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John Hjorth

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Posts posted by John Hjorth

  1. get ready for a number of these in the next few years. munger, web right off the top. every year in omaha could be their last.


    there's only one left from the war generation in my family. each year theres a new class who just gets introduced to the markets and they only get younger. c'est la vie.


    Most likely, this is only true relatively. It's likely just you getting one year older, each year. If you have kids, please enjoy how they develop over time as the years go by. Death is the natural end of life. The worst that can happen - in case you have kids - is that you loose a kid, instead of your kid is loosing you.

  2. Isen't there missing something in the footer, center location on the preprinted White House paper, small script: "Powered by Twitter"?


    Just like we here on CoBF have the following in the footer: "


    SMF 2.0.15




    SMF © 2017




    Simple Machines



    [Give credit when credit is due.]


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    I hope it all turns out good. There is nothing I can do about it. It's just a living condition for me.


    Off topic: Finally got court approval today for the financials for the estate of the late mother to the Lady of the House. 15 months of arm wrestling with the Court and The Danish IRS almost over. Spring is here, the sun shines from a blue sky [, and no nukes in sight].

  3. Life is when you get a call from a former colleague, who wants help to get Outlook up running on a gmail account on her private computer - to absolutely no avail, and afterwards, you ask:


    Me: "Hey, [obviously] I coulden't help you here ... - but perhaps you can help me?!"


    She:  "What's your problem?"


    Me: "You know, I operate daily, based on two laptops, with two wireless mice and and one wireless keyboard connected to each laptop. To each laptop I have a Logitech M570 mouse connected - since about two years. Those mice have become harder and harder to use. How do I rinse them?"


    She: "-Just pop out the balls from beneath, rinse, and pop the balls back in again!"


    Me: "Thanks!" - <While at the same time wondering about the articles from The Economist worrying about world wide fertility decline>.

  4. ... You have to sift through lots and lots of bs in all of them. ...


    An other way to express my own experience with Shareville, alwaysinvert. [ ; - ) ]


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    PS : I'm still in love with your idea: Rederi AB Gotlands [mentioned by you in 2014 here on CoBF], but I'm just too lazy to go through the hazzle to get some shares.


    It's a very cheap stock (perhaps cheaper than ever) with a rock-solid earnings stream from a monopoly business. They have done large buybacks in the pas, but the latest one was in 2011. I still think that at some point value will be unlocked, but many people are uneasy with being minority shareholders in a company with a very strong majority, especially when they don't dividend out the earnings regularly.


    I wrote up the stock on my blog way back (Swedish):




    To me, this investment definitely needs its own topic in the Investment Idea forum, alwaysinvert. - To me, even if it's limited to a discussion between you and me. [Perhaps other board members catch up along the way! [ : - ) ], or not.]


    I hope you'll open it, or I'll do it next week!


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    I superscribed my prior comment quoted above about being lazy. I'm not. I'm just strugling with the Probate Court for now for about a month about the reporting to the Court and the Danish IRS for the late mother of the Lady of the House here, who passed away 2th January 2017. That has priority. One knows that, when your significant other is straight out black in her eyes surroundings in the morning, based on worries - affecting sleeping well. I'm not the guy who yields, when I'm right, but it's been really hard to her.


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    Now back to Swedish DIY investment boards.

  5. Thank you, alwaysinvert,


    I always appreciate your input and information sharing about Swedish investments, and now also about the Swedish DIY investor community & sphere.


    Have any of these forums been to any value for you?, and if affirmative, which one(s)? [i've got a quite clear perception of your investment style over the years, I think.]


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    I'm a member at Shareville. Basically, to get full use of its features, one has to be customer at Nordnet Bank AB. I never discuss there, its to no avail. But it's a very good place to study actual crowd behavior. [i'll be happy to elaborate, if wanted.]


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    What made you ask the question, misterkrusty? [ : - ) ] I suppose you are a North American investor.

  6. ... My question is: Is Berkshire legally separated in any way from its utilities? Could a massive power outage that brings a region to its knees for weeks / months/ years bring down Berkshire?...


    The holding company does not guarantee the debt of BHE. Depending of how extreme such an adverse scenario would be, I can't imagine BHE would not get the financial support needed from the holding company to ride it out. In a severly adverse scenario it would likely be a state and federal matter, too.

  7. boilermaker & Dynamic,


    I like your picks. [isen't there a typo in your post, boilermaker?]


    John, There could be but I am not seeing it? I did mean BK, Bank of NY Mellon. Mike




    Thank you for your elaboration. I got it wrong as basis for my post, and I've now got it, thank you.

  8. https://www.amazon.com/hidden-life-trees/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Athe%20hidden%20life%20of%20trees


    Mind blowing book on tree life. The idea of collective intelligence, communications etc. I had no idea about. Nothing to do with investing but glad to have read it.


    Thank you for sharing, longinvestor. Fascinating stuff! I used the "Look Inside" feature and got hooked. I just ordered two copies. One for ourselves, and one for a close friend to the Lady of House for many, many years. She's an avid environmentalist, and she considers all plants, trees etc. living creatures. Personally, I have always thought she has been "overdoing" this approach & angle. It's never too late to learn something new, and adjust personal view on anything. Giving her this book will at least also be good for my personal score sheet at her for this "always fact based "jerk"". [ ; - ) ]

  9. Great discussion, thanks! I apologize for louzy phrasing in my starting post [about the use of term "psycopath" - I actually agree to a wide extent with rb here].


    I'll chim in later - I'm too busy today. [long & entertaining story to come!]

  10. That USG filing is great.  They're like, "can we get a commitment from you for your block?" And Warren's like, not for free silly!


    Yes, pretty entertaining read, actually. One can almost picture the whole thing going on - and picture those Germans chewing on it right now. I love it!

  11. ... More of the same from Mr. Rochon. ...


    Thank you for sharing, Cigarbutt,


    It would have been nice, if there were some notification feature to enable on the Giverny Capital site. There isen't.


    Those gents Mr. Rochon and Mr. Bouchard seem to me to be so much in their very own leauge with regard to holding on to their own thesises & work, persistence & patience, that it is to me almost about mindbogling.


    If you have any information about how opportunistic they are, your sharing of that will be much appreciated.

  12. More talk while kicking tires here, about the search feature here on CoBF:


    If you look at the top left, you have "Home", "Help" & "Search". Please try to click on "Search", and after that "Advanced search" in the lower end of the screen.


    To me, this is just such an awesome feature, where you can narrow in your search criterias. It works great - and I use it a lot! - Please try to tinker and mess around with it!


    You actually have access to ~317K posts of wisdom in ~15K topics from ~3K investors, which have to be read in their very own context [time & market - actually all the way back to "The Big Bang" [GFC - CoBF got rolled out a few days before the market buttomed out].


    To me, there is no book that can compete with this, because no book is dynamic!

  13. Has any of my fellow CoBF board members been involved in forensic work? -Personally, I have.


    I know there are lawyers and other [, retired or not] auditors [both by profession] active here on CoBF.


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    It's just such a fascinating game. In such cases one is [most likely] dealing with psycopaths. It - according to my experience - almost always - ends up as a game - that can be considered some kind of weird combination of Chess and Poker.

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