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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. lol.....this is like House of Cards. lol...the theories are wow.
  2. The Novel Procedural Complexities in Perry Capital v. Lew - Epstein http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardepstein/2016/06/30/the-novel-procedural-complexities-in-perry-capital-v-lew/#7c4f3cfe51a8
  3. Maybe a repost or most of you may have seen it already. Threr's nothing really of value that hasnt been heard before in it. Shaky Ground: What Investors Can Learn from the Strange Saga of Fannie and Freddie Bethany McLean Contributing Editor Vanity Fair Chicago CFA Institute Q1 cfapubs.org http://www.cfapubs.org/doi/pdf/10.2469/cp.v33.n1.3
  4. Implications for Markets and Stocks, WEB 1966:
  5. Unsealed Saxton Amended Complaint. Peter A. Chapman wrote: At the Saxton Plaintiffs' behest, Magistrate Scoles released the shareholders' Amended Complaint from seal yesterday. Copies of the Saxton Plaintiffs' Motion (Doc. 84), Magistrate Scoles' Order (Doc. 85), and the now-unsealed Amended Complaint (Doc. 61), are attached. 15-00047-0085.pdf 15-00047-0084.pdf 15-00047-0061.pdf
  6. Think there is some back room debate going on?
  7. http://qz.com/717182/a-brexit-conspiracy-theory-nails-the-no-win-situation-boris-johnson-now-finds-himself-in/
  8. No worries! Perhaps I should have explained my intent a little bit better...I dont want to become this guy. To all who enter, Lets try and keep current politics out of this thread, I know some of them have strayed close to the line maybe a bit over but I just dont want this to become uncivil. My intentions were to have a thread that is positive and one where people arnt making jokes at the expense of others pride. I see too much of that online and in my circles these days. I really just want people to get some endorphins flowing and to feel good. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/14/science/14laughter.html
  9. Jim Grant: “It’s a great day for humility,” http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/06/jim-grant-markets-just-got-a-hard-lesson-in-humility Half the nation tellin the other half they are stupid: http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/british-lose-right-to-claim-that-americans-are-dumber
  10. It's interesting how people are following and reacting to the Brexit today while last year's Grexit, which was arguably a more important test of the EU, received little attention. The article you linked makes a great point about Britain being EU-lite, without it's involvement in the monetary union they had the best of both worlds. I still think they'll be able to come to free-trade agreements with countries in the EU, it will just take time and a little negotiating. Individually I would look at my own experiences and see if they match up with what the rest of the population is seeing. I bet most of the "educated people" think they are the standard...they are not they are the exception....yet they criticize the "uneducated"...call them dumb....how would you react to that I ask? Chapter 16 of Warren Buffett's Management Secrets: Proven Tools for Personal and Business Success by Mary Buffett states the following "Warren is a genius at using both praise and criticism. His rule is simple: Praise by name and criticize by category." No one likes criticism even more so when one of Americans highest ideals is one of involvement in government and the right to elect our government. The "conversation" in America is slowly eroding. All I ask is that you think of how would you receive such criticism if it was directed at you. The liberal left is the greatest offender of this right now. I say that as a left-center guy, yes im coming out. Ari Fleischer gets it. Say what you will about Trump, but it's fair to point out that a majority of UK voters rejected Obama's position and agreed with Trump's. James Carville gets it http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/05/23/carville_trump_voters_dont_care_if_he_lies_they_think_were_all_lying_anyway.html Winston Churchill gets it. http://tinyurl.com/gn5xfow Neil Tyson gets it in this podcast....I highly suggest you listen to his words. https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/thinking-in-public Ben Franklin Gets it http://tinyurl.com/zj6e8wz FDR Gets it. https://www.google.com/search?q=democracy+cannot+succeed+unless+those+who+express&espv=2&biw=1680&bih=1060&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjszfPOk8HNAhUn74MKHeTEDWoQ_AUIBigB Its the liberal left that doesnt.....we like to think were good...my own personal experience has taught me differently. #DemocracyInAction Novembers Election just got a whole lot more interesting......keep an eye on those poll numbers. Got this in an email....another side. One final thought, on just how bad it can get....In 1914, 3 Cousins dragged 30M people to their death or wounded. http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/brookings-now/posts/2013/12/family-relationships-that-couldnt-stop-world-war-one I hope I am sensationalizing this and I am wrong...I really do. Experience and history has taught me differently.
  11. Felix Simon Nails it. http://fusion.net/story/318538/england-brexit-screwed-us-all/ Brave New World folks Anyone else phones ringing off the hook? My not interested in finance friends are buzzing me all over.
  12. Yea, really cute hashtag. It's really not gonna be that cute when those fine people at the car plant that voted for leave are gonna start loosing their jobs. To be fair a weak pound makes goods cheaper which drives demand for British goods which in turn employs more Brits. We shall see. Look to France and Germany in the following months. They start showing signs of leaving this EU experiment could get ugly....then it becomes real interesting. There is only so much asset price boom with no movement in wage inflation that people will accept. And the more you dip into that well the more you empower others to do the same. #DemocracyInAction
  13. #DemocracyInAction It's a little bit more scarier now, huh?
  14. "The wrangling reflects the fact that there is no binding legal process to force Cameron to invoke article 50. In theory, he could ignore the public and disregard a Brexit vote. In practice he has repeatedly promised that the result will stick – and there may be no going back on that line now." http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/23/eu-referendum-legally-binding-brexit-lisbon-cameron-sovereign-parliament
  15. I think we need a carpet ban on Dihydrogen Monoxide. http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html
  16. Haha! Radio Conversation with an SR71. http://oppositelock.kinja.com/favorite-sr-71-story-1079127041
  17. This is the definition of a shit post....stop. or at least do it in the SHLD topic so i dont have to look at it.
  18. Thanks steve! Go Team Treasury! They even ask if the profits from the winddown are paid to the Treasury as dividends lol. "Preference is not to have two defacto public utility with a 274 bill capital cushion" Everyone should be reading these emails.
  19. Anyone can draft anything up these days.....especially in the Wikileaks era we are living in......im a bit cautious to believe anything. If its true theres a case numbee and a document number on the left. and by left i mean right side...check pacer. https://pacer.login.uscourts.gov
  20. Always on the sunny side...at least they arnt universally dismissing with out looking at both sides..........
  21. thanks for reply, steve, i just wanted your senses, steve and merk. i know it is fruitless to speculate, but it just seemed to me a pretty ineffectual order. i mean, asking whether fhfa was acting in both conservator and regulatory capacity in connection with NWS. c'mon, look at the 3rd A, it reads fhfa as conservator. the supplemental briefing covered the HERA statutory distinctions pretty carefully. and the fact that fhfa punted on sovereign immunity argument but this order wants it addressed seems to me (with my confirmation bias :>)) a plea to find a basis to uphold...and that just sounds to me like millet. that's all. Speculation but it could be a "playing devils advocate move", no?
  22. Bill Maloni's blog was interesting yesterday....which, to me, highlights his frustration when talking to the other side....because he actually breaks down the non-hedge fun plaintiffs...but the Russians are coming.
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