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Everything posted by Grenville

  1. Sweet, it now works from my wife's phone. Haven't been able to browse from her phone in a long time. It was the only way I could keep up with the board when on trips. Thanks!
  2. Not a ringing endorsement some in this board would say (not me as you know). I actually think Mary Barra is behind the ball. She better start doing a better job. Thanks for those links Plan! It does sound like she is behind the ball on this big time, and selling cars is not like getting people to deposit money in a bank. She needs to be good on the PR front whereas Moynihan didn't need to be good at PR to turn BAC around, he needed to get them out of their legal issues. I don't know if I'd be buying a car from a company with endless recalls. Give her some time. Let's see how she proceeds after all of the recalls have been vomited out. We're judging her too quickly. Fair enough.
  3. Not a ringing endorsement some in this board would say (not me as you know). I actually think Mary Barra is behind the ball. She better start doing a better job. Thanks for those links Plan! It does sound like she is behind the ball on this big time, and selling cars is not like getting people to deposit money in a bank. She needs to be good on the PR front whereas Moynihan didn't need to be good at PR to turn BAC around, he needed to get them out of their legal issues. I don't know if I'd be buying a car from a company with endless recalls.
  4. Yes. I hope they set it up so we here in the US/CAD can directly invest.
  5. two good short videos from Mel Watt. http://www.brookings.edu/blogs/brookings-now/posts/2014/05/fhfa-mel-watt-fannie-mae-freddie-mac-current-statutory-mandate
  6. that was great. thanks! +1 Awesome!
  7. Nice little interview. I didn't realize Warren recommended the book during the AGM!
  8. Nice color and good stuff. I like Fairfax building its portfolio across the globe in various niches like this where they can build a platform to invest more in a region.
  9. Thanks for the update and clarifying with him!
  10. From a Forbes article below: "Seeking Shelter, Warren Buffett Limits Receivables From Major Banks" http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertlenzner/2014/04/30/seking-shelter-warren-buffett-limits-receivables-from-major-banks/?partner=yahootix I'd definitely like to see this interview if there is video or a transcript.
  11. +1 I hope you're right. I'm glad the media isn't letting this one go. Should add pressure on KO. I don't know if they have to revote if they want to reduce the numbers and lengthen out the time.
  12. More color from Warren. Interview with Betty Liu http://www.bloomberg.com/video/buffett-coke-plan-was-excessive-not-buying-cubs-CAeczBTITbOgXrh5odr67w.html
  13. You are right regarding the equity plan. You need votes for it to pass. I should have remembered that based on the interview with Buffett and Becky. update: just looked at the 8K results http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/21344/000130817914000200/lcocacola_8k.htm Buffett approved executive comp but abstained on the equity plan. Yeah, it does change my opinion against Buffett given that he could have voted against the equity plan and been vocal that he want's fewer shares authorized and released over a longer time period. If he did this openly, Coke could have fixed the plan. Instead we have what I'm sure are compensation consultants driving important decisions regarding the company. He can also be quite clear that he's ok with executive compensation just not the equity plan as structured.
  14. It is a bit puzzling, but I do appreciate the fact that Becky questioned him about it and he expressed his disapproval on television for Coke management & BOD to hear. Ultimately the votes are not binding when it comes to compensation. Coke does know that he's not happy. Even if he voted against it, would that have changed the vote…The approval level would be a bit lower. I think Buffett hints in the interview that he doesn't want to alienate the board and I'm sure to him he cares more about keeping Muhtar focused on growing Coke than having him kicked out over compensation. Buffett's been around the block and he took the Dale Carnegie courses. Buffett doesn't want to sell any coke ever, so he cares more about the business being managed well versus causing a big stink on compensation. I would have preferred him voicing his opinion before the vote, but I think he didn't want to alienate management. He wants them to continue talking to him and not do something stupid with the business like the folks at Kraft. He was vocal about Kraft and he voted with his feet.
  15. Ahh…that makes sense, I was thinking in terms of overall investment. I didn't realize this was their largest initial investment, thank you for pointing that out!
  16. JEast, do you mean the largest investment this year or ever? Or is your comment in reference to them investing that much this year given their current macro outlook?
  17. I second that. Thanks for your summary! Glad to hear that all the weeks events went well. I'm glad you made it through all the events with flu. It's great having three days of packed events. I missed out this year.
  18. Very nice! Enjoyed the read and analysis. I'm glad he decided to write a post with his thoughts. Thanks AZ Value!
  19. Interesting! Hopefully all that information will lead to real changes at the exchanges or a push by customers to places like IEX.
  20. That is funny. Looking forward to reading the book.
  21. This is hilarious. It's in regard to the interview with Brad Katsuyama from Tuesday. BATS Forced to Correct Statements by President O’Brien on How Its Exchanges Work http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/04/03/bats-forced-to-correct-statements-by-president-obrien-on-how-its-exchanges-work/
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