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Everything posted by texual

  1. If you or anyone else comes across any books that are related to Chinese/Taiwan/HK or any major Asian real estate and property, corporate history or otherwise - please share! I would love to get a perspective on things like Evergrande, or just how the Chinese cities grew over the last half century.
  2. I ordered it and eager to check it out. Thanks for the recc.
  3. My father is a physician and still practicing. This is USA centric (I am aware of the issues in the UK and Canada). I outearn him and have a better quality of life and hours than he did in a similar phase of his career/age. Genuinely curious where this myth about the golden age of being a doctor began. If any of you have children considering a career, I would not hesitate to suggest getting the MD and being in command of your destiny. I'm free to speak more privately if there is any questions. Anyways no reason to derail the thread - I would not suggest dentistry as an alternative. They struggle quite a bit with overhead and liability plus many are private practice - most docs today work for hospitals or medical groups where they can at least compete for administration to pony up. I hate to have to say this but I love this career and what I do, cant imagine doing anything else (my folks were lax about me trying things like arch, law and realizing its not where I belong). Its fascinating work and never boring!
  4. Mid 30's physician. Disagree on the posts about our profession being somehow eroded - Medscape and all measures of income, growth and demand are across the board up, and continuing to project that trend. I've never heard of a physician worse off 3-5-7 years after graduating residency. But your milage can vary. Blue collar assembly line job? Is there any more detail to where this comes from? I worked both in hospitals and state facilities, W2, now 1099. I now command my own hours and pay. I use an LLC. I've got more business sense than my peers - but for the most part I don't know anyone who would believe they're not well compensated for their work.
  5. It’s still flying after hours. 8…12…15…. to the moon. Up 25% AH
  6. I watch and watch and wonder what I’m supposed to do when it’s raining money. Totally bonkers. Was thinking it seemed like a fun idea at 26 dollars on the 4th. Darkness, my old friend…
  7. I loved this title. A shout out to all the research put into it. A shout out to another book called Do You Want to Make Money or Would You Rather Fool Around? John D. Spooner (johndspooner.com)
  8. Yesterday; Bought large positions in Paypal, Block Bought smaller position in Intel, GM, Bought even smaller positions in Paramount Global B, Spirit Airlines, Jetblue
  9. COIN Accumulated position through 2022, 2023, sold 1/3 at 75. Sold 2/3 of the remaining position yesterday and today.
  10. Got teary eyed on my drive home after seeing the news pop up. In other news, I ordered the updated Poor Charlies Almanac which should be released soon and cannot wait to read it. RIP. https://www.amazon.com/Poor-Charlies-Almanack-Essential-Charles-ebook/dp/B0C5TCGPPS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=OXZLD6CQFEB2&keywords=poor+charlie's+almanack&qid=1701208035&sprefix=poor+char%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1
  11. Last week I sold completely out of Netflix.
  12. Last week I increased positions for General Motors and Bank Of America.
  13. Yesterday I tripled my small position on Spirit Airlines and started a small position in Jetblue - will monitor the merger arb situation. I also started a entry position on Paramount Global B
  14. I'm heading to Miami for Bitcoin 2023 which is from May 18-20. Anyone else going? Hit me up. Would love to meet others who are going to be there.
  15. Contrarian play after reading this thread: I should return to NYC. Prove me wrong.
  16. Planning on selling my ibonds in August/September and rolling these into treasury bills. I've been laddering short term paper for a few months to capture some of the yield. 4-17 week duration only. I think I did get a 26 week note. The rates are a bit up/down lately and could potentially drop but I would prefer to just sock it into the market if that happened.
  17. Adding ATVI regularly and ongoing. Merger should be approved for 95/sh. Also, "Our Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.47 per common share, payable on May 6, 2021, to shareholders of record at the close of business on April 15, 2021." Its not much but its something to consider if interested in the arbitrage. Will have more clarity in a few weeks as to the EU/CMA regulators. All signs point to approval.
  18. guys stroked out get rid of him hes. a. clown.
  19. Floating Rate Notes — TreasuryDirect I hope this helps. I did purchase this in a small amount just to have an alternative to the i-bond, and a variety of short duration paper as part of a cash strategy over the next 6 months.
  20. The past few weeks I began laddering with TreasuryDirect for new issues starting from 1 month up to 26 weeks, no further out at this time. This is checking account money that would not get anything just sitting. I have transferred a bunch into coinbase and bought USDC stablecoin with its 1.5% APY which is fine. They have a 4% debit card I use, but that rate fluctuates month to month. Got creamed on Intel and the dividend cut made me realize how shifty the economy is going to get if things worsen. Decided against using the brokerage and paying spreads. Don't know enough about CD's, munis or corporates to feel comfortable putting up nearly all my cash that I don't need for a few weeks at play. TreasuryDirect it is. I suspect a few more months of this will persist and then it will turn. At that point turn off the spigot and review opportunities in the market. I think every so often there is a window like this where anyone can safely make money with treasuries and not get stuck in a trap. Keep the duration short, ladder, and size appropriately.
  21. Fully agree. Humans are for all intents and purposes tribal. Sports teams. Your political party. Your console. Religion. When one wanes another one waxes. Its just the way of things. We always look up to something higher, idolize or move from one pole to another. Doubtful even the best of us will be free of subjective idolatry and the like. Just always go for the more profitable ones. Or diversify into enough Gods that you wind up with the Messiah
  22. Nothing beats fresh air, a modern restoration of a farm house or georgian colonial and a small community town. Former NYC. Now living in the woods, in a nice home fully modern with a couple acres. I enjoy bourbon, guns and listening to music by my fire pit and watching fog roll by. Dogs seem to enjoy it too, no complaints. Lots of turkeys to chase. Groundhog wars in the summer. Can't say I imagined this a few years ago when I was all about the city. Now you'd have to take me hostage to go anywhere near a population center.
  23. They are also lucky to have largely avoided bloated corporate structure and hierarchy. they have a minimal office staff. likely few to no meetings on a day to day basis. they make investment decisions only when they want to. doubtful they're having to field shareholder phone calls. deals come by every so often. so these guys are literally able to read all day everyday and what a blessing. that and taking naps. i'd be inclined to say this form of a job is both unique and not easy to come by. working from home and being a freelancer etc or even running your own business rarely leads to such an astonishing amount of free time day to day where reading and learning at will are the primary job. i'm thinking this is what i'd do in retirement. right now i've crafted a schedule with a daytime goal of reading 100 pages in downtime which works out to 500 pages a week. i can't imagine having the stomach to read more than 100 pages but maybe it takes a special person - and these are very special people indeed.
  24. Sometimes I must step back from the overly complicated visionary twitter bitcoin people. I'd say they're most similar to the people who were making prognostications about the internet in its infancy. Like predictions of what it could be or do in 10-20-30 years. I suspect a lot of it was infused with religious themes, concepts that were alien at the time - some of it turns out right and some of it wrong. Heres what I'll say - in The Bitcoin Standard the closest analogy to btc are rai stones of the yap islands. I spent considerable time on that subject and now all I would tell someone about bitcoin is not to go all in to the metaphoric, social and political aspects and just consider the rai stone. Do you like the rai stone concept of scarcity, work/labor and public transparency? yes? bitcoin is basically the 21st century version of that. there is a absolute finite supply and that can also help people understand the benefits when compared to fiat money supply. And so when I'm on twitter and people are going into why bitcoin is truth and mathematics and a goddess I can understand why this may be a turnoff.
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