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Everything posted by LC

  1. Theoretically yes as near term cash flows of value stocks are more valuable (relatively) with higher rates
  2. As someone who is 40% cash or so, I really appreciate the thread. I think the businesses I was buying in 2020 are pehaps higher quality on the average, but the price:value ratio has really gone out of whack. I will particularly look into the multi-fam REITs. I am not so great in the REIT space, are these best held in tax-deferred accounts due to the divs/distributions?
  3. Congrats to her! I know nothing about music but I thought it sounded really good. Really impressive for a teenager!
  4. Interesting company. Thanks for sharing. It also has an interesting valuation - roughly 50x forward revenue ( give it take). The Motley Fool Industryfocus Podcast discusses AI in their 12/4 episode. Valuation? What’s that? :D
  5. Interesting company. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Disagree on the classification on #1. They will sell when their life goals are met and they realize that to buy a home, car, etc....all will need dollars. I read a post on Reddit a few days ago, guy made a few 100k on Bitcoin over 8 or so years and sold to pay off his parents mortgage, buy them a car, give them a nest egg, plus some for himself. Maybe a moot point in the grand scheme but just saying, you may be a monetary anarchist until you need a roof :)
  7. Bought Berkshire. When there’s trouble in the kingdom, retreat to the castle!
  8. This is a poll to record forum member's cash balances as a percent of investable funds. Although I suppose you can define that however you would like (e.g. whether to include retirement accounts, mortgages, etc.). I also made the votes changeable, so it can be updated over time. Personally I am just under 50% cash, hopefully Mr. Market presents opportunity to dramatically reduce that as I prefer to be fully or almost-fully invested.
  9. Ok that makes a lot more sense - thanks for providing the context. I wonder what the price:TAM is for a bridge in Brooklyn?
  10. Castanza, I was going to post the same thing. I saw it on reddit/securityanalysis yesterday :D It is an interesting read to hear his thoughts, particularly the bit on "fundamentals", where in my opinion he somewhat contradicts himself: And then in the very next paragraph: I think he is partially right and partially wrong. How can he say fundamentals are merely metrics used to sell stock, when he asks the same question to private investors. Asking "how soon can I get my money back?" and ignoring earnings or sales ratios is kind of silly. BTW, have you or anyone read the book he recommended, "The Number by Alex Berenson"? Probably I should post in the correct forum.
  11. Thanks for the update. What does it say when Berkshire, Amazon, and JPM cannot "disrupt" a certain industry?
  12. Thanks for the info, boilermaker. At this point, your options strategy on Brk is know to me as “a boilermaker” :)
  13. Rb, I agree with your overall conclusion. I had no real good ideas, rather all I did this year was triple-down back in March April and use that early sell off to upgrade positions into better companies, buying a GreatCo at 70c versus a GoodCo at 50c. Then got lucky end of year with big moves upward in live nation and cloud flare among others. Frankly I hope every year I can be lucky rather than good.
  14. Somewhere in the 30-40 range but I have to sit down and calculate the exact percentage.
  15. Agreed, Happy New Year!
  16. The year end post mortems should be thought provoking for sure.
  17. That's wild. Where did you get that information?
  18. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/monetary-policy-recession.asp
  19. Agreed on two points: the strong hands argument, and also being prepared for declines. Regulation can be frightening, I am trying to discount the probability and effects of the govt taking their slice. Are you buying the currencies outright or via some other manner (eg MSTR mentioned previously)?
  20. Appreciate the post, Aberhound. I missed the boat on cryptocurrencies but perhaps it is never too late and an allocation is in order.
  21. For the super whisky nerd, I recommend a trip to Denver: http://www.pintspub.com/malt-whisky.html http://www.pintspub.com/assets/whiskybook-4-7-18.pdf
  22. Time for feats of strength and the airing of grievances! Merry Xmas :)
  23. And what if you don’t know but want to maximize your upside and minimize your downside? ;)
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