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Luke last won the day on February 23

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  1. They are trying to do it before the old Parlament is in place with votes of the old Parlament.
  2. More Rheinmetall
  3. Yeah agree. You know guys, after having really tried a lot also in private with family and friends to defend a diplomatic more into trump/orban leaning solution for this conflict, i realize that 80-90% of the public in europe fully supports this war to continue at ukraines will without making any accomodations. Even the greens in germany want a military to gdp budget of 3.5%, maybe more. Does NTM 45 PE for a rheinmetall look expensive to whats coming to europe in terms of defense investments? I dont think so. If the left in germany also support further defense investments then we are really in for a treat regarding investments in weapons. A treat that will last a long time.
  4. Nukes are not the only thing that matters, it helps to create enough of a MAD situation so there is no nuclear war. You still need to be able to win a ground war which demands hundreds if not trillions of investments in ground war weaponry.
  5. Okay, i am now profiting of this war and very long EU weapon producer. Trump is bad! Ukraine needs more weapons, we need to buy way more weapons!
  6. I am going hardcore long Rheinmetall with leveraged Knockout certificate open end.
  7. I opened a thread - rheinmetall where we can profit from this conflict going on and on. Maybe then I will finally enjoy watching all these meetings where nobody wants diplomacy, bashes Trump for trying to get a ceasefire and demands more and more weapons against the attacker russia. Maybe just buy rheinmetall calls and get rich of of it?
  8. Lets go!!!!
  9. Rheinmetall up 10% this morning trading now at 66x earnings selling tanks, drones whatever at 50% gross margin Welcome to the beautiful new world where we will soon invest trillions of euros as a united europe into tanks that will likely stand still in warehouses and not be used just for "deterrence". Why shouldnt you go long if you think that is what should and is going to happen?
  10. And surely John enjoys reading because you wouldnt keep posting if it wouldnt be interesting!
  11. Musk is not the highest official of this country while Selensky is.
  12. "We are funding a stalemate and a meatgrinder"
  13. That surely will not be possible without Russia knowing way in advance and immediately escalating further, maybe going nuclear? What would you do then? Is dictated peace still unacceptable if those are possible outcomes?
  14. Dictated peace is worse than having WW3, got it
  15. To think that Russia can be attacked like Nazigermany was attacked is lunacy, Hitler has nuclear warheads now and they will be used if the state is in danger. Will you guys then also push for nuclear attacks on russia? Moscow for example? Are these regions in ukraine worth a nuclear holocaust and the deathcount going from 1m to 50m and 10% of the earths land destroyed? You make it look like that is the case if you deal with moral absolutes and want zero diplomacy.
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