Many Fairfax shareholders are now concerned about FFH being overweight in their portfolios. Obviously the reason we are overweight is primarily due to the excellent performance of the share price.
Unless one believes Fairfax shares are going to suddenly reverse direction, being overweight is not necessarily a bad thing. I have owned shares in Fairfax for 17 years, not sold a share and added over time.
Looking back over the years, yes there have been periods when the market surged and FFH shares did not. But people tend to forget that there were also quite a few periods when the market nosedived while FFH shares surged or maintained their value, and that often helped me sleep at night.
I am just a dumb average joe and by no means a sophisticated investor. Had I traded in and out of Fairfax over the years, there is no way I would have been able to predict when to have bought and sold to my advantage.
So for me at least, I am not going to sell my shares simply because the company is doing so well.