I posted the above! Going into an election year, I'm sure the government will keep pumping the gas to consumers. Cheers! https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/20/politics/white-house-thanksgiving-prices/index.html
  3. Is that Chung King Express? If so, I saw it many years ago...a classic Hong Kong movie with a young Tony Leung...one of the great actors of all time out of Hong Kong. Cheers!
  4. Parsad


    Have you ever seen Spielberg's movie AI? After the little boy robot ends up underwater, a new ice age arrives (assume how and why at your own peril), and thousands of years later he's found under the ice by beings from another planet...or more likely AI robots evolved over thousands of years. The little boy robot was the only remaining memory of what humanity was like...so his memories became valuable data for his rescuers. It's likely that humanity will destroy itself one way or another. Our AI robot creations may end up being the only lasting vestige of humanity one day and well outlive our existence. If that's the case...so be it! Cheers!
  5. Parsad


    May go down as one of the greatest board boondoggles in history...especially if MSFT ends up becoming dominant in AI and Altman leading the way! Cheers!
  6. +1! I think the moat is the actual insurance/decentralized structure...float, leverage and voting control. This is what Horn and other analysts who suggest there is no moat don't understand. The business structure is the moat and the way decisions are made. Most corporations cannot act like BRK or FFH, even insurance companies, because they do not have a major controlling shareholder that can make decisions for the long-term rather than the short-term. Most other insurance companies are structured so that the CEO is compensated based on the next 3-5 years performance...not over the next 20-30 years of performance. Their boards are structured to direct those short-term initiatives and goals. Look at how institutional capital is managed at other companies, pension funds, hedge funds, etc. It's shocking and many times irrational allocation of capital. How many insurance companies would have bought BNSF? Looking out 20-30 years on how the railroad business would evolve and grow? No one other than institutions managed like BRK, FFH or MKL would even consider it! So for a supposed "no-moat" company...it's got one hell of a moat! Cheers!
  7. Parsad


    I think Altman's view is that this technology will be developed by someone, and the intent may or may not be beneficial to humanity...like nuclear fission. He would rather be the U.S. and Oppenheimer than Germany and Hitler. Cheers! https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/31/tech/sam-altman-ai-risk-taker/index.html
  8. The thread went completely off the rails...it wasn't criticisms, but just punchlines and nasty comments. I wasn't going to waste my time deleting tens of nasty posts. Keep it to criticisms and you don't have to worry. Cheers!
  9. Parsad


    Board is having second thoughts and apparently asked Altman back! I'm guessing their $84B funding was suddenly going to be at risk, and MSFT might have made a few threats! This board should be replaced! Cheers! https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/18/tech/openai-sam-altman-shakeup-what-happened/index.html
  10. Parsad


    Pretty sure that OpenAI's board is going to be voted out next year after this debacle. Some of the top guys are leaving to join Altman and it looks like he's already got a plan. Cheers! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/openai-co-founder-altman-planning-203536682.html
  11. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/cheers-bottle-scotch-whisky-sells-161739679.html Cheers!
  12. She's arguably the greatest British actress of all time in my opinion...and there's a lot of them to choose from. Maybe Winslet will replace her when she's done, but for now she makes it always look so easy like Meryl Streep. Also seems like an amazingly easy going person. Cheers!
  13. Was a terrific movie! Benicio is one of the best actors of his generation. Still can't believe how he stole every scene as the honest Mexican cop in Traffic, and his best role ever was the assassin ex-lawyer in Sicario. Cheers!
  14. Thought it was excellent! Fassbender would have been great as James Bond. The man can do anything. Cheers!
  15. Gary's been at our dinner in Toronto a couple of times and he's a very nice guy and good analyst. But like many bears after 2008/2009, they've been wrong for a long-time. I think he's going to be right sometime next year...but not for at least another 4-5 months as the economy seems to be still powering through and consumers keep fighting inflationary pressures. Cheers! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/prepare-stocks-plummet-30-recession-195209069.html
  16. Parsad


    Big, big news...Altman fired...not sure what he did exactly or what they were upset about, but we'll probably find out eventually. Google or Meta should hire him! Cheers! https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/17/tech/sam-altman-departs-open-ai/index.html
  17. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/short-seller-jim-chanos-close-hedge-funds-wsj-2023-11-17/ Bye, bye Uncle Jim! That's what the hooker staying at his house used to call him https://nypost.com/2008/03/16/eliots-gal-a-shared-asset/ Most of those shitheads got their comeuppance...a couple of them left like Cohen and Loeb. Cheers!
  18. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ai-create-largest-displacement-human-193018798.html Cheers!
  19. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/16/health/uk-casgevy-approval-crispr-gene-editing-sickle-cell-scn/index.html Cheers!
  20. It went from criticisms to some downright nasty things...the thread had to go. Please keep things to critiques on this thread. Cheers!
  21. Actually one of his most under-rated roles was Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven" where he played King Baldwin and he had a mask on for the entire movie because of leprosy. When I first saw it, I didn't realize it was him until the credits! Great movie! Also does a great job showing why the Middle East conflicts will never end. Cheers!
  22. Had no idea that actor Edward Norton was this involved in the digital media game. Cheers! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/edward-norton-on-future-of-streaming-ads-will-double-netflixs-market-cap-120033221.html
  23. John Malone believes Buffett is expecting opportunities due to massive cash pile. Cheers! https://finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffett-sitting-monstrous-pile-193107202.html
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