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mcliu last won the day on September 25 2023

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  1. Don’t trade surplus countries subsidize trade deficit countries since exports of real goods and services are being paid with credit?
  2. Is it really only 3% of GDP? Isn't that only $70B or so? Isn't SU + CNQ revenue = $80B..? Yeah I agree, I think the tech sector in the US has driven a ton of growth and productivity. It's why the US is outperforming the entire world, not just Canada. That said, Canada's govt under Trudeau has been totally incompetent. We might not have caught up to the US, but we shouldn't be lagging so far behind either.
  3. mcliu


  4. mcliu

    Space X

    Aircraft, shipping, so many possible uses. Airplanes don't even have satellite tracking today, kind of insane right? There's probably tons of applications that we have not thought of because the enabling technology never existed. If there's data congestion, they can always put more satellites up there. There's so much space in space..
  5. Sorry, it's more of a rhetorical question. Anyone with common sense knows what's happening in Gaza is a tragedy but not a genocide. The media is at fault for parroting Hamas figures without skepticism. Anyhow it's absurd that these Palestinian "anti-zionist" supporters are protesting in Jewish neighbourhoods in Canada as if they have any influence over Israeli policy. It sounds like Israel and Hamas are close to a ceasefire agreement. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-war-ceasefire-egypt-qatar-264087c7a547031a9433ecbbdcd920d2
  6. How is it a genocide?
  7. Rare to see this today! All major economies are seeing debt/gdp ratios exploding higher. Surprise surprise, Palestinian health authority aka Hamas dramatically over-inflates Gaza civilians deaths.
  8. Guessing the top is hard but things feel pretty overbought right now. Everyone and their cousins are buying/speculating on stocks and crypto. Growth companies hitting 100x PE, 50x sales. Mature companies trading at 40x, 50x earnings. Shitcoins hitting record highs. Berkshire raising record cash. On the other hand, the US is still the most attractive market and one of the only big economies with a growth mindset. Rest of the world economy is slowing and has turned to financial easing (aka money printing). Tons of capital flowing into the US.
  9. https://nationalpost.com/news/hamas-vastly-inflated-gaza-death-statistics-study-shows
  10. mcliu

    Space X

    Awesome thanks! Has anyone ever used those secondary market to buy shares of private or pre-ipo companies?
  11. This is kind interesting. Israel has been running annual budget deficit (3-7%) for the last 25 years. But because their GDP has grown so quickly. Debt to GDP has gone from ~90% of GDP to ~60%.
  12. mcliu

    Space X

    Is there a way to buy SpaceX shares?
  13. Also crime. People are buying bollards for their driveways cause car theft has gotten so bad. We just don't have the budget for NATO because so much money is wasted here. CAD is breaking record lows. We don't even know what the deficit looks like for this year. Govt is bent on spending more and more. I guess that's what we should expect when the guy in charge thinks the "budget will balance itself".
  14. Ontario. Are you in Quebec? I think Ontario's in a bigger mess than most of the country because most newcomers end up here.
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