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John Hjorth

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Posts posted by John Hjorth

  1. Here is a trading suggestion for you, treasurehunt,


    Svenska Handelsbanken AB:


    SHB A.STO market price SEK 98.22 [1 vote per share, highly liquid] [the A series share, ~98 percent of share capital]

    SHB B.STO market price SEK 105.80 [0.1 vote per share, lower liquidity][the B series share, ~2 percent of share capital]


    One has to get out of sloth mode, and sell the B and buy the A for the same amount of money, adjusted for 2 times commision per account involved, and then just go back to sloth mode again. You number of shares will increase by approx. [[105.80/98.22]-1]*100%] = 7.7%, without tying up further capital.


    Damn good trade, if you're long SHB long term. "Keine hexerei, nur dumme Börse." Naturally, it requires, that you have some SHB B.STO shares to do it with.


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    If you don't own any of them, just buy some, and immediately forget about your buy, and then do the trade. It releases a good dose of endorfines in your body! [ ; - ) ]

  2. ... and a lot of people on these forums think I'm one of the biggest idiots on here. ...


    To be totally honest, straight, bordering to being brutal here, Scott: For my part: Not. But please stop ruining your smart brain with pot, and come back. Furthermore, there seem to me to be at least some kind of correlation between you trolling here on CoBF and being under influence of pot, or whatever. If you hereby don't grasp how much damage your're causing, then, yes, you're one of the biggest idiots here on CoBF.

  3. Post by globalfinancepartners in the AAPL topic three days ago:


    I wonder if we will find out on Saturday how large BRK's position in Apple has become.  I would be surprised if buying did not continue in 2018.  It could be enormous by now.


    This is just soo cool - a hit exactly in the bulls eye! [ 8 - D ]



  4. Just buy some more BRK.B, Jeff! It's the perfect time of the year for it - about 50,000 Berkaholics [all of them constantly buying Berkshire, under eternal avarage ins] - coming out of their holes and caves, to go to Omekka - oops, typo here - Omaha - to have a good time and good experience! So the market price goes down because of lack of presence of the usual buyers in the market. -Capital allocation has momentarily switched from Berkshire to beer!


    [if you sense a stint of envy in this post, I assure you it is! I will have to settle with Yahoo Finance - not that bad either ...]

  5. Recently, I've got a good laugh from reading CoBF just about every day! - Personally, I just love it! A good laugh every day makes you wealthy!


    Recent posts here on CoBF, posted in topics perhaps without interest for you:


    From the "What are you buying today" topic:


    bought some BUD today


    The stock or the product?


    From the Softbank topic:



    I'm confused by this one too, but I don't own a dog.


    On another note:


    "Then there was the time in 2001, when Mr. Son threatened to set himself on fire in the offices of the ministry unless an official prodded telecom giant Nippon Telegraph & Telephone to lease optical-fiber lines to SoftBank, for a broadband network it was building."




    You never own a dog, the dog owns you. Most humans just haven’t it figured out yet.


    I thought this was only true with cats.  8)


    With regard to the last one, I actually enjoy my location at the lowest level in the hierarchy - below the Ruler of the House & the cat, equipped with the automated payments related to the household.

  6. Great post. One worth asking the man himself.


    My sense is that it has to do with a deep down attitude of wanting to please and positively surprise. And never get fired for failure. With a gravity defying performance until 1969, anything less would be failure. In the late 1960’s he started to the see the mathematical improbability  that fees brings along with it. So he chose a vehicle that meant his partners couldn’t fire him. That also meant that they could leave anytime. It’s Kinda like his advice to choose a spouse who has low expectations versus looks or money.He simply chose fun.


    A great post by longinvestor here. If you confer some of the latest BPL letters from Mr. Buffett with the contents of the 50th anniversary letter from Mr. Buffet, I think you'll get what I mean.

  7. Mr. Buffett has been an opportunistic cameleon all his life. He has mastered several investing techniques during his life with absolutely stunning grade of success, all based on his AUM and his market assessment at a given point in time. He wasen't excatly working for a nominal fee in the early days, but everybody involved were happy - to the extremes.


    Reading the Snowball uncovers a lot of his approach and investment angle at a certain point in time.

  8. I may need to duck and cover after posting this, but I bought some Biglari Holdings today.


    I know, Sardar is the worst partner money can buy, but this is just a short-term trade on the assumption that the 20%+ drop in the price of BH is due mostly to the company getting dumped from the Smallcap 600 index. Reading reports of the annual meeting that was held last week, it doesn't look like Sardar dropped any unexpected bombs that would explain the cratering stock price (the dual class stock structure was a foregone conclusion). Volume in the stock today was about 30 times normal volume, which is probably due to index funds selling.


    In any case, the next couple of weeks will either make me some money or teach me an expensive lesson.


    Valid posts about BH from several fellow board members here - but not based on the time horizon applied by treasurehunt for this move. To me, it's more like SharperDingaan buying DB back in September 2016.

  9. I may need to duck and cover after posting this, but I bought some Biglari Holdings today.


    I know, Sardar is the worst partner money can buy, but this is just a short-term trade on the assumption that the 20%+ drop in the price of BH is due mostly to the company getting dumped from the Smallcap 600 index. Reading reports of the annual meeting that was held last week, it doesn't look like Sardar dropped any unexpected bombs that would explain the cratering stock price (the dual class stock structure was a foregone conclusion). Volume in the stock today was about 30 times normal volume, which is probably due to index funds selling.


    In any case, the next couple of weeks will either make me some money or teach me an expensive lesson.


    I just want to say, to me, this is just such a brilliant move, treasurehunt. - For you, - to me - by the right reasons. CoBF hated stock - long term - tanking about 20 percent - almost - without visible reason.


    Please keep us updated on how this plays out for you, short term. You seem detached to the stock, which here seems to be a criteria of success.

  10. General news:


    This is the 16,001st post in the Berkshire forum - since February 1st 2009. Fairfax is still ahead, with almost 500 more posts! I think the next investment idea to close the door among those on the tribune is SHLD [with almost 9,200 posts] - I suppose it's fair to say, that a majority of them are not created out of attraction!

  11. StubbleJumper & FairFacts,


    Thank you for a discussion, that to me has merit, and thereby is valid and fertile.


    Discussions like this is what makes CoBF so awesome.


    I guess it all boils down to personal trade offs based on preferences etc., combined with investment style [position sizing etc.]

  12. Post by Jurgis in the BOLL.PA - Bollore topic today:


    As Bloomberg says, this is likely a common scare tactics of French police/authorities. They arrest a bigwig financier and let them sweat a bit for a day or so. (I sometimes wish US FBI/etc. did this too ;)). So it might be opportunity to buy (more).


    I might be more concerned with succession than with the arrest, although who knows.


    I sold most/all of my shares in ODET.PA. It is likely a mistake on price though, so don't follow me.  8)


    I speculate, that this French public action is not even Saudian inspired, but actually Danish inspired! I think it happened here first! That's just how one handles troublemakers in general ... I'm not even close to a a bigwig financier ... - I think the tactics works on just about everyone considered a troublemaker.


    - Personally, I'm also more concerned with the succession issue, than the arrest as such!


    [Please don't take this post too seriously.]

  13. Simply put: Both wonderfull businesses - each with their own issues right now - some of those issues might be bugging you, others not so much ... I have never sold a share of any of them yet.


    I'm leaning - quite heavily - towards Berkshire though.


    If CoBF was a zoo -, in the meaning of the board members as visitors / spectators of all the fascinating "animals" [investment opportunities], Berkshire is to me considered this old & huge gorilla [many years ago a weak [old?] youngster] sitting on its butt in the corner, collecting all the bananas for insurance protection, if anyone inside the cave gets in trouble, giving a damn about every visitor /spectator.


    [Every time that enormous gorilla moves just as much as an fingertip, the heat goes up in the Berkshire forum here on CoBF, btw! [: - ) ]]


    Fairfax is more like that chimpanzee, being all over the place, steeling a hat, an umbrella or a pair of glasses now and then. [ : - ) ]

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