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Everything posted by Grenville

  1. Thanks! "I could give examples of the reverse, but I follow the dictum praise by name, criticize by category."
  2. Awesome! Thanks for posting. Lots of recognizable names.
  3. Wow. Thanks for posting. I had no idea he had a blog with lot of info...
  4. Thanks! I didn't see the article about merging it with Heinz. It will be interesting to see the deal structure.
  5. wow. I haven't seen Buffett rail on a guy like that….
  6. Q4 Media Call recording and transcript: http://www.fanniemae.com/portal/about-us/media/commentary/022015-mayopoulos.html
  7. +1 Awesome!
  8. I think the below answers some questions: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-20/watsa-s-fairfax-sells-shares-for-brit-deal-to-guard-credit-grade
  9. Good catch. Apparently they had a media call last quarter and based on your above they had another one today. I haven't been able to find a link on the website. Here is the one from Q3. There is a .mp3 link and the transcript: http://www.fanniemae.com/portal/about-us/media/commentary/110614-mayopoulos.html
  10. ~4bln position last qtr. That's a large stake sale. Surprised CNBC isn't all over this.
  11. Nice article. I like the detail around the privilege logs. Also they point to the document Doughishere found that has the 153.3bln figure.
  12. Awesome! Thanks for posting the location and details.
  13. Thanks for that. I haven't been able to find the 191.2bln number in the Budget main document. I did find this in the Appendix link from here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget If you download the Dept. of Treasury Report, they expect 23.3bln and 19.8bln in 2015 and 2016 from "Proceeds, GSE Equity Related Transactions: Enacted/requested" http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/budget/fy2016/assets/tre.pdf
  14. I definitely agree that you should get to the bottom of what happened. I'm a bit paranoid with all this stuff and with computerized trading, a small error can cause a whole firm to go under. Hopefully that will never be the case, but better to be cautious.
  15. Great stuff! Can't wait to hear both of their views on BRK in the next 50 years. Thanks for posting.
  16. Happy Thanksgiving guys!!! I'm thankful for the internet…not sure if I'd be here doing what I do and reading the board. I'm thankful for my family's and my health. I appreciate the humor and keeping things light from everyone who posts on the msg board. I'm thankful that the craziness of ebola slowed down and seems more under control. I'm happy it's been a relatively calm year from my perspective. Thanks for starting the thread, enjoy reading everyone's posts.
  17. There is a press release on Fairfax's website regarding Fairfax India. Also the prospectus for the new entity is on Sedar. Looks interesting!
  18. I think it's crazy to think Berkowitz could sell his holdings at current prices without moving the share price. He's got a massive position and others would figure out quickly if he tried to move his position in the public market. If he move his positions in a privately negotiated position deal off market (assuming it doesn't have to be publicly reported in the daily ticker) that would be different.
  19. It's also awesome that you have such great opportunities to speak with such great/thoughtful guys as merkhet. :)
  20. Interesting color, thanks for sharing.
  21. I hope the CDC puts on their game face and starts taking this whole thing more seriously…a bit disappointing.
  22. Enjoyed the Millstein interview! Thanks for posting that. Also thanks for posting the Perry Appeal timeline.
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