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  1. JOE and a bit of OXY
  2. The S&P 500 Makes Up 51% of Global Stock Market Value 2023
  3. SPAC Kings Who Delivered 99% Losses Are Raising Billions Again
  4. Mitsubishi UFJ didn't get the memo? Time to update the employee handbook Japan’s largest bank apologizes over theft of millions of dollars from safe deposit boxes
  5. Gwynne Shotwell, the woman making SpaceX’s moonshot a reality
  6. just for fun: World’s Biggest Solo Stock-Picker Is Having Best Year Since 1991
  7. FT: Why America’s economy is soaring ahead of its rivals
  8. Crypto’s ‘Middle Child’ Ethereum Flounders as Rivals Gain Ground
  9. sold out of $PCYO at $14
  10. Oil Glut Set to Thwart Trump’s Call to ‘Frack, Frack, Frack’
  11. Offshore oil is back. At what cost?
  12. trimmed $PCYO in low $12s
  13. Why is ETH not moving up more?
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