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Everything posted by Luke

  1. See, that is the problem. You are already in a world war block mindset, "rivals". Highly dangerous. We "have to have defenses" combined with "rivals" is a big threat to any country and makes putins invasion even more understandable ironically. It became obvious that US foreign policy is quite hostile, china knows it, BRICS knows it.
  2. Its still Putins fault to attack them for it but we did our own part. Its not an excuse, just an observation. And the invasion is still not okay. I want immediate stopping of intelligence support for ANY Ukrainian operations, stop delivering any education or training to Ukrainians, stop sending any weapons and THEN see how long Ukraine could last. They already received hundreds of billions in weapons so youd have to discount that too. Absolutely not.
  3. The majority of the world did NOT join into these really quite useless sanctions that rather backfired and lead to an even more hostile western political climate due to the inflation etc. We now still buy russian energy but over more complicated ways and other countries which is a complete political joke and farce. China and Co now have the nice cheap russian energy that we lack and for what? So that this war can go on for a couple of months/years and will lead to ukraine becoming the defect rumpsteak putin wants it to be? Easier to just immediately stop the funding and stop wasting the tax dollars. We completely lost communications with russian administration too so the relationship needs to be rebuilt in the first place.
  4. Its quite the interesting and balanced view. Disagree! If mexicans would want to join a chinese military alliance that wants to build some rockets close to the us with mexican chinese interoperability, theyd face the same as the ukrainians face now. They receive hundreds of billions of dollars worth of advanced weapons from foreign unfriendly forces (to russia), receive US and Nato intelligence information about russian positions etc, this is not just the ukranian men fighting, i cant blame putin for saying its a proxy war.
  5. Countries: China Pretty much anything is cheap there right now, mega caps, small caps.
  6. Really hard to make any predictions on these "what if" situations, perhaps then we would have a different Europe and different geopolitical climate etc.
  7. Really like to own this via Exor but have no deep opinion on that particular industry. Not a bad business and produces cash for exor.
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66542065 Thousands often try to sneak out of the country, mostly across the Carpathian mountains to Romania. For those who stay, mass group chats help them avoid being drafted. Telegram threads give tip-offs on where drafting officers are patrolling. There are chats for different regions and cities across the country, sometimes with more than 100,000 members each. The family of one military draft chief in Odesa were even accused recently of buying cars and property on Spain's southern coast costing millions of dollars. The officer reportedly denies any knowledge of this. The family of Yevhen Borysov, military draft chief in Odesa, has purchased property and cars worth millions of dollars on the Spanish coast during the full-scale war. Records from the Spanish registry evidence this, although Borysov himself claims that he does not know whether his family has any property in Spain. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/06/22/7407993/ Two months following the exposure of information that Borysov's family had acquired a villa in Spain worth over €3 million, and that his wife purchased an office space on the main street of the Spanish city of Marbella, and several expensive cars, Ukrainska Pravda (UP) has obtained records from the Spanish registry for both the villa and the office space.
  9. Yep, Germany is on its way to more than 5% of its annual total household budget for this war, around 25b. If you set budgets into perspective thats around the same what the US spent. For us way more than things like education etc. pp. NO inspector that sees where the money goes, LOL!
  10. Yeah, sums up pretty much the state of the west. Inflation hit the middle class severely, they have been neglected for too long, average white middle class citizen is angry and disappointed and sees his taxed dollar thrown out the house for some weird foreign military projects, real needs are not looked after by the parties etc.
  11. I'd say that looking at the last 80 years, NATO and the US have been doing more aggressive military moves/funding/interventions than China and Russia and that sets things well into perspective. "Do as we command, not as we did"! That doesn't matter for this discussion and doesn't justify anything, if you take china, they did one of the greatest wealth creations on earth Germany had a flourishing scientific and industrial base before WW2, we had growth pretty much all over Europe so that is not something unique what happened in Germany but rather the European industrial machine that started with the industrial revolution in England IMO. Yes, Ukraine could have done many things and some of them might have happened if there wouldn't have been continued expansion and tingling by the west with Ukraine. Putin doesnt offer much and its completely understandable that they want to join NATO and all the rest BUT the neighbor is not accepting that, same as the US wouldnt accept chinese/russian missiles and mexico joining foreign military alliances. Now Putin would rather destroy Ukraine so that there is nothing left to join anything anymore and set a statement, which is obviously monstrous and vicious. The west started to happily join fighting against Russians, throwing more and more coal into the fire, sending more and more heavy weapons and joining the 0 negotiation with russia clause that the selensky administration set. The dying will continue until Ukraine is bombed to nothing and most men are dead, easily thinkable Putin will use some smaller nuclear bombs if he is pushed enough into a corner.
  12. And the EU is not up against a tyrant, Ukraine is. It's not our war, we have some responsibility for the cause but that doesnt mean we should do what we are doing. Right now germany still imports russian gas but via ships and other countries (so stupid and for a higher price even) just because we thought its a good idea to "get tough" with russia.
  13. Always reverse the logic and try to think about what the US would do if there would be a chinese/russian "defensive" military alliance that starts to expand around the US and starts talking with mexico about setting up some missiles operated together with mexican military. We saw that happening before and the US got very very threatening with violence.
  14. Haha yeah, saw that one going down. I'm still only nibbling.
  15. Thanks for sharing, good you found some fountain of refreshing views on today's politics. I continue to enjoy Sahra Wagenknecht for quality alternative viewpoints regarding Ukraine, Covid etc. Hated and loved by many in our country
  16. Its scandalous, was such a severe attack on the economy and its citizens, a shame it went so much under the rug. Also hilarious how collectively everybody here thinks their government doesnt know what its doing and that the people are incompetent. The hierarchies are corrupted! True for the US, Germany, Canada, doesnt matter which country.
  17. Luke


    Yeah...PDD is sketchy for sure. Would never make it a large position, numbers look great, if they are real.
  18. Analyst estimates are at 1.7b earnings in 2025. With a 20x multiple thats more than 50% gain from here and one can still stay for the compounding over time.
  19. I have owned it for a couple of months with a starter position, down 30% from where I bought. Building up the position, think it's a great business with decent management. Regarding regulations, I think unregulated will either stay unregulated for some time or morph into regulated markets. Business is still growing revenues 30% QoQ with increasing margins and trades at 20x earnings. Onlinecasino market continues to grow, digitalization/VR tailwinds etc. Regarding entain: “It appears a lot of the weakness is driven by sporting results, which should normalise over time.” Jette Nygaard-Andersen, Entain’s chief executive, stressed that the gambling operator “[continued] to see good underlying growth in our online business” as well as strong full-year earnings “despite softer than expected revenue growth in Q3 and the ongoing roll-out of industry-leading safer gambling measures”. https://www.ft.com/content/a0b32ffe-b602-4f84-b787-cecadb204bab Industry is hated, otherwise it wouldn't trade at 20x earnings at that growth.
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